GI Medicine 6 - Specific Causes of Acute Vomiting and Diarrhoea 2 Flashcards
List four bacterial species that can be isolated from healthy dog faeces
Clostridium perfringens
Campylobacter spp.
Salmonella spp.
Which campylobacter species is related to disease in dogs?
C.jejuni (specificaly with concurrent viral infections)
Which campylobacter species is related to disease in cats?
Which campylobacter species is likely a canine commensal?
C. upsaliensis
What is the firt line therapy for campylobacter infection?
What antibiotics should you used to treat salmonella infection and avoid a carrier state?
Fluoroquinolones - 10 days and reculture (may need prolonged courses)
What is the specific chronic presentation of E.coli infection?
Granulomatous colitis
What should you trat dogs with that have a suspected clostrium perfringens infection?
Only treat where systemically ill.
Ampicillin or metroniazole
What are the roundworms that affects dogs and cats?
Toxocara canis (dogs)
Toxocara cati (cats)
Toxascaris leonina (both)
What are the two hook worms that affect dogs and cats?
U. stenocephala
What is the treatment for hookworms?
What whipworms affect dogs/cats?
Trichuris spp.
How would you diagnose Giardia?
Giardia organisms of fresh smear.
Faecal Giardia antigen ELISA.
Oocysts in a zinc sulfate flotation.
What is the treatment for Giardia?
What species does tritrichomonas foetus affect?
Cats NOT dogs