Gait Flashcards
What are 5 Stance Phases in standard terminology?
- Heel Strike
- Foot flat
- Midstance
- Heel off
- Toe off
What are the 3 swing phases in standard terminology?
- Acceleration
- Midswing
- Deceleration
What are the 5 stance phases of rancho?
- Initial contact
- Loading response
- Midstance
- Terminal Stance
- Pre-swing
What are the 3 swing phases of rancho?
- initial swing
- midswing
- terminal swing
What are the 5 stance phases in standard and in rancho?
Standard Rancho
- Heel strike : Initial Contact
- Foot flat : Loading Response
- Midstance : Midstance
- Heel off : Terminal stance
- toe off : Pre-swing
What are the 3 swing phases in standard and in rancho?
Standard Rancho
- Acceleration : Initial Swing
- Midswing : Midswing
- Deceleration : Terminal swing
When is loading response (rancho)?
between initial contact and the beginning of the swing phase of the other leg (loading so you can swing opp)
When is midstance (rancho)?
point in stance phase when the other foot is off the floor until the body is directly over stance limb
When is terminal stance (rancho)?
begins with the heel of the stance limb rising and ends when the other foot touches the ground
When is pre-swing (rancho)?
begins when the other foot touches the ground and ends with stance foot reaches toe off
When is initial swing (rancho)?
begins when stance foot lifts from the floor and ends with max knee flexion during swing
When is midswing (rancho)?
begins with max knee flexion an dends when tibia is perpendicular to ground
When is terminal swing (rancho)?
begins when the tibia is perpendicular to the floor and ends when the foot touches the ground.
What percent of gait is stance phase and what percent is swing?
60% stance and 40% swing
What percent of the gait cycle is double support and when does that occur?
20% double support, 80% single support
10% between R initial contact and L pre-swing
10% between L initial contact and R pre-swing
How many degrees of hip, knee, and ankle motion are needed for normal gait (6 motions)?
Hip Flexion: 30 Hip Extension: 10 Knee flexion: 60 Knee extension: 0 Ankle dorsiflexion: 0-10 Ankle plantarflexion: 0-20
During initial contact what muscles place the ankle in dorsiflexion for heel strike and prepare to lower the foot towards the ground?
Ankle dorsiflexors
During loading response what muscles act eccentrically to control lowering of the foot to the ground?
During the latter portion of the phase what muscles eccentrically control dorsiflexion as the tibia moves over the foot?
During Loading response what muscle eccentrically controls pronation of the foot?
ankel dorsiflexors
ankle plantarflexors
Posterior tibialis
During what phase do hip abductors contract to stabilize the pelvis and prevent contralateral hip drop?
midstance and terminal stance as weel
During what phase do plantar flexors begin to work concentrically?
terminal stance
What are the ankle dorsiflexors doing in initial swing and why?
contracting concentrically to clear the foot from the ground
What are the ankle inverters doing during terminal swing and why?
contracting concentrically in order to prepare the foot for initial contact
What is the average BOS for adults?
2-4 inches
What is the average cadence for adults?
110-120 steps per minute
What is the average degree of toe out in adults?
7 degrees
What is pelvic rotation and how much is there in adults?
it occurs opposite of the thorax to maintain balance and regulate speed. Average pelvic rotaiton during gait is 8 (4 degrees forward with the swing leg and 4 degrees backward with the stance leg)
What is average step length in an adult?
28 inches
What is the average stride length in an adult?
56 inches
What is decreased with antalgic gait?
stance time on involved side and swing phase on uninvolved side
What is an ataxic gait?
staggering and unsteadiness, wide BOS with exaggerated movements
What is a cerebellar gait?
staggering gait pattern
What is a double step gait pattern?
Alternate steps are of a different length or at a different rate
What is a festinating gait?
when a pat walks on toes as though pushed. Starts slowly increases and may continue until pt grasps an object in order to stop
What is the name of a gait when the pt abducts the paralyzed limb, swings it around, and brings it forward so that the foot comes to the ground in front of them?
