hem onc Flashcards
normal MCV
range of alpha thal
missing one - silent
missing two - asymptomatic with mild microcytic hypochromic anemia
missing three - hgb H disease (hgb Barts as nbn) –> tx with splenectomy
missing four –> hydrops, stillbirth (or intrauterine transfusions –> BMT)
small for age Mediterranean child with anemia, HSM
beta thal major
F only on NBS
thickened bone due to extramedullary hematopoeisis
complications of beta thal major
how long to tx iron def anemia
until 2 months after hgb normalizes (to replenish stores)
anemias with high RDW
iron deficiency and lead toxicity
anemia with normal/low RDW
ringed sideroblast
lead poisoning vs sideroblastic anemia
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
elevated in lead poisoning and iron deficiency
normal in thalassemia
why should you correct folate and B12 deficiency together?
if you only correct folate, could get reversible neuro damage
G6PD inheritance pattern
X linked recessive
smear findings in G6PD
heinz bodies, helmet cells, blister cells
inheritance of hereditary spherocytosis
dx of hereditary spherocytosis
osmotic fragility or
EMA flow cytometry
amino acid substitution in SCD
glu –> val
macrocytic anemia, renal/eye/ear anomalies, abnormal skin pigment, growth retardation, forearm anomalies
Fanconi anemia
risk of transformation to AML/MDS
infant with macrocytic anemia, dysmorphic facies
how to reduce risk of febrile non hemolytic transfusion reaction
leukocyte reduced blood
mucosal ulceration, gingivitis, cellulitis, abscesses, pneumonia
infant with severe recurrent infections, neutropenia
Kostmann syndrome = severe congenital neutropenia
risk of transformation to MDS and AML
tx: gCSF, BMT
cytopenias, pancreatic insufficiency, skeletal anomalies
Schwachmann Diamond
at risk for leukemic transformation
mild neutropenia in healthy infant
isoimmune neonatal neutropenia
monthly recurrent oral ulcers, fever, enlarged lymph nodes
cyclic neutropenia