Gender - androgyny Flashcards
display equal masculine and feminine traits/characteristics
traditional view on gender?
two distinct gender identities; manly men and girly girls
Sandra Bem (1974)
suggest more than two gender identities, added androgynous to masculine and feminine identities
June Singer (1976)
androgyny is ‘flowing between binary opposites of masculinity and femininity’
Jarvis and Russell (2009)
- androgyny is not sexual orientation, intersex, sexual equality
- characteristics culture associates with males and females co-exist within one person
Bem Sex Role Inventory
- 7 point likert scale with gendered traits carry numerical value and are added up
- score above 4 in both masculine and feminine counts as androgynous
how could the Bem sex role inventory be improved
- validity = change wording/interview
- reliability = split-half
Bem (1974)
BSRI - Bem Sex Role Inventory. first systematic attempt to measure androgyny using rating scale. creates scores across two dimensions. more people = androgynous than extremes
strengths of the BSRI
+ face validity. pilot study of 1000 students results broadly matched students gender identity
+ reliable - high correspondance in test-retest
+ androgynous people are more psychologically healthy as they are not surpressing parts of themselves
limitations of the BSRI
- social desirability bias
- 70s lacks temporal validity
- American students lacks populcation validity (culture, IQ, etc.)
- quantitative - misses rich detail
- oversimplifies complex concept
Adams and Sherer
using BSRI found that masculine men and women were most well adjusted on different scales like assertiveness and self-efficacy. Due to patriarchy?