Human disease L14: endocrinology 3 – adrenal disease Flashcards
Q1: which of these is a feature of Cushing’s syndrome? 1
. Hypoglycaemia
- Hypertension
- Weight loss
- Syncope
- Hyperpigmentation?
Q2: true or false people with Cushing’s syndrome are at increased risk of oral infections?
Q3: which of these is a feature of adrenal insufficiency?
- Weight loss
- Striae of the skin
- Poor wound healing
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hirsutism?
Weight loss
Q4: true or false? People with adrenal insufficiency taking steroid replacement therapy require special consideration for dental treatment under GA.
Q5: the adrenal glands cortex is split in to three groups what are they?
- Zona glomerulosa
- Zona fasciculata
- Zona reticularis

Q6: different regions of the cortex release different hormones, which region releases mineralocorticoid hormones (aldosterone)?
Zona glomerulosa

Q7: different regions of the cortex release different hormones, which region releases glucocorticoids (cortisol)?
Zona fasciculata

Q8: different regions of the cortex release different hormones, which region releases androgens?
Zona reticularis

Q9: which hormone is the medulla responsible for releasing?

Q10: adrenal cortex disease is usually a result of too much or too less of these two particular hormones?
Glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid hormone.
Q11: do the adrenal glands work on a negative feedback loop?
Yes they do.
Q12: cortisol is a steroid hormone, in the glucocorticoid class of hormones, what does cortisol do in the body?
Cortisol is the primary stress hormone, it increases sugars in the bloodstream, enhances your brains use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissue.
Q13: aldosterone is a steroid hormone, in the mineralocorticoid class of hormone, what does aldosterone do in the body?
Its main role in the body is to retain salt and water in the body, thus having an effect on blood pressure.
Q14: an excess of cortisol and aldosterone in the body results in the development of which condition?
Cushing’s syndrome.
Q15: what is usually the reason for an increase in glucocorticoid steroids in the body?
Usually due to iatrogenic glucocorticoid administration.
Q16: if there is an excess in adrenal mineralocorticoid in the body, this would lead to the development of which condition?
Q17: what are the typical features of hyperaldosteronism?
- Hypertension (aldosterone regulates the salt and water in body, excess aldosterone, results in excess retention of salt and water)
- Hypokalaemia (muscle weakness) aldosterone retains salt and water, however it increases the loss of potassium, this causes muscle weakness.
Q18: what would be the treatment options for Cushing’s syndrome? 1.
Reverse what is reversible (minimise dose of glucocorticoids if possible).
- Surgical removal of adrenal or pituitary adenomas.
Q19: what are the dental aspects of Cushing’s syndrome?
Hyperglycaemia and immune suppression – increased risk of oral infections, especially candida. Poorer wound healing.
Q20: adrenal insufficiency is a rare disorder, which is also known as?
Addisons disease
Q21: what are the early symptoms of addisons disease?
Early symptoms of Addison’s disease include lack of energy, weakness, increased thirst and a low mood. The symptoms can get gradually worse over time
Q22: what is addisons disease?
Addisons disease is also known as primary adrenal insufficiency. It is a rare disorder of the glands not being able to produce enough hormones (cortisol and aldosterone)
Q23: what are the features of adrenal crisis?
- Hypotension
- Hypovolaemic shock (heart unable to pump blood to they body resulting in blood not perfusing to the organs, leading to organ failure).
- Acute abdominal pain
- Low-grade fever
- Vomiting
- Hypoglycaemia
Q24: what is the general rule for people with addison’s disease, if they are under physical stress, such as during a period of illness or strenuous exercise, to reduce the risk of adrenal crisis?
It is imperative for the person to increase their corticosteroid cover when under those conditions.
Q25: what is the name of cortisol when supplied as a medication?
Q26: what is the function of mineralocorticoids:
they are a class of hormones that regulate salt and water balance, aldosterone is the primary mineralocorticoid.