📗English Language Flashcards
Eng: what is caesura
It is a break in the flow of the text
Eng: what is trochaic tetrameter
This is a structure of poetry wherein each consists of 4 trochees, this is a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable, DUM da DUM da
Eng: what is assonance
When a writer uses vowel sounds, a e i o u y
Eng: what is emotive language
It is language used to bring an emotional responce
Eng: what is hyperbole
It is exaggeration used for effect
Eng: what is the rule of 3
Repetition in a group of 3 to strengthen and idea
Eng: what is allusion and what is it’s effect
It is a figure of speech that references a place event or literary work that the reader might know. If they do its effect is to mentally engage the reader as they are drawing on their own knowledge.
Eng: what is oxymoron
It is where 2 words that often that contrast each other are used together. Bitter-sweet
Eng: what is anaphora
It is the repetition of a word or phrase
Eng: what is satire
It is where language is used to mock aspects of human nature.
Eng: what is a simple sentence
It is a sentence with one clause with subject and verb
Eng: what is a compound sentence
Contains 2 independent clauses joined by a conjunction
Eng: what is a complex sentence
It contains one or more subordinate clauses
Eng: what type of technique is a shift in focus
It is a structural technique
Eng: what type of technique is a flashback/forward
Structural technique
Eng: what type of technique is direct speach
Eng: what is kinesthetic imagery
It is vivid description of bodily movement
Eng: what is gustatory imagery
It is a vivid description of taste
Eng: what is olfactory imagery
It is a vivid description of smell
Eng: what is tactile imagery
It is a vivid description of physical sensation
Eng: what is analeptic narrative
A flashback
Eng: what is juxtaposition
It is using contrasting words for effect
Eng: what is an exclamative sentence
It is a sentence with exclamation or strong emphasis
Eng: what is an interrogative sentence
It is a sentence that asks a question
Eng: what is an imperative sentence
A sentence that gives a command
Eng: what is a declarative sentence
A sentence that provides information or gives a fact
Eng: what is anthropomorphism
It is describing something that is not human acts human like
Eng: what is the difference between personification and anthropomorphism
Anthropomorphism, something non-human acting human
Personification, imagery where something non-human seems human
Eng: what is personification
This is where non-human things are described with human like imagery
Eng: what is an idiom
A metaphorical phrase with a well known meaning, but the meaning does not necessarily link to the words
Eng: what is a cliche
It is a phrase that is overused, it portrays a lack of original thought
Eng: what is an atmosphere
The tone or feeling created by the text
Eng: what is pathos
It is language that creates a feeling of pity or sadness in the reader
Eng: what is antithesis
It is there person or thing that is the direct opposite to another
Eng: what is colloquialism
is informal, everyday language that is used by a specific geographical region
Eng: what is narrative voice
It is the tone of the piece
Eng: what 4 things can you comment on about paragraphs in English language
- length
- number of paragraphs
- order of ideas
- how the paragraphs are structured
Eng: what are the 5 types of narrative shift
- change of perspective
- flashback, flashforward
- shifts in place
- shifts in topic
- shifts from internal (thoughts) to external (description)
eng: what structure do you use for question 2 of paper 1
2 paragraphs about language
- Point
- Evidence, quote
- Explain, technique
- Zoom in
- Link back to source
eng: what type of technique is juxtaposition
It is a structural technique
eng: how to answer language question 3 (P1)
3 PEEZL paragraphs talking about structure in the beginning of the source the middle of the source and the end
eng: how do you structure English language question 4
Mini intro(agree/disagree, I would recommend to mostly disagree) and then 3 PEEZL paragraphs. Write it like a history response and use 20 minutes
eng: what type of technique is symbolism
it is a language technique
Eng: what is a political diatribe
It is a piece of writhing that angrily criticises something.
Eng: what is an imperative verb
It is a verb commanding you to do something
Eng: what is an adverb
It is a word that describes a verb
Eng: what is a dichotomy
Division into 2 opposed groups or parts
eng: what is asyndetic listing
it is a list broken up by commas and not by conjunctions
eng: what is polysyndestic listing
it is a list broken up with conjuctions (e.g. and) not commas
eng: what does polysyndetic listing emphasise
the amount of things
apples and bananas and pairs and oranges and …
eng: what is a semantic field
it is where there is a group of adjectives that have a similar feel, an aggressive semantic field
eng: when describing the use of word types and personification what should you put in front of the technique
the violent verb, the unusual personification
eng: what is an anticlimax
it is where there is a lot of tension build up for an ending that does not warrant it
eng: what types of things can you comment of at the ending of a text (Q3)
- what has been revealed (importance?)
- cliffhanger?
- was the ending foreshadowed (this often comes up)
- anticlimax
- the tone
eng: where is cesura used
Eng: what can asyndetic listing mean
It can give a sense of speed and or urgency and also drama