Child Abuse Flashcards
4 categories of child abuse
What is neglect
Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development
Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse
Name 5 types of physical abuse
Hitting Shaking Drowning Poisoning Burning/scalding
Section 58 of the children act 2004
Outlines the defence of reasonable punishment or lawful chastisement or reasonable punishment for those who have parental responsibility for a child
Explain emotional abuse
Persistent or severe emotional I’ll treatment or rejection of a child which causes actual or adverse effect on the child’s emotional and behavioural development
Explain sexual abuse
The involvement of children in sexual activity of any kind
It may involve physical contact such as penetrative or non penetrative acts or non contact activities such as showing them pornographic images
Section 5 domestic Violence, crime and victims act 2004
Causing or allowing the death or to suffer serious physical harm of a child or vulnerable child
Child cruelty section 1 children and young persons act 1993
It is an offence for a person 16 years or over who, having responsibility for a child under 16, wilfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects, abandons, or exposes the child in a manner that is likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health
Children’s act 1988
Section 46
Where a constable has a reasonable cause to believe that a child would otherwise be likely to suffer significant harm they may
Remove the child to suitable accommodation and keep them there or
Take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that the child’s removal from any hospital or other place, in which they are then being accommodated is prevented
PPO: police protection order
Section 46 states that under no circumstances may a child be kept in a police protection for more than 72 hours
Police stations not suitable medium to long term
The children act does not give power of entry
Consider PACE section 17
Roles & responsibilities
Investigating/initiating officer
Takes child into police protection and undertakes initial enquiries
Roles & responsibilities
Designated officer
Inspector rank or above takes an independent oversight of the circumstances in which the child has been taken into police protection
Child protection plan
Every local authority keeps a register of the names of children who are deemed to be as risk of abuse and who need a child protection plan to keep them safe
Necessity test
Protect child or vulnerable person
Prompt and effective investigation
Causing physical injury to themselves or other
Causing loss or damage to property
Officer should consider
The child’s safety
Observation and recording of the child’s condition
Immediate safeguarding the child’s welfare
Having to ask questions
What other children could be at risk