HLB AKT Radiography Flashcards
What type of imaging modality would you use to assess LV function?
What type of imaging modality would you use if you suspected someone had a pneumothorax?
What is the first line diagnostic imaging test used for pericardial disorders?
Which type of imaging modality is very good at identifying pleural pathology?
Air in the pleural space is a __________
Fluid in the pleural space is a ____________
pleural effusion
What type of imaging is indicated for someone who has had significant trauma to the thorax?
CT thorax
What imaging is best for evaluating a pulmonary embolism?
CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA)
What type of imaging is helpful in cancer staging?
Another name for a transverse imaging plane is
Another name for the frontal plane is
Another name for the median plane is
The four pulmonary veins empty into the
left atrium
The right subclavian vein and right internal jugular vein join to form the ___________ vein.
right brachiocephalic (remember “brachio” = arm and cephalic = head)
What vertebral level is the angle of Louis?
Angle of Louis is between T4 and T5
What is the major landmark associated with the division of the trachea into the left and right main bronchi?
This occurs at the carina, which is at the angle of Louis (vertebral level T4-T5)
In which main bronchus do foreign bodies tend to become lodged?
In the right main bronchus, as it is straighter and wider than the left
Name the fissures of the right lung
Oblique and horizontal
Remember the left lung has Only Oblique
A plain film radiograph taken from the side (in a sagittal plane) is also known as a
lateral CXR
What chest pathology shows up as “blunting” (areas of white) in the costophrenic angle?
Pleural effusion
What are the hallmarks of a pleural effusion on CXR?
Opacification and a meniscus (“Looping up” towards the lateral aspect of the lung)
The air in the lung fields of a patient with a pneumothorax would appear _______ on CT
Pt presents with dyspnoea, substernal chest pain, partly relieved by sitting forward. Echocardiogram shows fluid around the heart. What is the diagnosis?
Pericardial effusion