[HISTO] LE 6 - Reproductive (2025) Flashcards
- The following cells can be found in the seminiferous tubules, EXCEPT:
A. Myoid
B. Leydig
C. Sperm
D. Sertoli
- Which of the following parts of the male reproductive tract is characterized by a scalloped shaped mucosal epithelium?
A. Efferent Ductules
B. Seminiferous Tubules
C. Rete testis
D. Ductus Deferens
Efferent Ductules
- In which part of the epididymis do the sperms undergo subtle modification before being transported to the next part of the male reproductive system?
A. Head
B. Body
C. Tail
- Which of the following zones of the prostate gland has the smallest volume?
A. Submucosal
B. Central
C. Transition
D. Peripheral
- Which male reproductive accessory gland is lined by the germinal epithelium?
A. Seminal vesicle
B. Bulbourethral
C. Prostate
D. Paraurethral
Seminal vesicle
- Which is TRUE about the erectile tissue of the penis?
A. The corpora cavernosa is surrounded by tunica albuginea.
B. The corpora spongiosum is dorsally located.
C. The corpora cavernosa surrounds the spongy urethra.
D. The corpora spongiosa comes in pairs.
The corpora cavernosa is surrounded by tunica albuginea.
- A 35-year-old male came to the clinic for a birth control consultation with his wife. The surgeon advised him to undergo a procedure called vasectomy which would require ligating (cutting and tying of the ends) of the vas deferens. After such procedure, the sperm can still pass through the following structures, EXCEPT:
A. Epididymis
B. Ejaculatory duct
C. Efferent ductules
D. Mediastinum testis
Ejaculatory duct
- A 21-year-old male came to the clinic complaining of pain in the scrotal area and burning sensation on urination. Tests done revealed a sexually transmitted infection which causes inflammation of the testes and the channel connecting it to the epididymis. What is this channel?
A. Efferent Ductules
B. Rete testis
C. Straight tubule
D. Ductus Deferens
Efferent Ductules
- It is the site of spermatogenesis.
A. Seminiferous tubule
B. Ductus deferens
C. Seminal vesicle
D. Epididymis
Seminiferous tubule
- It is the layer of the testis that is composed of dense irregular connective tissue and functionally divides the testis into lobules.
A. Scarpa’s fascia
B. Buck’s fascia
C. Tunica albuginea
D. Tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
- Which of the following correctly describes the route of sperm from production in the testes to the exterior of the body?
A. Straight tubules - seminiferous tubules - > rete testis - › efferent ducts -> ductus epididymis -› ductus deferens -› ejaculatory duct -> prostatic urethra -› membranous urethra -› spongy urethra -› external urethral orifice
B. Seminiferous tubules -> straight tubules -› rete testis -> ejaculatory ducts -> ductus epididymis -> ductus deferens - › efferent duct -› prostatic urethra -› membranous urethra -> spongy urethra -› external urethral orifice.
C. Rete testis -> straight tubules -› seminiferous tubules -› efferent ducts -> ductus epididymis -› ductus deferens -› ejaculatory duct -> prostatic urethra -› membranous urethra -› spongy urethra -› external urethral orifice
D. Seminiferous tubules -> straight tubules -› rete testis - › efferent ducts -› ductus epididymis -› ductus deferens - ejaculatory duct -› prostatic urethra -› membranous urethra -› spongy urethra - › external urethral orifice
D. Seminiferous tubules -> straight tubules -› rete testis - › efferent ducts -› ductus epididymis -› ductus deferens - ejaculatory duct -› prostatic urethra -› membranous urethra -› spongy urethra - › external urethral orifice
- This muscle is found in the subcutaneous layer of the scrotum and wrinkles the scrotal skin to regulate temperature.
A. Cremaster
B. Pubococcygeus
C. Puborectalis
D. Dartos
- Which accessory sex gland contributes the majority of the seminal fluid?
A. Seminal vesicle
B. Spongy urethra
C. Bulbourethral
D. Prostate
Seminal vesicle
- Which lobe of the prostate has the majority of gland volume and the most prone to malignancy?
A. Posterior
B. Lateral
C. Median
D. Anterior
- In the penis, the urethra is embedded in which of the following structures?
A. Crus of the penis
B. Corpora cavernosa
C. Bulb of the penis
D. Corpora spongiosum
Corpora spongiosum
- Which cell forms part of the blood-testis barrier performing protective and nutritive functions for the developing sperm cells?
