genetics Flashcards
GA for chorionic villus sampling
12 weeks
GA for amniocentesis
16 weeks
XL dominant conditions
hypophosphatemic rickets
Aicardi syndrome
Alport syndrome
some people exhibit the phenotype of the gene and some don’t
range of phenotypes for people with same genetic condition
when to order FISH testing
looking for contiguous gene deletions or duplications - copy number variants
short stature, webbed neck, L-sided congenital cardiac defects
45XO, Turner syndrome
higher likelihood of diabetes or IBD
elevated FSH
karyotype, FISH for mosaicism
webbed neck, downslanting eyes, triangular facies, hearing loss, pectus carinatum/excavatum, cryptorchidism, MR, pulmonary stenosis
Noonan syndrome
inheritance/genetics of Marfan
fibrillin gene on Chr 15
asymmetric pectus carinatum
translocation and risk of transmission
15% if partial, 100% if full
higher if mother is carrier of translocation
increased risk of which things with T21
duodenal atresia
AV canal defects (NW axis on EKG)
atlantoaxial instability
rocker bottom feet, overlapping fingers, microcephaly, horseshoe kidneys
polydactyly, cutis aplasia, cleft lip/palate, cystic kidneys, abnormal female GU
tall, infertile teen, small testes, normal intelligence but social awkwardness, gynecomastia
Klinefelter (47XXY)
tx: testosterone supplementation