Health Quiz #1 Igla Nutrients Flashcards
What is nutrition?
The study of foods and health
What is hunger?
The body’s physical response to the need for food
Symptoms:hunger pangs, headache, weakness,dizziness,nausea,loss of concentration
What is a calorie
A unit of measure of the amount of energy supplied by food
What are nutrients
Chemical substances found in food that are used by the body for growth and health
What are the six essential nutrients
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water
What are nutrient dense foods?
Foods that contains relatively high amount of nutrients compared to their calorie value (healthy)
Ex:fruits, vegetables, and lean meat
What are empty calorie foods?
Foods that provide and excess of calorie in relation to nutrients (unhealthy)
Ex: soft drinks and candy
What is the healthy amount of pounds to lose in a week?
2-5 pounds
How many days should u do some form of aerobic exercise?
Three days
Where do we get energy for our body?
It’s obtained through food we eat. Everyone needs and adequate amount of food to provide energy to the body
What does aerobic exercise help with?
Attain and maintain a healthy weight
What’re some healthy choices for dining out
Order sauces and stuff on the side, don’t feel obligated to finish, and if u don’t finish take portions home
What is exercise?
Physical activity that consists of a regular series of activities to train and strengthen the body
What is physical fitness?
The ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and to perform physical activities while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity
How many calories are equal to a pound?
What are some physical benefits of exercise?
Helps achieve a body composition with appropriate fat %, reduces risk of heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure, bones get stronger and denser, boosts immune system, improves blood flow, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol(good)
What are some mental benefits of exercise?
Help mood swings and improve mood, produces endorphins(substance in brain that has pain killing effects) that naturally makes u feel good, relaxes ur muscles and eases anxiety etc
What’re the 5 categories of fitness?
Aerobic fitness, muscular strength &endurance, flexibility and body composition
What is aerobic fitness?
Your body’s ability to endure 15 min or more of continuous exercise
Ex: swimming, walking, jogging, basketball or soccer
What is muscular strength?
The amount of force u generate using ur muscles
What is muscular endurance?
The amount of force you can generate repeatedly using ur muscles for an extended period of time
Ex: bench press- 200 pounds(14 rep of 25 pounds)
What is flexibility?
Your body’s ability to use its major joints fully
What is body composition
The division of total body weight into fat weight and fat free weight which includes bones and muscle. Aerobic activity can reduce body fat, resistance training increases muscle mass and bone density
Name some example of the dairy product group
(2-3 servings) 1 cup about 8 is of milk or yogurt, 2 slices of cheese, 2 cups of cottage cheese, 1 1/2 cups of ice cream or frozen yogurt
Name some example of the protein group
(2-3 servings) 2-3 oz of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish, 2 eggs, 7 oz. tofu, 1 cup dried beans/peas, 4 tablespoon peanut butter or 1/2 cup nuts or seeds
Name some example of vegetables group
(3-5 servings) 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 1/2 cup raw chopped vegetables, 1 cup raw leafy veggie, 1/2 to 3/4 cup veggie juice
Name some examples of grains group
(6-11 servings) 1 slice bread, 1 medium muffin, 1/2 hot dog bun or 1/2 hamburger bun, 1/2 bagel or english muffin, 4 small crackers, 1 tortilla, 1/2 cup cooked rice, 1/2 cup cooked pasta, 1 cup cold cereal, 1/2 cup cooked cereal
Name some examples of fruits group
(2-4 servings) 1 whole medium fruit (about 1 cup), 1/4 cup dried fruti, 1/2 cup canned fruit, 1/2 to 3/4 cup fruit juice
how much calorie should saturated fat provide
it should provide less than 10% of the total calorie consumed
how much calorie should total fat intake provide?
it should provide no greater than 30% total calories
how much cholesterol should we intake a day
it should not exceed 300 mg/day
how much calorie should carbs provide?
it should provide 50% of total calorie consumed
how much sodium should we intake/day
no more than 30g per day (3000 mg)
what are carbohydrates?
a class of nutrients contaiing starches, simple sugars, glycogen, and dietary fiber
what are simple sugars?
considered simple because they are small molecules and require little or no digestion before they are used by the body
ex:fruits, milk, vegetables
what are monosaccharides?