A. Principal cells
B. Spermatogonium
C. Sertoli
D. Leydig
- Which of the following is a characteristic of Spermiogenesis?
A. Initiated at puberty
B. Begins having diploid cells
C. Contains largest cells of the spermatogenic lineage
D. Involved in the first steps of fertilization
Involved in the first steps of fertilization
- What connects the seminiferous tubules with the rete testis?
A. Efferent ductules
B. Ductus deferens
C. Tubuli recti
D. Ductus epididymis
Tubuli recti
- In which segment of the genital duct the sperm undergo maturation and develop increased motility and fertilizing capacity?
A. Rete testis
B. Ductus epididymis
C. Efferent tubules
D. Ductus deferens
Ductus epididymis
- The seminal vesicles secrete an alkaline, viscous fluid into the semen rich in which of the following?
A. Protein
B. Fructose
C. Lipids
D. Acid phosphatase
- Calcified and concentric lamellated bodies, corpora amylace are seen in the alveoli of which gland?
A. Cowper’s gland
B. Seminal vesicle
C. Prostate gland
D. Genital ducts
Prostate gland
- What vessel in the penis empties directly into the cavernous spaces?
A. Dorsal artery of the penis
B. Central artery of the penis
C. Helicine artery
D. Testicular artery
Helicine artery
- Which of the following factors does not influence the testicular temperature to regulate spermatogenesis?
A. Cremasteric muscle contraction
B. Scrotal sweat evaporation
C. Presence of tunica albuginea
D. Rich pampiniform plexus
Presence of tunica albuginea
- Which one secretes a pre-ejaculatory fluid to serve as a lubricant during copulation?
A. Testis
B. Cowper’s gland
C. Prostate gland
D. Seminal vesicle
Cowper’s gland
- Which statement is not true regarding Interstitial Cells of Leydig?
A. Synthesize testosterone
B. Depend on production of FSH
C. Have abundant mitochondria
D. Located between the seminiferous
Depend on production of FSH
- The corpora cavernosa is surrounded by which structure separates it from trabeculae?
A. Dartos muscle
B. Tunica albuginea
C. Superficial fascia
D. Tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
- The process of spermiogenesis begins with which of the following?
A. Spermatogonium
B. Spermatids
C. Primary spermatocytes
D. Secondary spermatocytes
SpermatoGOnium (Mitosis)
Spermatocyte (Meiosis)
- Which zone of the prostate is a common location of both inflammation and cancer?
A. Central and transition zones
B. Transition zone
C. Peripheral zone
D. Central zone
Peripheral zone
- The urethra is embedded to which of the following?
A. Seminal vesicle
B. Corpus spongiosum
C. Prostate gland
D. Corpora cavernosa
Corpus spongiosum
- Which is specific for the diagnosis of prostatic cancer?
A. fibrinolysin
B. prostate-specific antigen
C. prostatic acid phosphatase
D. prostatic amylase
prostate-specific antigen
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is common in this zone:
A. Central
B. Lateral
C. Transitional
D. Peripheral
- Which accessory organ is located in the urogenital diaphragm?
A. Seminal vesicle
B. Cowper’s gland
C. Prostate gland
D. Testis
Cowper’s gland
LE: Mucous-secreting simple COLUMNAR epithelium
- The origin of the arterial supply of the penis?
A. External iliac artery
B. Internal pudendal artery
C. External pudendal artery
D. Obturator artery
Internal pudendal artery
- The prostatic concretions contains:
A. Carbohydrate
B. Amino acids
C. Vitamins
D. Lipids
- All of the following are true about spermiogenesis EXCEPT:
A. Spermatids transform to spermatozoa
B. Nuclear chromatin condenses
C. Meiotic II division occurs
D. Deliver male DNA to ovum
Meiotic II division occurs
- Which hormone acts on the Sertoli cells to stimulate adenylate cyclase to increase AMP?
C. Estrogen
D. Testosterone
- Which connecting tubule contains patches of tall columnar and cuboidal cells giving the luminal surface a”wavy” (or “saw-toothed”) appearance?
A. Rete testes
B. Ductus deferens
C. Efferent ductules
D. Ductus epididymis
Efferent ductules
- This gland consists of convoluted mucosa which appear as honey combed or lace lice in cross sections:
A. Littre
B. Prostate
C. Seminal vesicle
D. Cowper’s
Seminal vesicle
- Which gland is surrounded by dense fibromuscular stromal tissue between the glandular epithelium?
