Audio Flashcards
_____serves an inhibitory function and ____ anxiety
GABA, decreases
_____ is an excitatory NT and is linked to LTP
_____ is linked to attention, learning, and movement
______drugs are used to treat nausea, IBS, motion sickness
cholinergic = ____ which is a NT implicated in ____ and ____
Ach, Alzheimer’s and OCD
noredronergic = ____ and is linked to OCD but not as much as ____
norepinephrine , seratonin
most effective drugs for OCD are _______
damage to ____ results in slurred speech, jerky movements
olfaction bypasses the _____ and goes straight to the ______
thalamus, limbic system
Damage to the _____ is linked to Parkinson’s, Huntington’s
basal ganglia
OCD and Tourettes = damage to the
basal ganglia
_____ region is especially important in declarative and spatial memories
PTSD and depression linked to ____
sex hormones are monitored and regulated by the _____
the ____ connect the two halves of the _____ and plays a role in the integration of ____
pons, cerebellum, movement
2 prominent traits of the cerebral cortex include
1-hemispheric dominance
injury to the left hemisphere would result in the _____ of ____ emotions
increase of negative
stimulation to the left hemiphere would result in the _____ of _____ emotions
increase of positive
stimulation to the right hemiphere would result in the _____ of _____ emotions
increase of negative
injury to the right hemisphere would result in the _____ of ____ emotions
increase of positive
if damage to prefrontal cortex, what kind of memory issues would you have?
working memory
contralateral neglect = damage to the _____ lobe
gerstman’s syndrome = damage to the
L parietal
wernicke’s area is in the ____ lobe
if wernicke’s area is damaged, can have ___ speech which is ___ of content
fluid, devoid
wernicke’s and broca’s areas are connected by the _______, and damage to that leads to _______ aphasia
arcuit fissiculus, conduction aphasia
prosopagnosia is trouble recognizing _____ which results from damage to the _____
faces, occipital lobe
In TBI, retrograde and anterograde amnesia can occur. Regarding retrograde, the ____ memories return ____, which is known as
older (remote) return first aka shrinking retrograde amnesia
antipsychotics are aka
atypical antipsychotics affect which NTs
Dopamine, Seratonin, Norepinephrine, Glutamate
Agranulocytosis is a side effect of _______, which reflects severe ____ in _____ blood cell count
atypical antipsychotics, decrease, white blood cells
TCAs block the reuptake of _____ and can be lethal due to potentially being _____
Norepinephrine, cardiotoxic
Due to their potential for being cardiotoxic, don’t give ____ to suicidal and people with heart conditions
SEs of ____ include nausea, vomiting, sexual dysfunction
____ block the enzymes that breakdown norepinephrine and _______
MAOIs, seratonin
SEs of ___ include confusion, tremor, anticholinergic
combining an MAOI with ______ can result in a ________ crisis
antihistamine, hypertensive
_____ stimulate the inhibitory aspect of GABA
SEs of ____ include drowsiness, lethargy, slurred speech
what kind of drugs can result in increased tolerance and rebound excitability
______mimic or increase _____ and norepinephrine
Stimulants, dopamine
SEs of ______ include decreased appetite, abdominal pain, anxiety, irritability, and some children’s growth is ______
stimulants, suppressed
SEs of ____ include nausea, thirst, urination, hand tremor
aggression and deindividuation is attributed to ______, who said that _____ can lead to _____ aggression.
zimbardo, anonymity, increased
social identity theory says that we have _____ and _____ identities and the most salient one depends on the ______
individual, group, situation
minority influence is more ____ and more likely to result in ____ or internalization of the opinion while majority influence usually results in ____
enduring, acceptance, compliance
the 3 factors that minority’s influence depends on:
1) instill doubt in majority
2) firm stance without being dogmatic
3) alternative & coherent POV
the selection, evaluation, and training of people
personnel psychology
difference between halo, central tendency, strictness, and leniency biases is
halo affects one person and the others affect everyone
criterion measures used to eliminate rater bias are either _____ or ______
relative or comparative
relative measures don’t provide adequate chances to
give feedback
what’s it called when the employer follows the employee around and records outstanding or very poor performance
Critical Incident Technique
best way to improve rater accuracy is to provide with more _____ with a focus on _____ skills rather than focusing on _____
provide them with more training focusing on observational skills instead of biases
focuses on varying levels of effectiveness for each dimension of job performance
frame of reference training
you would conduct a _______ to see if training is needed to improve employee performance
needs assessmnt
the 3 factors of a needs assessment include
job analysis, person analysis, and organizational analysis
when different groups score different on predictors but the same on criterion
what’s the best remedy for unfairness
use different cutoff scores
when a predictor’s validity coefficient is substantially different for different group of people
differential validity
habituation is used to study memory in ____
length of time a newborn pays attention to different stimuli implies if he remembers it or not…shorter amount of attention means
he remembers it
studies show that infants give clear signs of _____ memory
operant conditioning is used for studies of ____ recall while deferred imitation is for ____ recall
cued, delayed
having someone model a sequence of actions in front of a baby and then return the baby to see if he will repeat the actions is a study of
delayed recall
children’s development of memory strategies in order
rehearsal, organizational, elaborative
undergratification of the oral stage results in what in childhood and what in adulthood
adult-critical, sarcastic
overgratification of the oral stage can result in
smoking, compulsive eating
frequency of visits of noncustodial father by itself is / is not predictive of the child’s outcome
is not
for boys, greater frequency of contact by the noncustodial father has a better outcome when which 2 conditions are met?
