🕒History - Henry Flashcards
henry: what act in parliament does Wolsey pass in 1515?
- in 1515 wolsey passes an act in parliament called Act of resumption that takes back lands the king has given out to make money on it
- he also many a new tax called a subsidy baced on the wealth of the people, this made the king more money
henry: what are the eltham ordinances and what year where they devised
in 1526 wolsey devised a plan to get rid of the staff in the royal household and to half the size of the privy council (from 12 to 6), after the privy council was changed no more of the changes were enforced.
henry: what is an annulment and why could henry get one
it is a cancelling of a marrage, similar to a divorce, on the bacis that the marrage was not valid from the start. Henry’s argument was that he could not marry the wife of his dead brother. (Catherine of argon)
henry: what was the amicable grant and what was the affect
in 1525 wolsey collected a tax without asking parliment to fund a war against france. it was to be given out of the kindness of the people hearts. people could not afford to pay, the church did not want to pay, there was a rebellion is suffolk and wolsey had to abandon the grant, Henry abandoned his plans to war with France
henry: who had power over the pope was the nephew of Henry’s wife when henry wanted to get his great matter solved?
Charles V
henry: what was the kings great matter
this was the kings want for an anulment with catherine of aragon
henry: what was the oath of succession and what was its punishment
this was an oath that all of the people of Britain had to swear (a promise to god) that anne boelyn was the rightfully queen and any children would be the heir (Elizabeth) this also removed princess Mary as a possible heir, if you refused to swear this meant you’d be punished as a traitor, meaning execution.
henry: what is the act of supression and when was it passed
1536, the name of the act that dissolved the monasteries
henry: what was the act of supremacy and when was it
in 1534 the act of supremacy was declared to be the head of the church
henry: what was the impact of the act of supremacy on the church
it did not make that big of a difference to the way that the church was run in england
henry: how many ‘religious houses’ where there in england and wales
henry: what is the dissolusion of the monasteries
the dissolusion of the monostaries was where all of the monasteries in england where claimed by the Crown and destroyed
Henry: what and when was the valor eclesiasticus
1535, Crommwell commisioned a survey of the religious (ecclesiastical) property in england, he found that many of them were breaking their monistic vows.
Henry: what and when was the act for the dissolution of lesser monostaries
1536, The act for the disolusion of lesser monasteries was an act that said the all monasteries with an income of 200 or less were dissolved, due to them being sinful places
Henry: what and when was the act for the dissulusion of greater monasteries
In 1537 the government mad the total dissolusion of the monasteries its aim. There was a rebellion called the pilgramage of grace that some of the monasteris were said to have been involved in, these were destroyed, then more royal commisioners were sent to abbots to give up their lands, the last one surrendered in 1540
Henry: what was the court of augmentations and who did it
1536, the court of augmentations was a court in which royal commissioners were appointed to oversee the closure of the lesser monostaries, they made sure that the monasteries wealth was given to the king
Henry: what was the cause of the pilgramage of grace
It was caused by the dissulotion of the monasteries
Henry: was the pilgramage of grace violent
No it was non violent
Henry: where and what was the first uprising of the pilgramage of grace
In october 1536, a small uprising broke out in linconshire, news of this spread causing other people to take action
Henry: who was robert aske
He started the pilgramage of grace by asking the people to defend the catholic church
henry: what did Cromwell do in 1534 to stop rebellions
he joined wales to England and created councils in the north, also he set a permanent millatry in Ireland
Henry: what was the privy councit and how did cromwell change it in 1536
He made the kings council smaller giving each remaining member more power
Henry: what were the 3 complaints in the york articles
- the closing of the monasteries
- the new tax on sheep and cattle owners
- low-born man getting rich on the churches money
Henry: how many people marched on yourk and what was written there during the pilgramage of grace
10000 people marched on york, robert aske wrote the york articles, these were a list of grievences
Henry: what happened in pontifract during the pilgramige of grace
Askes group of flooweres marched on pontifract, lord darcy handed over the castle there. The king forces were heavily outnumbered, all of the pilgrims took an oath of obidience and promiced to remain peacefull.