A. Prostate
B. Littre
C. Cowper’s
D. Seminal vesicle
- All are characteristics of Cryptorchidism EXCEPT:
A. Active spermatogenesis
B. Testicular cancer risk
C. Associated with hernia
D. Absence of testis in the scrotum
Active spermatogenesis
- What epithelium lines the ductus epididymis?
A. Transitional epithelium
B. Pseudostratified epithelium
C. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
D. Simple squamous epithelium
Pseudostratified epithelium
- The corpora cavernosa is surrounded by which structure separates it from trabeculae?
A. Dartos muscle
B. Tunica albuginea
C. Superficial fascia
D. Tunica vaginalis
B. Tunica albuginea
- The second meiotic division begins during which stage of spermatogenesis?
A. Secondary spermatocytes
B. Spermatids
C. Spermatogonium
D. Primary spermatocyte
A. Secondary spermatocytes
- A 60 y/o male was admitted due to a distended bladder due to dysuria, associated with bloody urine. Patient claimed that he had experienced this since 2 yrs ago. Digital rectal exam revealed a hard non-painful mass. Lab result- high PSA result. What is most likely the problem of this patient?
A. Prostatitis
B. Normal prostate
D. Prostatic cancer
D. Prostatic cancer
- The urethra is embedded to which of the following?
A. Corpus spongiosum
B. Prostate gland
C. Corpora cavernosa
D. Seminal vesicle
Corpus spongiosum
- Which one is located close to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules?
A. Spermatogonium
B. Primary spermatocytes
C. Secondary spermatocytes
D. Spermatids
- The initial structure in the flow of semen from the seminiferous tubule is which of the following?
A. ductuli efferentes
B. tubuli recti
C. rete testis
D. ductus deferens
tubuli recti
- Which one unites with the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct?
A. ductus deferens
B. ductuli efferentes
C. ductus epididymis
D. tubuli recti
ductus deferens
- The properties of motility and ability to fertilize an oocyte are acquired by mature sperm cells in what portion of male reproductive system?
A. Ductus deferens
B. Epididymis
C. Seminiferous tubules
D. Ejaculatory duct
- Which one provides nutrients and protection for developing gametes and phagocytose excess cytoplasm of maturing gametes is which of the following?
A. Mediastinum of testis
B. Sertoli cells
C. Cells of Leydig
D. Seminiferous tubule
Sertoli cells
- What changes in the functional layer of the endometrium are observed during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle?
A. Glands become coiled.
B. Blood vessels become ischemic.
C. Epithelium is renewed.
D. Epithelium is sloughed off
Epithelium is renewed.
- During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, what significant changes may be seen in the endometrium?
A. The epithelium is renewed.
B. The epithelium is sloughed off
C. Glands become coiled.
D. Blood vessels become ischemic.
Glands become coiled.
- Basal zone of the endometrium is characterized by:
A. reserve part of the endometrium
B. undergoes cyclic changes
C. contains the necks of uterine glands
D. sheds at the menstrual phase
reserve part of the endometrium
- The functional layer of the endometrium is composed of:
A. simple cuboidal epithelium
B. simple squamous epithelium
C. simple columnar epithelium
D. simple ciliated columnar epithelium
simple ciliated columnar epithelium
- One of the followings is characteristic of the secretory phase of the endometrium:
A. Constriction of the spiral vessels
B. Glands accumulate glycogen.
C. Controlled by estrogen secreted by ovarian follicles.
D. Endometrium is about 2 mm thick
Glands accumulate glycogen.
