Coercive Control Flashcards
Define coercive control
A person A commits an offence if
A repeatedly or continuously engages in behaviour towards another person B that is coercive or controlling and at the time of the behaviour A and B are personally connected the behaviour has serious effect on B and A knows or ought to now that the behaviour will have a serious effect on B
Section 76 serious crime act 2015
A range of acts designed to make a person subordinate & or dependent by isolating them from source of support exploiting their resources & capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance & escape & regulating their everyday behaviour
Coercive control behaviour
Make the victim
Fear or actual violence
A believe to be acting in the best interests of B
The behaviour in all circumstances was reasonable
Major tactics of coercive control
Intimidation Control Violence Surveillance Degradation& humiliation
Duluth power & control wheel
Sexual violence physical
Using coercion threats Using intimidation Using emotional abuse Using isolating Minimising, denying, blaming Using children Using gender privilege Using economic abuse Power and control
The entrapment process
Stage 1- grooming/ conditioning
Stage 2- normalisation
Stage 3- entrapment
6 stages of leaving
- Managing the situation
- Distortion of perspective/ reality
- Defining the abuse
- Re- evaluating the relationship
- Ending the relationship
- Ending the abuse
The nature of abusive behaviour
- Biological
- Individual or pathological
- Provocation
- External pressures such as alcohol, poverty, unemployment the weather