Health Quiz #2 Igla drugs/alcohol Flashcards
What is a drug?
A substance that causes a physical or emotional change in a person
What is a prescription?
A doctor’s written order for a specific medicine (mostly electronic now)
What is drug use?
Taking a medicine properly and in it’s correct dosage.
Ex: taking an antibiotic that a doctor prescribed for you for an infection
What is drug misuse?
Unintentional improper use of a drug
Ex:taking too much of a drug that a doctor prescribed for you, not finishing a prescription of a drug that a doctor prescribed for you, taking a prescription that was prescribed for someone else)
What is drug abuse?
Intentional improper use of a drug
Ex:taking a lot of cough medicine to get high, smoking crack, cocaine, sniffing powder cocaine, taking heroin)
What are the seven categories of drugs?
Natural remedies, over the counter drugs (OTC), Prescription drugs, tobacco products, alcohol, illegal drugs, and unrecognized drugs
What are natural remedies
contains substances that occurs in nature and are used to treat or prevent ailments
What are Over-The-Counter drugs (OTC)?
Can be purchased without doctor’s prescription
What are prescription drugs?
A doctor’s written order is required for a person to purchase the drug (usually more powerful than OTC)
What are tobacco products
Contains the drug nicotine
ex:cigarettes,cigars, chewing tobacco)
What is alcohol
Beer, wine, distilled liquors that are illegal for people under age 21
What are illegal drugs?
cannot be legally sold, purchased, or used
ex: cocaine, marijuana, crack, heroin
What are unrecognized drugs?
Not usually classified as a drug but can have the similar effects on the body as drugs
ex: caffeine, inhalants
What is addictive?
Causing a physical dependence; a person who is addicted to the drug requires that substance to function normally
What is psychoactive substance?
a substance that causes a change in a person’s mood and/or behavior
What is tar?
Solid material in tobacco smoke that condenses into a thick liquid when heated
What is nicotine?
An addictive chemical found in tobacco
What is carbon monoxide?
a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas released by burning tobacco
What is cancer?
a disease caused by cells that have lost normal growth controls and that invade and destroy healthy tissues
What is chronic bronchitis
an inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs and the production of excessive mucus
What is emphysema?
a disease in which the tiny air sacs of the lungs lose their elasticity
What type of chronic disease does a smoker have a higher chance of getting?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (lung problem) (COPD), fatty buildups in arteries and several types of cancer
What are some reasons why people drink alcohol?
party, stress, depression, to relax, for fun, peer pressure, to look cool, celebration, religious purposes
What are the three types of alcohol?
Ethyl alcohol (ethanol), methyl alcohol, and denatured alcohol
What is ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
safe to drink in small amounts; made from fermentation- certain yeasts convert fruit, sugar and grain into ethyl alcohol
What is methyl alcohol?
toxic-not for human consumption (fuel, varnish, antifreeze) can cause blindness and death
What is denatured alcohol?
ethyl mixed with methyl and therefore unsafe to drink (after shave, rubbing alcohol, mouth wash, antiseptics)
What is proof?
Two times the percentage of pure alcohol in a beverage (100 proof = 50% alcohol)
What is the proof/alcohol for beer?
3%-6% alcohol and 6-12 proof for 12 oz
what is the proof/alcohol for wine?
10%-20% alcohol and 20-40 proof for 4 oz
what is the proof/alcohol for vodka?
40%-50% alcohol and 80-100 proof for 1.5 oz
how does depressants effect u when u take in alcohol?
it acts as an anesthetic in the central nervous system by initially creating a feeling of mild and pleasant stimulation. depressants causes them to be unaware and relax their muscles.
How long does it take for alcohol to show effect?
it shows effects in about 5-10 min because alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the blood stream quickly
How long does it take for the body to fully oxidize alcohol?
It takes about 2 hours for the body to fully get rid of one typical alcohol drink.
What are some factors that influences alcohol’s effects?
Type of drink, how quickly it is drunk, amount of food in stomach ( faster effects if the stomach is empty), body weight (the less u weigh it affects u faster, it would affect the girl more if a girl and a guy weigh the same), mental/emotional state, surroundings, and physical tolerance
What is physical tolerance?
the user’s brain an nervous system have become less sensitive to alcohol’s effect (a six pack of beer gives the same feeling they used to get from 2 or 3)
What is physical dependence?
withdrawal symptoms appear if the drug is discontinued
What is the only way to sober up?
What is BAC/L?
Blood intoxication concentration/levels are the amount of alcohol in the blood at any given time
*NY legal intoxication DUI=0.08/8%
What are the effects of BAC at .04-.05/ 4%-5%
Judgement, speech and motor and coordination are definitely affected
What are the effects of BAC at .08-.1/ 8%-10%
Reflexes and judgement are clearly impaired
What are the effects of BAC at .2/20%
Could result in unconsciousness
What are the effects of BAC at .3/ 30%
Could result in a coma
What are the effects of BAC at .4-.5/ 40%-50%
Could cause death due to suppression of the brain’s breathing center, the cerebellum
What is acute alcohol intoxication?