henry: what did Cromwell do to deal with henries problems with passing laws
in 1534, he made the house of commons physically divide so that those not in support of the king were very visible
henry: what were the 5 things the pontifract articles complaned about
- to have extreme protestant ideas removed
- the pope as the head of the church again
- mary was made the legitimate heir to the throne again
- to have the abbeys restored
- to have the men who closed the monasteries punished (cromwell, richie rich)
henry: what and when was the treaty of london
it was a treaty signed by many European countries in 1518 for peace made by wolsey
henry: when and what was the battle of the spurs
1513, the battle of the spurs was a battle in France that got its name because when henry won you could see the French cavalries spurs glinting as they ran example of him as a renaissance prince
henry: what are 2, reasons other than he failure to get henry the annulment, that Wolsey fell
- other powerful people at court
- henry was persuaded that Wolsey was plotting against him because he had been persuaded by Wolsey’s’ enemies
henry: what year was Thomas Cromwell appointed to the royal council
herny: what was the field of cloth of gold
it was a very expensive meeting organized by Wolsey in 1520 with the king of france
henry: who was thomas more and what did he oppose
he was chancellor for a short time after wolseys fall, he opposed the reformation, he refused to swear the oath of succesion and was executed in 1535
henry: what and when was the act of 6 articles
the act of six articles was passed in 1538 and reverted some of the protestant changes amde during the reformation, this suggests that henry may not have believed in the changes he made
henry: what are 3 reasons it was hard for Wolsey to get henry the annulment
- henry had had to get permission to get his marrage in the first palce, breaking down his argument a bit
- Charles the 5th had control over the pope, he was catherine of aragons nephew
- catherine of aragon had a lot of popular support
henry: when was cromwell made chief minister
henry: when was cromwell exicuted
henry: what did the royal injunctions do
- 1538
- they put an english bible in every church
- shrines and relict confiscated
henry: who was john fisher
he was a well respected bishop that was henries garndmothers bishop, he refused to swear the oath of succesion and was exicuted in 1535
Henry: when did Henry the eighth become king
Henry: what title was Wolsey given
He was Henries chief minister
Henry: when does Cromwell get killed
Henry: what is the royal almonary
A small of ice in the royal households in that gives out alms, it is often occupied by a member of the church.
Henry: when did wolsey become royal almoner
He became royal almoner in 1509, this made him a member of the royal council
Henry: what was the population of England when Henry became king
2.2 million
Henry: what was th rigid structure of power called
The great chain of being
Henry: how did Henry the seventh become king
He defeated Richard III in battle
Henry: how old was Henry when he became king
Henry: what did parliament consist of
The house of lords and that of commons
Henry: what were the justices of the peace and what were they responsible for
They were members of the noble/gentry and we’re responsible for law and order in their afea
Henry: what were Henries closest advisors called and what could they do that others cannot
The privy chamber, they could access the kings personal chaimbers
Henry: what is the name of the king of france
Add card abt resumption
Do it
Henry: what and when is the act of succession
1534, Removed Henries child with Catherine of Aragon as heir (Mary) and made any children Henry had with Anne Boleyn the heirs to the throne (Elizabeth)
Henry: who performed the valor Ecclesiasticus
Royal comissioners
Henry: what is the act of restraint of appeals to Rome
It is an act passed by Cromwell in 1533 that stated that stated that England was not subject to foreign rule and made Henry the supreme head of England, he could now grant himself an annulment
Henry: after the dissolution, what does Henries income increase to, from what?
100,000 before dissolution and 240,000 after
Henry: what is the treason act
It is an act that stated:
- if you went against the church you were committing treason
- if you speak against Henry it’s treason
Henry: make card on Duke of norfolk
Henry: what is the star chaimber
It is a court set up to give justice to all levels of society on behalf of the king, not just to the rich
Henry: what did Wolsey do to the star chaimber
He increased the number of court cases it handled from 12 to 120 and encouraged the poor to bring cases to court
Henry: what were the impacts of Wolseys reforms to justice and the the star chaimber
- the poor liked it
- the landowners did not
- Wolsey used it to get revenge on his political opponents
Henry: what was enclosure
Common land was shared land that surrounded medieval villages, it could be used by villagers but was owned by farmers, enclosure is the practice of placing fences around the common land farmers that owned the land refusing villagers access to the land
Henry: what did Wolsey do about enclosure
1517, Wolsey organised an enquiry into the practice of enclosure
Henry: because of enclosure what type of farmers could not longer survive
Subsistence farmers - those who only grew enough food to eat, could no longer survive
Henry: what were the impacts of Wolseys policy on enclosure
- lots of criminal enquiries were started
- 1523 wealthy landowners went to parliament and forced Wolsey to end the enquiry
- it continued to be a problem
Henry: what are some of Wolseys financial reforms
- act of resumption
- subsidy
- clerical taxation - church gave a “gift” to the king