- What hormone predominates when the endometrium shows crowding of tubular glands
A. Oxytocin
B. Luteinizing
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone
- What organ in the Female Reproductive System is characterized as almond shaped
A. Clitoris
B. Cervix
C. Nipple
D. Ovary
- Ovarian stroma is composed of what type of tissue
A. Dense connective tissue
B. Fibrous tissue
C. Loose connective tissue
D. Fatty tissue
Loose connective tissue
- Ovarian stroma is composed of what type of tissue
A. Loose connective tissue
B. Fibrous tissue
C. Dense connective tissue
D. Fatty tissue
Loose connective tissue
- During early development of the ova, primordial cells migrate from the yolk sac to become what cell type after several extensive division and differentiation
A. First polar body
B. Primary oocyte
C. Oogonia
D. Secondary oocyte
- By the time the female embryo reaches 3 months, mitoses arrests. At what phase does the arrest take place
A. Telophase
B. Anaphase
C. Prophase
D. Metaphase
- What structure in the ovary can one find the primary oocyte
A. Follicle
B. Stroma
C. Cortex
D. Medulla
- During Oogenesis, which developing oocyte stage coincides with ovulation
A. Tertiary Oocyte
B. Primary Oocyte
C. Not in list
D. Secondary Oocyte
Secondary Oocyte
- What hormone producing ovarian structure supports the implanted fertilized ovum, in the absence of a placenta
A. Atretic follicle
B. Corpus luteum
C. Graafian follicle
D. Secondary follicle
Corpus luteum
- During Oogenesis, which oocyte stage will the First Polar Body appear
A. Oogonia
B. Primary Oocyte
C. Secondary Oocyte
D. Tertiary Oocyte
Secondary Oocyte
- Which among the listed is the right order of events during follicular maturation
A. Primordial Follicle, Unilaminar Primary Follicle, Multilaminar Primary Follicle, Antral follicle,Graafian Follicle
B. Multilaminar Primary follicle, Unilaminar Primary Follicle, Primordial Follicle, Graafian Follicle, Antral Follicle
C. Unilaminar Primary Follicle, Multilaminar Primary Follicle, Primordial Follicle, Antral Follicle, Graafian Follicle
D. Antral Follicle, Multilaminar Primary Follicle, Unilaminar Primary Follicle, Graafian Follicle, Primordial Follicle
A. Primordial Follicle, Unilaminar Primary Follicle, Multilaminar Primary Follicle, Antral follicle,Graafian Follicle
- As the follicle develops, stromal tissue also develops. Which of the following is true of the Theca Externa
A. Composed of fibroblasts
B. Produces Androstenedione
C. Produces Estradiol
D. Highly vascularized
Composed of fibroblasts
- In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum becomes what ovarian structure
A. Corpus Albicans
B. Not in list
C. Primary Follicle
D. Antral Follicle
Corpus Albicans
- The cervical transformation zone is a common site of cervical dysplasia and cancer. What epithelial transition is seen in this zone?
A. Simple squamous to Simple columnar
B. Simple squamous to Transitional
C. Stratified squamous to Simple columnar
D. Stratified squamous toPseudostratified
Stratified squamous to Simple columnar
- Which layer of the vaginal wall contains glands, such as lubrication mucus?
A. submucosal layer
B. mucosal layer
C. there are no glands in the vaginal wall
D. muscular layer
there are no glands in the vaginal wall
- Which of the following statements concerning the vaginal mucosa is true?
A. It is lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium.
B. It possesses many elastic fibers.
C. It possesses many glands.
D. It is lined by stratified columnar epithelium.
It possesses many elastic fibers.
- Each tubuloalveolar gland of the breast ends in which one of the following ducts?
A. Lactiferous duct.
B. Areola.
C. Intercalary duct.
D. Lactiferous sinus.
Lactiferous duct.
- One of the following changes takes place in the pregnant and lactating mammary glands:
A. Decreased fat cells.
B. appearance of acini lined by pseudostratified columnar cells.
C. Increase thickness of the connective tissue septa.
D. secretion of milk by holocrine mode of secretion.
Decreased fat cells.
- Which of the following statements concerning the vaginal mucosa is true?
A. It is lubricated by glands located in the cervix
B. It is lined by stratified columnar epithelium
C. It possesses no elastic fibers
D. It is lined by stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
It is lubricated by glands located in the cervix
- The lipid component of the milk from the mammary glands is secreted by which of the following processes?
A. Holocrine
B. Merocrine
C. Apocrine
D. Eccrine
E. Apocrine
- Which of the following is/are characteristic of the mammary glands?