Seek emergency help when the person who has been drinking heavily cannot be awakened, has a weak, rapid pulse, has an unusual or irregular breathing pattern, or has cool (possibly damp), pale or bluish skin (due to lack of oxygen)
What is the Freshmen 15?
gaining 15 pounds during freshmen year of college (alcohol = 7 cal)
What are some long term effects of heavy drinking
Causes fat to accumulate in the liver which will eventually lead to cirrhosis (scarring of liver). It could also cause brain shrinkage or atrophy that has been found in at least half of all alcoholics. Prolonged drinking is related to cancers of the stomach, mouth, tongue, esophagus and liver. It also causes 2/3 of all homicides and 1/3 of all suicides and 50% of all traffic fatalities
What are some effects on pregnant women who drinks alcohol?
Could risk giving birth to an infant with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome which is a disorder that causes heart malformation, joint problems, growth deficiencies and mental retardation. Less common is the Fetal Alcohol Effect which has all conditions of FAS but to a lesser degree
What are depressants?
drugs that slow down body functioning and the central nervous system (slow respiration, relieve tension, relax muscle, slow heart rate) and causes sleepiness such as tranquilizers, sedatives, sleeping pills and alcohol. It is the most misused and abused drug
What are two major types of depressants?
Barbiturates and tranquilizers
What are barbiturates
prescription drugs that can relieve anxiety, cure insomnia, etc. Very addictive and has similar effects as alcohol
ex: Nembutal, Seconal
What are some short term effects of barbiturates
relaxation, drowsiness, impaired coordination, sleep, slurred speech, poor judgment, confusion, vomiting, respiratory failure, violent behavior, birth defects
What are some long term effects of barbiturates
brain damage, liver damage, death, and high rate or psychological and physical dependency
What are some medical uses for barbiturates
treats insomnia, certain convulsive disorders and anxiety (nowadays doctors mostly prescribe other meds because they have a lower rate of dependency and are less toxic)
What is synergistic effect
enhances when combined with alcohol (barbiturates and tranquilizer)
What are tranquilizers
called Benzodiazepires not as powerful as barbiturates but still addictive reduces panic attacks, insomnia, reduces stress from epilepsy
ex: valium, xanax, librium
What are the effects of tranquilizers
Psychological effects- conflicting (rage/hostility)aggression vs decrease in aggression
withdrawal symptoms occur in a few days after 6 months
What is the date rape drug
Rohypnol “roufies” are called dru rape because people are unknowingly given the drug and its colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It’s usually put in alcohol and then people are raped and are uninhibited, helpless, and vulnerable. Its more dangerous than Valium but has similar effects. Its effects are enhanced when put in alcohol. takes effect in 20-30 min and are banned in the US
What are stimulants
have an opposite effect of depressants, it causes alertness and speed up the activity of the body
What is caffeine
mildest stimulant and occurs in nature, found in coffee, tea and chocolate
What are some effects of caffeine
interferes with adenine that causes people to feel tired in the brain and effects are felt within 30 min. it causes tolerance buildup and physical dependency. it also causes aletness and increased heart attack, lower appetite, insomnia, irriitability, anxiety and can cause death in extreme amounts (70-100 cups)
What is cocaine?
comes from the leaves of coco bush which grows in South Africa. It can be inhaled through nose, injected or smoked(enters blood stream faster when injected/smoked), are appetite suppresant. They used to be found in coca cola but then banned in the us in 1914
What are some mental effects of cocaine?
causes mood swings (causes pleasurable feeling for about 20 min then intense irritability and anxiety),talkative, hallucinations, depression, rage, and violent behaviors, suicidal
What are some physical effects of cocaine?
increased blood pressure, excessive perspiration, headache, rapid pulse, chronic wheezing or heavy coughing, seizures, stroke, hallucination
when snorted:irritation to nasal passages, hoarseness, sore throat, inflamed sinuses, sneezing
What is crack?
it is smoked and gets to the brain quickly. it has a strong psycological and physical dependency and cheaper than cocaine
What is amphetamines?
Synthetic (not natural made in lab) drugs, prescription drugs, Theyre powerful central nervous system stimilants and are used to treat childhood behavior disorders such as Ritalin-ADD/ADHD and narcolepsy
What are some effects of amphetamines?
tolerance could develop, psycological and physical dependency, mood swings and cardiac arrest (heart stops)
What are metamphetamines?
Known as speed, ice, crystal meth, and is a more potent form of amphetamines
What are some effect sof metamphetamines?
can cause irreversible damage to the brain
What are the seven habits?
be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, sharpen the saw
What is the first habit
be proactive: take initiative in life by realizing that you decisions (and how they align with life’s principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in you life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow
What is the second habit
Begin with the end in mind: self-discovery and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics of each of your various roles and relations in life. Create a mission statement
What is the third habit
put first things first: prioritize, plan, and execute your week’s tasks based on importance rather than urgency . Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you towards goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in habit 2
What is the fourth habit
Think win-win: genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a “win” for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way
What is the fifth habit
Seek first to understand, then to be understood: use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to be influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving
What is the sixth habit
Synergize: combine the strengths of people through postivie teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone
What is the seventh habit
Sharpen the saw:Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarliy emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditiation yoga,etc) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to society for spiritual renewal
What are the core values of Midwood?
Responsibility, Respect, and honesty
What are some self-help programs?
Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous, 12 step programs, meetings, sponsorship
Options for teens- programs at school, guidance counselors