Hemiplegic gait
What is the name of the gait marekd by increased forward flexion of trunk and kees and the gait is shuffling with quick and small steps, festinating may occur?
Parkinsonian gait
What is a spastic gait?
pattern with stiff movement, toes seeming to catch and drag, legs held together, and hip and knee joints slightly flexed
What is a steppage gait?
feet and toes are lifted through hip and knee flexion to excessive heights, usually due to dorsiflexor weakness. Foot slap at initial contact
What is a tabetic gait?
A high stepping ataxic pattern in which the feet slap the ground
What is a trendelenburg gait?
Denotes glute med weakness, excessive lateral trunk flexion and weight shifting over the stance leg
What is vaulting?
a pattern where the swing leg advances by compensating through a combination of pelvic elevation and plantar flexion of the stance leg
What causes foot slap?
weakness/paralysis of dorsiflexors
What can cause toe down instead of heel strike? (6)
- PF spasticity
- PF contracture
- Weak DF
- DF paralysis
- Leg length discrepancy
- hindfoot pain
What can cause clawing of toes(2)?
- toe flexor spasticity
2. positive support reflex
What can cause heel lift during midstance (2)?
- insufficient DF range
2. PF spasticity
What can cause no toe off (4)?
- forefoot/toe pain
- Weak PF
- weak toe flexors
- insufficient PF ROM
What cause exaggerated knee flexion at contact (4)?
- weak quadriceps
- quadriceps paralysis
- hamstring spasticity
- insufficient ext ROM
What can cause hyperextension in stance (2)?
- compensation for weak quads
2. pf contracture
What can cause exaggerated knee flexion at terminal stance (2)?
- knee flexion contracture
2. hip flexion contracture
What can cause insufficeint knee flexion with swing? (4)
- knee effusion
- quadriceps extension spasticity
- PF spasticity
- insufficient flexion ROM
What can cause excessive knee flexion with swing (2)?
- flexor withdrawal reflex
2. lower extremtiy flexor synergy
What can cause insufficient hip flexion at initial contact (4)?
- weak hip flexors
- hip flexor paralysis
- hip extensor spasticity
- insufficient hip flexion ROM
What can cause insufficient hip extension at stance?(3_
- insufficient hip extension ROM
- hip felxion contraction
- LE flexor synergy
What can cause hip circumduction during swing? (3)
- compensation for weak hip flexors
- compensation for weak dorsiflexors
- compensation for weak hamstrings
What can cause hip hiking during swing(3)?
- compensation for weak dorsiflexors
- compensation for weak knee flexors
- compensation for extensor synergy pattern
What can cause exaggerated hip flexion during swing (2)?
- lower extremity flexor synergy
2. compensation for insufficient ankle DF
How much does the pelvis rotate in the frontal plane (lateral pelvic tilt) with gait?
5 degrees, contralateral side to stance drops
What is the beginning and end of the 5 stance phases of RLA?
IC: begins with foot touching the ground
Loading Response: begins with initial contact and ends with the beginning of swing phase for the other leg
Midstance: begins with other foot off the floor and ends when the body is directly over the stance limb
Terminal Stance: begins when the heel of the stance limb rises and ends when the other foot touches the ground
Pre-swing: begins with the other foot touching the ground and ends with stance foot reaching toe off
What is the beginning and end of the 3 swing phases of RLA?
Initial Swing: stance foot lifts off floor and ends with max knee flexion
Midswing: max knee flexion until the tibia is perpendicular to the ground
Terminal swing: tibia perpendicular to the floor and ends with foot touching the ground
What type of gait pattern is characterized by high steps; usually invovling excessive activity of the gastrocnemius?
what is the average oxygen rate for comfortable walking?
What is the metabolic cost of walking on level surfaces?
12 mL/kg x min
5.5 kcal/min