GI disease Flashcards
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Colon cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Erythema nodosum
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Ileostomy
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
Smoking increases the risk of this condition.
Crohn’s disease
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Colon cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Erythema nodosum
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Ileostomy
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
Smoking reduces the risk of this condition.
Ulcerative Colitis
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Colon cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Erythema nodosum
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Ileostomy
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
A 42 year old smoker with Crohn’s disease attends his GP. He complains of painful nodules on his shins.
Erythema nodosum
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Colon cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Erythema nodosum
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Ileostomy
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
The most likely cause of Toxic Megacolon.
Ulcerative Colitis
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Colon cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Erythema nodosum
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Ileostomy
- Pseudomembranous colitis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
The most likely cause of Backwash Ileitis.
Ulcerative Colitis
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Amyloidosis
- Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
- Beri-beri
- Scurvy
- Coeliac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Crohn’s disease
- Whipple’s disease
- Giardiasis
- Hypolactasia
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Pellagra
A 32-year-old female presents to her GP with fatigue, weight loss and an itchy rash. On examination she has koilonychia and a blistering eruption on her knees, elbows and scalp which the GP recognises as dermatitis herpetiformis.
Coeliac disease
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Amyloidosis
- Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
- Beri-beri
- Scurvy
- Coeliac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Crohn’s disease
- Whipple’s disease
- Giardiasis
- Hypolactasia
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Pellagra
A 10-year-old Caucasian boy with a history of recurrent lung infections is brought to A+E by his mother after developing steatorrhea. His blood glucose is 12mmol/L.
Pancreatic insufficiency
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Amyloidosis
- Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
- Beri-beri
- Scurvy
- Coeliac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Crohn’s disease
- Whipple’s disease
- Giardiasis
- Hypolactasia
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Pellagra
A 31-year-old male goes to his GP complaining of bloating, diarrhoea and wind when he eats dairy products. His lactose breath test is positive for hydrogen.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Amyloidosis
- Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
- Beri-beri
- Scurvy
- Coeliac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Crohn’s disease
- Whipple’s disease
- Giardiasis
- Hypolactasia
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Pellagra
A 67-year-old female presents with nausea, bloating and steatorrheoa. Lactulose breath test is positive and barium follow-through demonstrates a jejunal diverticulum.
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Amyloidosis
- Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
- Beri-beri
- Scurvy
- Coeliac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Crohn’s disease
- Whipple’s disease
- Giardiasis
- Hypolactasia
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Pellagra
A 48-year-old female presents to A+E with steatorrhoea and weight loss. She says it started two weeks ago with an attack of acute diarrhoea, fever and malaise during a trip to visit relatives in the Caribbean. Serology is negative for anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies. Barium swallow shows thickened small bowel folds. Duodenal biopsy shows villous atrophy.
Tropical sprue
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Labyrinthitis
- Meningitis
- Appendicitis
- Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Myocardial Infarction
- Large bowel obstruction
- Medication effect
- Uraemia
- Gastroenteritis due to Salmonella
- Gastroenteritis due to Bacillus Cereus
- Small bowel obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Malaria
- Migraine
A 65-year-old man is admitted to hospital whilst drunk complaining of heavy vomiting and severe abdominal pain radiating to the back that is eased when sitting forward. On examination he is pyrexic, tachycardic and has a rigid abdomen.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Labyrinthitis
- Meningitis
- Appendicitis
- Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Myocardial Infarction
- Large bowel obstruction
- Medication effect
- Uraemia
- Gastroenteritis due to Salmonella
- Gastroenteritis due to Bacillus Cereus
- Small bowel obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Malaria
- Migraine
A 17-year-old male gives a 3-day history of 20-minute spells of nausea and vomiting. On examination he is unsteady on his feet, pale and sweaty.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Labyrinthitis
- Meningitis
- Appendicitis
- Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Myocardial Infarction
- Large bowel obstruction
- Medication effect
- Uraemia
- Gastroenteritis due to Salmonella
- Gastroenteritis due to Bacillus Cereus
- Small bowel obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Malaria
- Migraine
A 22-year-old female student presents with a 2-day history of severe vomiting, non-bloody diarrhoea and crampy abdominal pain. On examination she is pale, clammy and shivering. An abdominal examination is unremarkable.
Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Labyrinthitis
- Meningitis
- Appendicitis
- Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Myocardial Infarction
- Large bowel obstruction
- Medication effect
- Uraemia
- Gastroenteritis due to Salmonella
- Gastroenteritis due to Bacillus Cereus
- Small bowel obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Malaria
- Migraine
A 14-year-old male presents with a 1-day history of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. On examination he is pyrexic, tachycardic and has tenderness and guarding in the right iliac fossa.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Labyrinthitis
- Meningitis
- Appendicitis
- Gastroenteritis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Myocardial Infarction
- Large bowel obstruction
- Medication effect
- Uraemia
- Gastroenteritis due to Salmonella
- Gastroenteritis due to Bacillus Cereus
- Small bowel obstruction
- Gastric outflow obstruction
- Malaria
- Migraine
A 22-year-old student presents with a 5-day history of colicky central abdominal pain, which is relieved by vomiting. Vomit is dark green. On examination she is dehydrated and the abdomen is distended but non-tender. There are increased bowel sounds. She had an exploratory laparotomy 2 years ago.
Small bowel obstruction
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Achalasia
- Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Coeliac disease
- Oesophageal varices
- Duodenal ulcer
- Oesophageal web
- Gastric carcinoma
- Oesophagitis
- Gastric MALToma
- Gastric ulcer
A 42-year-old publican presents to A&E with hematemesis and pruritus. Jaundice, gynaecomastia and asterixis are noted on examination.
Oesophageal varices
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Achalasia
- Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Coeliac disease
- Oesophageal varices
- Duodenal ulcer
- Oesophageal web
- Gastric carcinoma
- Oesophagitis
- Gastric MALToma
- Gastric ulcer
A 72-year-old Portuguese fishmonger presents to his GP complaining of weight loss, heartburn and vomiting. On examination, Troisier’s sign is positive.
Gastric carcinoma
Troisier’s sign = palpable left supraclavicular lymph node
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Achalasia
- Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Coeliac disease
- Oesophageal varices
- Duodenal ulcer
- Oesophageal web
- Gastric carcinoma
- Oesophagitis
- Gastric MALToma
- Gastric ulcer
An obese 38-year-old lady presents with a three month history of lethargy and stomach discomfort which is worse during periods of hunger. She has noticed that occasionally her stools are very dark.
Duodenal ulcer
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Achalasia
- Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Coeliac disease
- Oesophageal varices
- Duodenal ulcer
- Oesophageal web
- Gastric carcinoma
- Oesophagitis
- Gastric MALToma
- Gastric ulcer
An 82-year-old man complains of odynophagia. The pain has become progressively worse over the past three months, at first only solids triggered the pain but now even sipping water is painful.
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Achalasia
- Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
- Coeliac disease
- Oesophageal varices
- Duodenal ulcer
- Oesophageal web
- Gastric carcinoma
- Oesophagitis
- Gastric MALToma
- Gastric ulcer
A 22-year-old secretary with well managed type I diabetes complains of lethargy, weight loss and intermittent diarrhoea. Blood tests demonstrate a macrocytic anaemia.
Coeliac disease
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Reflux Oesophagitis
- Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Oesophageal webs
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Achalasia
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Megacolon
A common upper GI problem associated with Chagas disease and loss of ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Reflux Oesophagitis
- Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Oesophageal webs
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Achalasia
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Megacolon
May present with Schatzki rings or in anaemic (Iron deficient) females complaining of dysphagia.
Oesophageal Varices
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Reflux Oesophagitis
- Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Oesophageal webs
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Achalasia
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Megacolon
A 35-year-old male complains of a sharp pain in the chest after meals. A biopsy of the oesophagus shows inflammation and eosinophilia.
Reflux Oesophagitis
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Reflux Oesophagitis
- Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Oesophageal webs
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Achalasia
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Megacolon
Linear lacerations at the gastro-oesophageal junction.
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
Choose the most appropriate answer from the list
- Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Reflux Oesophagitis
- Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Oesophageal webs
- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- Achalasia
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Megacolon
Rupture or perforation of the oesophagus due to rise in internal oesophageal pressure while vomiting. Commonly associated with increased consumption of food/alcohol and bulimia.
Boerhaave Syndrome