What causes O. Externa?
- pseudomonas
- proteus
- fungi-aspergillus
- *gram neg rods
How do you tx O. Externa (2)?
decrease excessive moisture
- acetic acid (vosol)
- 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar-3-5 drops x4-6 hrs
tx abx: fluoroquinolone drops (ciprofloxacin)
Vosol ADE:
transient burning stinging
Fluoroquinolone ADE:
fungal superinfection, pain pruritus
T/F TX with aminoglycosides for O Extrena is appropriate even if you cant see the TM
FALSE! Don’t give aminoglycosides,
Why is aminoglycoside tx inappropriate in perforated TM?
can cause vestibular ototoxicity
What causes infection in O. media?
- Strep pneumo
- H flu
How do you tx O. media (2)?
- high dose amoxicillin 80-90 mg/kg/day every 12 hrs
- augmentin 90 mg/kg/day QID x 12 hrs for 10 days
If patient is allergic to penicillin but did not have an anaphylactic rxn what is the next best tx option?
cefdinir cefpodoxime
What class of drugs are not given for ear infections due to high bacterial resistance?
When is it appropriate to observe pediatric patients with ear infections?
6-12 months:
- unilateral pain
- mild symptoms
2 y/o and older:
-uni or bilateral pain and mild symptoms
When is it abx tx necessary?
**patient is less than 6 months
- *patient is less than 2 y/o with
- severe pain
- fever >102.2
- bilateral AOM
- pain more than 2-3 days
T/F Amoxicillin is tx of choice for initial dx of AOM and Augmentin in tx of choice after 48-72 observation with no improvement
What pathogen causes bacterial sinusitis?
S.. pneumo, H flu M. catarrhalis
When would you prescribe abx for bacterial sinusitis?
if symptoms have been persistent for more than 10 days
-if symptoms worsen 5-7 days after visit