HEADACHE Flashcards
What is the cause of rebound headaches?
simple and combination analgesics
How many days should you limit medication use for migraines?
<10 days/month
POUND mnemonic
pulsating headache with duration of 4-72 hrs, unilateral, nausea, and vomiting and disabling
What are non pharmacological treatments?
dark room
cold compress
What are the 4 stages of a migraine?
- premonitory symptoms-24 hours prior to onset of migraine attack, vague and vegetative symptoms
- Aura-focal neurological deficits
- Headache-unilateral, throbbing, photophobia and phonophobia
- Post drome: malaise, fatigue,
What is cortical spreading?sensitization?
- causes aura
- prolonged activation of trigeminal nerve
- hyper excitable trigeminal nerve release sub P and CGRP leading to vasodilation and neurogenic inflammation
- sensitization: neuron response to nociceptive and non nocipective receptors
T/F Blood brain barrier is altered by metalloproteinase activation and upregulation
What is the prototype of triptans?routes?
given as oral, injection, and nasal
What is MOA of triptans?
- Bind 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors
- enhanced vasoconstriction
- inhibition of pain transmission
- inhibition of vasoactive release of peptides from trigeminal neurons
When do you use triptans?
first line therapy for moderate to severe migraines
What is clinical use sumatriptan?
Cluster headaches
What are ADE of triptans?
coronary spasm, chest pain, parasthesias, dizziness
What pt should avoid triptans?
uncontrolled HTN, PAD, brainstem or hemiplegic migraine
what is “triptan sensation”?
- chest pain
- chest tightness
- chest heaviness
What are drug interactions with triptans?
MAO-I and ergotamines
Which triptans are used for patients that have long duration migraines?
Which triptan needs to be given at 5mg if taking propanolol?
Which drugs can cause seratonin syndrome? 7
- fentanyl
- meperidine
- sumatriptan
- St. Johns Wart
- tramadol
- linezolid
What are the symptoms of seratonin syndrome?
- hyperthermia
- clonus
- agitation
- tachycardia
What is tx for seratonin syndrome?
- benzos, intubation, ventilation
2. 5-HT2 blockers chlorpromazine or cyproheptadine
Which drugs cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome
D2 blocking anti psychotics
What is CP of neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
- reduced bowels
- parkinsonism
- hyperthermia
what is tx for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
diphenhydramine parenteral
What is the drug that causes malignant hyperthermia?
- volatile anesthetics
- succinylcholine