A. Each mammary gland consists of 15-20 glandular units, each having a duct that drains into the nipple region.
B. They secrete casein and Ca+2 via a merocrine mechanism and neutral lipids via an apocrine mechanism.
C. They are branched tubuloalveolar glands
D. They are modified apocrine sweat glands.
E. All of the above
All of the above
- During the late stages of pregnancy, the increase in size of the breast is mainly attributed to:
A. increase in the number of adipocytes
B. hypertrophy of secretory cells and accumulation of secretory product
C. branching of the ducts
D. accumulation of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the intercellular space
hypertrophy of secretory cells and accumulation of secretory product
- Which part of the oviduct receives the mature ova
A. Fimbria
B. Infundibulum
C. Ampulla
D. Isthmus
- The fallopian tube is lined by which type of epithelium
A. Stratified columnar ciliated
B. Pseudostratified columnar ciliated
C. Transitional ciliated
D. Simple columnar ciliated
Simple columnar ciliated
- Which part of the fallopian tube contains the most number of ciliated cells and the frequent site of fertilization
A. Infundibulum
B. Ampulla
C. Isthmus
D. Fimbria
- Which statement, statements is, are true of Salpingitis
A. Common causes includeGonorrhea
B. Causes infertility in the female
C. All are correct
D. Inflammation of the Fallopian tubes
All are correct
- The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy:
A. Inflammation of the tubes
B. Using OCPs
C. Uterine abnormalities
D. Congenital anomalies of the tube
Inflammation of the tubes
- Which of the following is not a sign of ruptured ectopic pregnancy:
A. cervical excitation
B. Cold and clammy extremities
C. Fast thready pulse
D. Heavy vaginal bleeding
Heavy vaginal bleeding
- Regarding ectopic pregnancy which is true:
A. Bleeding precedes pain
B. Shoulder tip pain is an important symptom
C. The isthmus of the tube is the commonest site of implantation
D. The incidence is higher in women fitted with intrauterine device
Shoulder tip pain is an important symptom
- How can a woman lower her chances of getting cervical cancer?
A. Polygamy
B. Delay on sexual activities
C. Engage in sexual activities at an early age
D. Have multiple sex partners
Delay on sexual activities
- The Corpus luteum:
A. Produces follicle-stimulating hormone.
B. Becomes the corpus albicans.
C. Derived from atretic follicles.
D. Derives its granulosa luteal cells from the theca externa.
Becomes the corpus albicans.
- Vaginal mucosa:
A. is lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium.
B. is lined by stratified columnar epithelium.
C. contains cells which secrete lactic acid.
D. is lubricated by glands located in the cervix.
is lubricated by glands located in the cervix.
- Peau d’ orange is a term to describe this type of malignancy in what organ?
A. Vagina
B. Breast
C. Placenta
D. Cervix
- The uterine wall is composed of the following EXCEPT
A. Peritoneum
B. Myometrium
C. Perimetrium
D. Endometrium
- Which layer of myometrium is composed of figure of eight muscle fibers
A. Inner layer
B. None in list
C. Outer layer
D. Middle layer
Middle layer
- The vaginal consists of three layers.Which tissue is NOT a part
A. Fibroelastic Adventitia
B. Elastic adventitia
C. Smooth muscle layer
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
Elastic adventitia
- The amount of this tissue determines the size of the breast
A. Tubules
B. Fat
C. Glands
D. Acini
- What darkened tissue surrounds the breast nipple
A. Suspensory ligament
B. Coopers ligament
C. Collection of Lactiferous ducts
D. Areola
- Which hormone from the pituitary stimulates milk synthesis
A. Luteinizing
B. Lectin
C. Prolactin
D. Oxytocin
- What lining epithelium covers breastacinar ducts
A. Simple cuboidal
B. Stratified columnar
C. Stratified squamous
D. Simple squamous
Simple cuboidal
- The lining epithelium mentioned above is interspersed with what other type of cells
A. Fibrous cells
B. Myoepithelial cells
C. Fibrofatty cells
D. Fatty cells
Myoepithelial cells
Breast: Simple Cuboidal Tuboacinar ducts
- A layer of glycoprotein between oocyte and granulosa cells is which of the following?
A. Corona radiata
B. Cumulus oophorus
C. Zona pellucida
D. Theca interna
Zona pellucida
- After ovulation graafian follicles becomes:
A. Corpus luteum
B. Matured follicle
C. Polar body
D. Corpus albicans
Corpus luteum
- Which of the following follicles can be seen in the fetal ovary?
A. Primary
B. Antral
C. Primordial
D. Secondary
- In which stage of follicular development is the zona pellucida first seen?
A. Secondary follicle
B. Primary follicle
C. Primordial follicle
D. Graafian follicle
Primary follicle