1) authoritative style of parenting
2) good relationship with custodial mother
freuds stages
1) Oral - birth - 1 yr
2) Anal - 1-3 yrs
3) Phallic - 3-6 yrs
4) Latency - 6-12 yrs
5) Genital - 12+
piaget’s stages of cognitive dvlpmt
Sensorimotor - birth -2 years
Preoperational - 2-7
Concrete Operational - 7-11/12
Formal Operational - 11/12+
piaget’s stages of moral dvlpmt
heteronomous - 6-10
autonomous - 11/12
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant exercises his own reflexes, it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
reflexive schemas (birth-1)
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant varies an action to see its consequences, it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
tertiary circular reactions (12-18)
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant tries to reproduce a pleasurable event involving other people/objects (shaking a rattle), it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
secondary circular reactions (4-8)
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant develops representational (symbolic) thought and can think of objects in past events, it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
mental representation (18-24)
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant combines schemas into new, more complex action sequences, it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
coordinated secondary circular reactions (8-12)
In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, when an infant attempts to repeat pleasurable events involving his own body, it’s called ____ and occurs during which months
primary circular reactions (1-4)
In Piaget’s theory, conservation depends on ____ and _____
decentration, reversibility
In Piaget’s theory, the order in which one acquires the understanding of conservation is ____, ____, ____, and ____.
s, length, mass, liquid
Spearman proposed a ___ factor for all tasks and a ___ factor for specific tasks
g and s
Sternberg says that traditional tests focus on ____ aspects but neglect ____ and _____
analytical, creativity, practicality
The BG is a screener for impairment, has ___ cards, and is for ages ___
16, 3+
A score of ____ or below on the MMSE indicates impairment
An issue with the MMSE is that it lacks ____ in ____ forms of impairment
sensitivity, milder
A negative for both the BG and MMSE is that they’re affected by one’s
The SB5 has a lot of items that are appropriate for both low and high functioning people, therefore it has a ___ floor and ___ ceiling
low, high
the WISC has the same scales as the WAIS plus the extra ______ scale and ancillary scales that are specific to _____ difficulties
fluid reasoning, learning
When an IV is _____ the investigator does not manipulate it; rather, he measures the subject’s status on it (age, gender)
A likert scale is an example of a ____ score and IQ scores are ___ scores
ordinal, interval
reducing alpha ____ power
A one way ANOVA shows if there are ___ effects for the ___
main for the IV
Facotrial ANOVA shows if there are ____ and ____ effects
main and interaction
In correlational research we refer to the IV as the _____ and the DV as the ______
predictor, criterion
In regression analysis, the correlation coefficient is indicated by ___ and it reflects the association between how many predictors and criteria?
r, 1 and 1
when “r” is squared in a correlation, it indicates a correlation of _____ aka shared ______
determination, variability
In multiple regression analysis, the correlation coefficient is indicated by ___, and it reflects the association between how many predictors and criteria?
R, 2+, 1
when R is squared, it indicates a correlation of _____ determination, which reflects the shared _____ of all the predictors and criterion
multiple, variability
What do you use when there are 2 or more predictors for 2 or more criterion?
canonical correlation
A _______ analysis is used for 2 or more predictors and ___ nominal score
discriminant function analysis, 1 Nominal criterion
A ________ is less restrictive than a discriminant function analysis and it’s used if any of the ______ are not met for a discriminant function analysis, which say that scores are ____ distributed, ____ related, and have ___ variances within groups
logistic regression, assumptions, normally, linearly, equal