Head and Neck Diseases - Oral Cavity Flashcards
What are Caries
Demineralization of tooth by acidic metabolites of fermenting sugars. how to prevent : add fluoride
What is gingivitis
Inflammation of oral mucosa surrounding teeth due to poor oral hygiene. there is a accumulation of plaque and calculus. preventing is through brushing, flossing, dental visits.
What is Periodonitis
Inflammation of periodontal ligaments , alveolar bone, cementum due to poor oral hygiene. loose teeth.
What is aphthos Ulcers
recurrent, painful, superficial oral mucosal ulceration. immunologic disease association like celiac disease, inflammatory Bowel Disease and Behcet disease. single or multiple, shallow, hyperemic ulceration covered by a thin exudate, rimmed by a narrow zone of erythema. resolves spontaneously.
What is Fibrous Proliferative Lesion
- irritation fibroma (traumatic fibroma), pyogenic granuloma and found on gingiva specially of pregnant women.
What is Herpes Simplex
HSV-1 where there is an abrupt onset of vesicles and ulceration of oral mucosa. there will be fever and lymphadenopathy and in a immunocompromised states.
What is Oral Candidiasis
Candida albaicans, it si the most common fungal infection of oral cavity, happens in immunocompromised states, pseudomembranous ( most common types). Superficial, gray to white inflammatory membrane and can by easily scraped off. Due to broad spectrum antibiotic use ( it wipes away the normal flora.)
What is Hairy leukoplakia
lateral border of tongue. associated with EPV and immunocompromised states. cannot be scraped off and precancerous.
What is Erthroplakia
Red, velvety, precancerous ( much higher than leukoplakia)
What is a Squamous Cell Carcinoma
95% of all head and neck cancers with the risk facts for the US being smoking and alcohol and risk factors in Aisa are betel leaf (paan). other risk factors are sunlight, pipe, smoking and 70% of oropharynx SCC are associated with HPV-16.
What are immunocompromised states
Organ transplants Autoimmune disease HIV Immunosuppressive drugs Steroids Methotrexate Azathioprine Tacrolimus Infliximab, Etanercept, adalibumab Cancer Diabetes Mellitus