(mono=1 and saccharide=sugar) consists of one sugar molecule
what are some examples of monosaccharides?
glucose(blood sugar)(only form of sugar used for energy and fructose and galactose can be converted into glucose), fructose(fruit sugar), and galactose
what are dissaccharides
(di=2 and saccharide=sugar) consists of two molecules of monosaccharides linked together
what are complex carbohydrates
a subclass of carbohydrates(polysaccharides) includes starches, dietary, fiber, and glycogen ex:starches, breads, veggie, potatoes, rice ,beans, wheat, corn, and pasta
what are dietary fibers?
a subclass of complex carbohydrates with a high ratio of plant material that is not absorbed by the body. It is not used as energy (helps with elimination), has no calories and prevents colon(large intestine)cancer
what is insoluble fiber?
doesn’t dissolve in water, it “holds” water and it speeds up the elimination of waste products from the intestinal tract
ex: bran, raspberries, skins&seeds
what is soluble fiber?
dissolves in water and produces a gel. It can decrease cholesterol and slows absorption of glucose(good for diabetes)
ex:beans, apples, cheerios, grapefruit, and nuts
what are fats?
a class of nutrients that supply more energy per gram than carbohydrates or protein 1 g=9 cal
How does fats function in the body?
supplies energy, insulation(thing that keeps us warm), and structure (cell membrane)
How does fat function in diet?
flavor(absorbs flavor from cooking), satiety(satisfying> fills you up more), and texture(creamy)
what are cholesterols and how are they produced and function
they are produced by the liver and supplied by certain food. They’re broken into lipoprotein(takes fat around the body) its is needed for production of hormones and to digest food
what are LDL(low density lipoproteins)
bad cholesterol
what are HDL(high density lipoproteins)
good cholesterol
what are saturated fats?
(usually solid at room temp, fats that contains single bonds between carbon atoms and the max number of hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon) unhealthiest fat
what does saturated fats do?
raise cholesterol
reducing intakes=LDL decreases (good) and increasing intakes=LDL increases(bad)
HDL is unaffected
what are unsaturated fats?
fats that contain one or more double bond between carbon atoms and have less than the max number of hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon. considered healthier than saturated fats
what does polyunsaturated do?
(sunflower&corn oil) lowers LDL(good) and lowers HDL(bad)
What does monounsaturated do?
(olive,canola, and peanut oil) lowers LDL(good) and doesnt change HDL(good) The only way to raise HDL is to exercise
What are proteins?
a class of nutrients consisting of long chains of amino acids, which are the basic components of body tissues and provide energy 1g=4 cal
what are essential amino acids?
nine amino acids that cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied by food
what are nonessential amino acids?
eleven amino acids that can be manufactured by the body
what are incomplete proteins?
lacks one or more of the amino acids (peanut,beans,whole grains, veggies)
what are complete proteins?
contains all nine essential amino acids (soy, meat, poultry, fish, egg, milk)
all 9 essentials must be present in order to synthesize the nonessential
What are the functions of proteins for the body
tissue repair, muscle structure, bone structure, excess protein is stored as fat, and body primarily made up of proteins, water and fat.
what is water
comprises approximatelt 65% of a person’s body weight (depends on how much body fat a person has>more fat=less water.
how many ounces of water are reccomended each day?
64 ounces
what functions does water have in the body?
keeps body’s ph buffered(not too acidic and not too alkaline), transport gases, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body
what is dehydration?
occurs when the amount of water excreted by the body exceeds the amount of water taken in
prolonged dehydration leads to kidney failure and death
what are some causes of dehydration?
heavy physical activity, illness, diarrhea/vomitting, fever, adn alcohol
what are vitamins?
organice substances that assist in the chemical reactions that occur in the body
excessive levels can be poisonious. They dissolve in fat tissue and are stored by body fat.
what are the three fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, and K
Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body
What are some water soluble vitamins?
B and C
excessive levels are excreted in urine
they must be ingested in food or supplements. Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body
What are the only vitamins that the body cannot manufacture?
D and K
What are some vitamin deficiencies
(vitamin D)- Rickets: improper hardening of bones
(vitamin C)- Scurvy
What are minerals
inorganice substances that contribute to the normal functioning of the body(homeostasis) and form structural components of the body
ex:Na- sodium(found in salt and an electrolyte-eletrically charged)
What is table salt?
Na++Ci-=NaCi(sodium chloride)
a diet high in this leads to dehydrations(water loss and high blood pressure)
what us calcium?
the most abundant mineral in the body
what are some functions of calcium?
found in bones and teeths, prevents osteoporosis(disease wgere bones weaken and become brittle)
what is the amount of mineral u need to consume each day?
about a tablespoon. Your body needs a greater amounts of mineral than vitamins
What are some examples of dissaccharides?
sucrose (1 glucose+1 fructose=table sugar), lactose (1 glucose+1 galactose=milk sugar), and maltose (2glucose=malt sugar)
What is the maximum heart rate
220 minus your age
What is the resting pulse rate
60-80 beats per min