Bovine GI Tract 2 Flashcards
When do cattle with Johnes disease usually show clinical signs?
Between 2-5 years of age.
What is the main clinical sign of Johnes disease?
Profuse watery diarrhoea with no blood or mucous
Which pathogen causes Johne’s disease?
Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
What age of cattle are most susceptible to Johne’s disease?
<6 months
Which breeds may have a predisposition to Johne’s disease?
Limousin and Jersey
How long can the Johne’s disease pathogen survive in the environment?
> 1 year
Which stain should you use to test for Johnes disease?
What may you see on bacteriology to diagnose Johne’s disease?
Red acid alcohol fast bacilli. Single organisms are inconclusive but clumps are pathognomonic.
Which medium should be used to culutre the pathogen in Johne’s disease and how long can colonies take to grow?
Lowenstein-Jensen medium/Merkal medium.
Can take up to 12 weeks to grow
How is ELISA specificity increased for Johne’s disease?
M. phlei
List five factors that may be seen on the haematology/biochemistry of a cow with Johne’s disease?
Hypoproteinaemia, anaemia, hypocalcaemia, hyponatraemia and hypokalaemia.
Why can Johnes vaccination be used with DEFRA approval and what age of cattle is it given to?
Interferes with TB tests.
Given to calves less than 1 week old
What species is Malignant Catarrhal fever in cattle associated with in the UK?
List seven clinical signs of Malignant Catarrhal fever
Diarrhoea (not constant)
Lesions on head/eyes and occasional urticaria
Profuse mucopurulent nasal discharge
Superficial lymph nodes enlarged
Occasional nervous signs
Very marked pyrexia
What is the treatment for Malignant Catarrhal fever?
No treatment, advise euthanasia.