Hydro Wk 13 - Burnout/Compassion Fatigue Flashcards
What is burnout, and how is it defined in ICD-11?
Burnout is chronic workplace stress that is not well managed, characterized by:
1. Energy depletion or exhaustion.
2. Mental distance, negativism, or cynicism about one’s job.
3. Reduced professional efficacy.
It is specific to work and is not a medical condition.
What is compassion fatigue?
Compassion fatigue is the emotional cost of caring for others, often resulting from the desire to relieve their suffering. Also known as vicarious or secondary trauma, it occurs when others’ trauma affects the caregiver.
What are some signs of compassion fatigue?
- Helplessness and powerlessness.
- Reduced empathy and sensitivity.
- Feeling detached or numb.
- Emotional exhaustion and irritability.
- Sleep disturbances and physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, nausea).
- Neglect of self-care and increased substance use.
How can burnout and compassion fatigue be addressed?
- Set and maintain boundaries.
- Practice self-awareness and recognize limitations.
- Pause and reflect.
- Consider self-compassion as a helpful strategy.
How do burnout and compassion fatigue differ?
Burnout is work-related, while compassion fatigue is linked to helping professions and emotional caregiving.