🥐 French 1 -- general phrases Flashcards
ça ne fait rien!
It doesn’t matter!
Je ne pourrais pas vivre sans
I could not live wthout
J’ai l’intention de + infinitive
I intend to
Il n’y a pas grand chose à faire
There isn’t much to do
Je serai
I will be
Si mes rêves se réalisent + simple future
If my dreams come true
J’ai toujours aimé
I have always liked
Quand j’étais jeune, j’aimais
When I was young I used to like
J’aurais aimé
I would have liked
Je serais
I would be
Je dois avouer que
I must admit that
Si j’avais su, j’aurais + past particple
If I had known I would have
Ce qui m’inquiète c’est
What worries me is
En ce qui me concerne
As far as I’m concerned
Il faut que je dise que
I have to say that (subjunctive)
Le sujet dont je vais vous parler, c’est
The subject I am going to talk to you about is
Mon prof a dit que
My teacher said that
Je dois dire que
I must say that
D’une part / d’autre part
On the one hand / on the other hand
J’aime mieux
I prefer/ I like it better
Si j’avais plus de temps, j’aimerais
If I had more time, I would like to
J’ai toujours voulu + infinitive
I have always wanted
Je j’avais le choix je.. + conditional
If I had the choice, I would
J’ai horreur de
I hate
Pour ceux qui aiment
For those who like
Je n’ai jamais aimé
I have never liked
J’aimerais mieux
I would rather
Ce qui m’intéresse c’est
What interests me is
Mes parents disent que
My parents say that
C’était une perte de temps
It was a waste of time
Je ne supporte pas
I can’t stand
Ce sera
It will be
S’il fait mauvais je resterai à la maison
If it’s bad weather I will stay at home
Ma mère dit que
My mum says that
Ce serait
It would be
Il faut que je fasse (mes devoirs)
I must do (my homework) (subjunctive)
S’il fait beau j’irai à la plage
If it is nice weather I will go to the beach
Apres avoir + past participle
After having done
Je me suis bien amusé!
I had lots of fun!
Ce n’est pas mon truc!
It’s not my thing
J’ai passé une tres bonne journée!
I had a great day!
Je dirais que
I would say that
Certains disent que
Some people say that
C’était une sortie inoubliable!
It was an unforgettable outing!
Quand j’étais jeune, je voulais
When I was young I used to want
Bien que ce soit
Even though it is (subjenctive)
Bien que je sois
Even though I am (subjunctive)
Je serais aux anges!
I would be in heaven!
Avant de + infinitive
Before doing
Si je pouvais + conditional
If I could I would