HARC- MSK (lectures) Flashcards
The Skull
The Skull
The Skull
Cranial fossae and foramen
Muscles of facial expression
The facial nerve (VII)
Where is it?
The facial nerve (VII)
Muscles of mastication
A synovial joint
The temporomandibular joint
The capsule and ligaments of the temporomandibular joint
The temporomandibular joint: articular disc
The temporomandibular joint: articular disc (II)
The vertebral column
The vertebral column (II)
Regional variations of vertebrae
Regional variations of vertebrae (II)
Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2)
The Sacrum
Ligaments of the vertebral column
Intervertebral discs
Pectoral Girdle + Humerus– Anterior View
Boney landmarks of the clavicle, scapula and humerus
Pectoral Girdle + Humerus – Posterior View
The glenohumeral joint capsule
Rotator cuff muscles
Rotator cuff muscles II
Muscles of the upper limb
Muscles of the upper limb II
Proximal muscles of the arm
Proximal muscles of the arm II
Proximal muscles of the arm III – Triceps brachii
Anterior surface anatomy
1 = Acromion
2 = Clavicle
3 = Deltopectoral groove
4 = Lower border of Pectoralis major
5 = Deltoid
6 = Biceps brachii
Posterior surface anatomy
3, 4, 6-12
3 = Acromion
4= Deltoiod
6 = Infraspinatus
7 = Latissimus dorsi
9 = Long head of triceps
10 = Spine of scapula
11= Teres major
12 = Trapzius
Intermuscular septa
Compartments of the arm
The spinal cord
A Spinal Nerve
Brachial Plexus
Brachial Plexus II