Further Traffic Flashcards
Vehicle excise and registration act 1994
The legislation that consolidated the law in relation to the registration of and excise duty payable in respect of motor vehicles
Section 1 of the vehicle excise and registration act 1994
Creates a vehicle license which applies to a mechanically propelled vehicle kept/used on public roads(whether or not it is in working condition
Vehicle excise license- offences
Section 29 vehicle excised and registration act 1994
Using/ keeping on a road an MPV for which a vehicle excise license is not in force
Section 15 and 37 vehicle excise and registration act 1994
Using a vehicle in a condition, manner or for a purpose for which a higher rate of duty was chargeable
Section 5 vehicle excise and registration act 1994
Creates provisions which exempt certain vehicles from requiring a vehicle excise license
Section 43 vehicle excise and registration act 1994
It is an offence to drive or keep a mechanically propelled vehicle on a public road when it’s vehicle registration mark:
Was not fixed as required
Or was obscured
Or allowed to become not easily distinguishable
Requirements to wear seatbelts Section 14(3) road traffic act 1988
Adults in the front and rear of vehicles
Every person ages 14 years or more who is driving or riding in the front or rear seat of any motor vehicle (other than two wheeled motor cycle with it without a side car) shall wear an adult belt where one is available
No other person than the person actually committing the contravention is guilty of an offence
Regulation 34 of the road vehicles (construction and use) regulations 1986
Creates legislation regarding fitting, use and maintenance of windscreen wipes and washers on vehicles
Maintenance of lamps- regulation 23
No person shall use, cause or permit to be used on a road a vehicle unless every lamp, reflector, rear marking and device is in good working order and clean
Regulation 25 of the road vehicles lighting regulations 1989
Concerns the use of headlamps and front fog lamps during the hours of darkness or in seriously reduced visibility
Regulation 110(1) of the road vehicles (construction and use) regulations 1986
No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a road if he is using
A hand held mobile telephone or
A hand held devise other than a two way radio, which performs an interactive communication function by transiting and recovering data
Using a vehicle or trailer in dangerous conditions section 40 road traffic act 1988
It is an offence to use, cause or permit another to use a motor vehicle or trailer on a road when condition is such that there is a likelihood of the danger of injury to other road users
There must be actual danger which would be obvious to a careful and competent motorise
This legislation is broken down into four areas
What are the four ages of section 40 RTA 1988
- Condition of motor vehicle, trailer, it’s accessories or equipment
- Purpose of which used
- Carriage of passengers
- Load
Regulation 110(3) of the road vehicles (construction and use) regulations 1986
No person shall supervise a holder of a provisional license if the person supervising is using:
A hand held mobile telephone or
A hand held devise other than a two way radio which performs an interactive communication function by transmitting and receiving data t
3 reasons a officer would need to stop a vehicle
To protect life, limb and property
Carry out breath test
Fault in vehicle
Police have primacy for incidents involving what?
Injury or death
Threats to public order or safety
Significant coordination of emergency/services
Purposes of a notice of intended prosecution (N.I.P)
To ensure the drive or ride is aware an offence has been committed
To ensure he or she is aware they may be prosecuted for that offence
To allow driver or rider time to prepare any defence
Offences that require a N.I.P
What is DEFFLA
D- dangerous, careless or inconsiderate driving or cycling
E- exceeding the speed limit
F- fail to conform to direction given by PC engage in regulation of traffic
F- fail to conform to certain traffic signs
L- leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
A- aiding and abetting any of these offences
3 ways to serve a N.I.P
Writing notice
What is the fatal 5?
Drink/drug driving Speeding Not wearing a seatbelt Using a mobile phone Dangerous driving
Section 16 road traffic act 1988- offences involving motorcycles
It is an offence to drive or ride in a motorcycle without a helmet
Section 23 road traffic act 1988- offences involving motorcycles
Provides restrictions concerning the carriage of person on motorcycles and create the appropriate offences if a person is carried on a motor cycle in contravention of this section the drive of the motorcycle is guilty of an offence
A.N.I.P is not required if…
At the time of, or immediately after the offence has been committed, an accident occurs, (of which the driver is aware) owing to the presence of the road of the vehicle in respect of which the offence was committed
The offence has been dealt with by issuing a traffic officer report( TOR)