Global Warming, Human Activity & Biodiversity Flashcards
Alternative fuels
1 mark
A fuel that is not a fossil fuel.
1 mark
The cutting down of trees.
Polar Ice Caps
1 mark
Large area of land covered in ice.
1 mark
A young tree.
1 mark
Wood used in building and making furniture.
There is more carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere because:
(3 marks)
Increased combustion of fossil fuels has released more CO2.
Increased deforestation has reduced amount of CO2 being removed from atmosphere by photosynthesis.
Increased combustion of fossil fuels has did what?
1 mark
Released more CO2.
Increased deforestation has reduced amount of what being removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis?
(1 mark)
What removes CO2 from the atmosphere?
1 mark
What reduces the amount of CO2 being removed from the atmosphere?
(1 mark)
Why does deforestation interfere with the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere?
(2 marks)
Trees take in a lot of CO2 in the process of photosynthesis
- deforestation, cutting down trees, means this CO2 continues to circulate in the Earths atmosphere.
The Greenhouse Effect
3 marks
Greenhouse gases (like CO2) form a blanket around the Earth’s atmosphere.
This ‘greenhouse blanket’ allows heat from the Sun to enter the atmosphere but then traps it.
This is causing the Earth’s temperature to increase and is known as global warming.
‘Greenhouse blanket’
2 marks
The formation of Greenhouse gases (e.g CO2) around the Earth’s atmosphere.
- allows heat from the Sun to enter the atmosphere but then traps it.
How does the ‘greenhouse blanket’ react to heat from the sun?
(1 mark)
Allows heat from the Sun to enter the atmosphere but then traps it.
Global Warming
3 marks
Gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere
- generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of CO2, CFCs, and other pollutants.
Effects of global warming
5 marks
- Melting polar caps
- Rising sea levels
- Flooding
- Climate change - storms & drought
- Loss of habitats
How to reduce the effects of global warming
3 marks
- Planting more trees + reducing deforestation to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere.
- Burning fewer fossil fuels by using alternative fuels in order to reduce the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere.
- Being more energy efficient to reduce the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere.
How can Planting more trees + reducing deforestation help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere?
(1 mark)
Trees absorb CO2 for photosynthesis.
What can be used instead of fossil fuels to reduce the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere?
(1 mark)
Alternative fuels
How does being energy efficient benefit the environment?
1 mark
Reduces the amount of CO2 entering the environment.
Human activity that can have a negative effect on biodiversity.
(3 marks)
- Deforestation
- Burning fossil fuels
- Using excess fertiliser
If the current level of deforestation continues what will happen in the next few decades?
(1 mark)
Rainforest resources will be completely destroyed.
What have some countries have developed to prevent rainforest resources becoming completely destroyed?
(1 mark)
Sustainable woodlands
Within sustainable woodlands; what can still be harvested in a controlled way (without destroying the environment)?
(1 mark)
Strategies adopted to save the environment via sustainable woodlands:
(4 marks)
Only a small number of large trees are harvested at one time.
Saplings are planted to replace trees harvested (Reforestation)
Harvesting of the same area does not happen again until the medium trees have grown to become large (after a period of 25–30 years).
1 mark
Saplings are planted to replace trees harvested.
How long after harvesting will the same area be harvested again?
(2 marks)
After a period of 25 - 30 years
- does not happen again until medium trees have grown to become large.
International Treaties
2 marks
Ways in which humans are trying to reduce global CO2 levels by agreeing to international strategies.
- They are legally binding.
In 2015, how many countries signed up to international treaties?
(1 mark)