Heme/Onc Flashcards
philadelphia chromosome
chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
BCR-ABL fusion protein
Burkitt Lymphoma
t(8;14) t(8;22) t(8;2)
movement of myc protooncogene from chromsome 8 to regions near Ig promoter sites on chromosomes 14, 22, or 2
non-Hodgkin folliculate small cleaved cell lymphoma
bcl-2 protooncogene is sent from Chr 18 to Ig heavy chain promoted on chr 14
M4Eo (eosinophilic) subtype of AML
acute promyelocytic leukemia
hemorrhage 2/2 intravascular coagulation and increased fibrinolysis
philadelphia chromosome
on chromosome 8
t(8;22) t(8;2) t(8;14)
- most common location or brain germinoma?
- classic sxs
- pineal region
- precocious puberty, Parinaud syndrome, obtructive hydrocephalus
(Parinaud = paralysis of upward gaze - dorsal midbrain syndrome)
pilocytic astrocytoma
- microscopically
- cells are mixed with?
- affects where
- spindle-cells w/hair-like glial processes a/w microcysts
- Rosenthal fibers and granular eosiniophilic bodies
- cerebellum, brainstem, hypothalamus, optic
rate limiting enzyme of heme synthesis
delta-ALA synthase (glycine and succinyl-coa into delta-ALA)
lead affects what enzymes
- what accumulates
- sxs
ALA dehydratase
- protoporphyrin and delta-ALA
- microcytic anemia, MR, h/a, demyelination
Acute intermittent porphyria
- what enzymes affected
- what accumulates
- sxs
- tx
- why does that work
- porphobilinogen (PBG) deaminase
- porphobillinogen (PBG), delta-ALA
- 5 P’s: Painful abd, Port wine urine, Polyneuropathy, Psycho distrubances, Precipitated by drugs etc
- glucose and heme
- inhibits ALA synthase
Porphyria cutanea tarda
- what enzyme affected
- what accumulates
- uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- uroporphyrin
what’s most common porphyria
porphyria cutanea tarda
heme and ALA synthase relationship
decrease heme –> increase ALA synthase
increase heme –> decrease ALA synthase
squamous cell carcinoma pathology (3)
- polygonal cells
- eosinophilic cytoplasm
- keratin-pearls
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma pathology (3)
effect on underlying lung archicutre
- tall, columnar cells
- spread along alveolar septae
- papilalry projections into alveolar spaces
underlying architecutre typically preserved
papillary thyroid carcinoma pathology (3)
- branching papillae
- fibrovascular stalk covered by neoplastic cuboidal cells
- ground glass nuclei
small cell lung carcinoma pathology (4)
- undifferentiated oat cell
- centrally located
- from primitive cells of basal layer of bronchial epithelium
- round or oval cells w/scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei
- resemble lymphocytes but smaller
BCR-ABL in what d/o
tx for CML
gleevec = Imatinib
c-myc is what d/o
Burkitt lymphoma
- what chromosome
- what function
- role in cancer
- chromosome 5
- cell growth and adhesion
- APC mutation is first step in adenoma-carcinoma sequence
APC found in what sorts of cancers
most sporadic colon cancer
all familial polyposis syndromes
DCC = ?
deleted in colon cancer
DCC role in cancer
final step of progression of large adenomatous polyps into adenocarcinoma
k-ras in colon cancer
it’s an onco-gene that is responsible for size increases in adenomatous polyps
p53 in colon cancer
triggers final step of the adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence
- what is it
- involvement in cancer
DNA mismatch repair gene
HNPCC or Lynch syndrome
- differentiation
- description
minimally differentiated
very immature, few or no Auer rods
- differentiation
- description
- AML w/out differentiation
2. very immature, few or no Auer rods
- differnetiation
- description
- AML w/maturation
- auer rods; + peroxidase
- differentiation
- description
- Acute promyelocytic leuekmia
- lots of Auer rods; + peroxidase
young pts and DIC is common
- differentiation
- description
- Acute myelocytic leukemia
- monoblasts and promonocytes
- negative peroxidase
+ nonspecitic esterase
poor Px
- differentiation
- description
- acute monocytic leukemia
- monoblasts and promonocytes
- negative peroxidase
+ nonspecific esterase
- differentiation
- description
- Acute erythroleukemia
2. + PAS staining erythroblasts
- differentiation
- description
- acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- platelet peroxidase
rare and poor Px
- platelet peroxidase
Mantle cell lymphoma
- mutation
- what cell
B cell malignancy
- what malignancy
- what does it code for
- Mantle cell lymphoma
- cyclin D activation
del 13q sen in what
HbS mutation
2 normal alpha chains
2 mutated beta chains
D for V at 6 position
HbC mutation
D for K –> mild chronic hemolytic anemia
what is JAK2
tyr kinase mediated receptor – STAT
disorders with JAK2 mutation (3)
- essential thrombocytosis
- polycythemia vera
- primary myelofibrosis
diagnostic features of polycythemia vera (6)
- pruritus
- erythromelalgia
- splenomegaly
- thrombotic complications
- erythrocytosis
- trhombocytosis
diagnostic features of primary myelofibrosis (5)
- severe fatiuge
- splenomegaly to the point of causing early satiety
- hepatomegaly
- anemia
- BM fibrosis
CML leukocytosis what shift
left shift (more myelocytes, metamyelocyte,s band forms)
- what is it
- what malignancy secretes it
osteoclast activating factor
multiple myeloma
- what is it
- what malignancy secretes it
a factor secreted by multiple myeloma cells that leads to bone resoprtion
what causes the fatigue, confusion, and constipation in MM pts
hypercalcemia from bone resroption
hypercoagulability seen commonly in what cancers
adenoCA of pancreas, colon, lung
pathogenesis of hypercoagulability neoplastic syndrome
adnoeCA prodcues thromboplastin-like substance that can cause chronic intravascular coagulation
what is Trousseau’s syndrome?
migratory superficial thrombophlebitis
what should you be wary about if you see Trousseau’s syndrome?
visceral cancer
properties of anaplastic tumors (5)
- loss of cell polarity, so disorganized in infiltrative fashion
- variation in shape and size of cells (pleomorphism) and nuclei
- disproportionately large nuclei w/abundant coarse chromatin and large nucleoli
- numerous, often abnormal mitotic figures
- giant multnucleated tumor cells