Form $ Essentials Flashcards
What are #1’s responsibilities?
Clear for the formation
Plan for the formation
Monitor #2
Navigate for the formation
Communicate for the formation
What are #2’s responsibilities?
Do not hit number 1
Keep number 1 in sight
Be in position and on frequency
Clear for the formation
Back up number 1
When would you breakout?
Hazard to the formation
In front of or under number 1
Told to break out
Sight or SA loss
When would you Knock It Off?
(A) Any player calls KIO
Bingo Overflown inadvertantly
Unplanned/unscheduled aircraft in MOA
MOA boundary breached
Speed (too slow or fast)
Weather minimums
Overspeed / Over G
Radio failure or continuous wing rock
Loss of SA
Dangerous situation/Emergency
When would you terminate?
Bingo reached
Objectives met
Out of position
Told to do so
Lead should be thinking about? What about after ET?
Ops Check
How low can a formation approach go?
300 feet AGL
What restrictions do you have for a Wing T/O?
-less than 15 KIAS crosswind
-500 / 1 1/2 or circling mins (whichever is greater)
-No ice, slush, snow, standing water
-min runway width of 150’
What restrictions do you have for an interval T/O?
-1500 and 3SM
-<25 KIAS crosswind
-75 foot runway
What are your restrictions in ET?
Max bank of 120º (I and II) and min a/s 100 KIAS
All maneuvers above 6000 AGL
No abrupt turn reversals
Two ship only
Wx: CoC, 3SM, discernable horizon
Inside 300’ bubble / infront of 3/9 = KIO
Number 2 will lag lead’s last known position & call blind
Solo will not fly over the top (ET III)
How high can you overshoot on a turning rejoin?
No higher than route echelon and must stabilize before resuming rejoin
What are you looking for on a turning rejoin?
Star/SA in the saddle, CB visible then fingertip
In ET, how do you know you’re at 300’?
the tail # is visible
What is your references for close trail?
Exhaust stacks on top of wings, 0 Aspect, 2-4 ship lengths
What is the visual cue for 2 ship widths?
Black around the red triangle
EPOD for FF5001: Abort (Flight vs. Single)
Flight: “FLIGHT, ABORT, ABORT, ABORT” Both aircraft abort takeoff and maintain their side of the runway, treating centerline like a brick wall
Single: If good aircraft notices rapid aft LOS, they push power to max and continue T/O, treating centerline like a brick wall.
ITOD for AFPAM 11-205 visual signals
Visual signals will be in accordance with AFPAM 11-205 except for push to route and saluting off for flight split.
What is the standard for engine start?
Crews will close and crank regardless of ITS/Wind Chill condition. After engine start, crews will check ATIS, and tune to clearance delivery and Aux frequency. Wingmen will pass a “thumbs up” to lead when ready for check-in when visual. Lead will check #2 in on Aux then Prime after the “thumbs up” is given prior to calling for clearance. Flight members will acknowledge receipt of clearance with their position (ex. “2”)
What is the standard for Ground Aborts/Spares?
If visual and the other aircraft encounters a ground-abort situation before engine start, continue with the ground ops unless FL directs otherwise. If not visual, report expected delays to FL as soon as possible
What is the standard for taxi?
Lead will check flight members in on Aux first. If additional time is required, wingmen will inform lead during the Aux check-in (e.x. Callsign 2 needs XX minutes)