History - Henry Flashcards
henry: what act in parliment does wolsey pass in 1515?
in 1515 wolsey passes an act in parliament called Act of resumption that takes back lands the king has given out to make money on it
he also many a new tax called a subsidy baced on the wealth of the people, this made the king more money
henry: what are the eltham ordinances and what year where they devised
in 1519 wolsey devised a plan to get rid of the staff in the royal household that did not like him, no changes were ever made
henry: what is an annulment and why could henry get one
it is a cancelling of a marrage, similar to a divorce, on the bacis that the marrage was not valid from the start. Henry’s argument was that he could not marry the wife of his dead brother. (Catherine of argon)
henry: what was the amicable grant and what was the affect
in 1525 wolsey collected a tax without asking parliment to fund a war against france. it was to be given out of the kindness of the people hearts. people could not afford to pay, the church did not want to pay, there was a rebellion is suffolk and wolsey had to abandon the grant, Henry abandoned his plans to war with France
henry: who had power over the pope was the nephew of Henry’s wife when henry wanted to get his great matter solved?
Charles V
henry: what was the kings great matter
this was the kings want for an anulment with catherine of aragon
henry: what was the oath of succession and what was its punishment
this was an oath that all of the people of Britain had to swear (a promise to god) that anne boelyn was the rightfully queen and any children would be the heir (Elizabeth) this also removed princess Mary as a possible heir, if you refused to swear this meant you’d be punished as a traitor, meaning execution.
henry: what is the act of suppression and when was it passed
1534, this act said that Henry’s marrage to catherine of aragon was invalid, giving henry his annulment, princess mary was declared invalid and was now not the legitemate heir to the throne
henry: what was the act of supremacy and when was it
in 1534 the act of supremacy was declared to be the head of the church
henry: what was the impact of the act of supremacy on the church
it did not make that big of a difference to the way that the church was run in england
henry: how many ‘religious houses’ where there in england and wales
henry: what is the dissolusion of the monasteries
the dissolusion of the monostaries was where all of the monasteries in england where claimed by the Crown and destroyed
Henry: what and when was the valor eclesiasticus
1535, Crommwell commisioned a survey of the religious (ecclesiastical) property in england, he found that many of them were breaking their monistic vows.
Henry: what and when was the act for the dissoolusion of lesser monostaries
1536, The act for the disolusion of lesser monasteries was an act that said the all monasteries with an income of 200 or less were dissolved, due to them being sinful places
Henry: what and when was the act for the dissulusion of greater monasteries
In 1537 the government mad the total dissolusion of the monasteries its aim. There was a rebellion called the pilgramage of grace that some of the monasteris were said to have been involved in, these were destroyed, then more royal commisioners were sent to abbots to give up their lands, the last one surrendered in 1540
Henry: what was the court of augmentations
1536, the court of augmentations was a court in which royal commissioners were appointed to oversee the closure of the lesser monostaries, they made sure that the monasteries wealth was given to the king
Henry: what was the cause of the pilgramage of grace
It was caused by the dissulotion of the monasteries
Henry: was the pilgramage of grace violent
No it was non violent
Henry: where and what was the first uprising of the pilgramage of grace
In october 1536, a small uprising broke out in linconshire, news of this spread causing other people to take action
Henry: who was robert aske
He started the pilgramage of grace by asking the people to defend the catholic church