Forearm and wrist joint Flashcards
Describe brachoradialis
O: prox 2/3 of supra-epicondylar ridge of humerus
A: lateral surface of distal end of the radius
I: Radial nerve (C5,6,7)
Fn: weak flexion, maximal when midpronation
What is the origin of brachoradialis?
proximal 2/3 of supra-epicondylar ridge of humerus
What is the attachment of brachoradialis
lateral surface of distal end of radius
What is the innervation of brachoradialis
Radial nerve C5,6,7
What is the funtion of brachoradialis
Weak flexion, maximal when midpronated
Describe extensor carpi radialis longus
O: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
A: dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal
I: radial nerve C6,7
Fn: extends wrist joint and abducts hand
What is the origin of extensor carpi radialis longus?
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
What is the attachment of extensor carpi radialis longus?
dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal
What is the innervation of extensor carpi radialis longus?
Radial nerve C6,7
What is the function of extensor carpi radialis longus?
Extends wrist joint and abducts hand
Describe extensor carpi radialis brevis
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: dorsal aspect of base of the 3rd metacarpal
I: deep branch of the radial nerve C7,8
Fn: extends and abducts hand at wrist
What is the origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal
What is the innervation of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Deep branch of radial nerve
What is the function of extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extends and abducts hand at wrist
Describe extensor digitorum
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: extensor expansions of medial 4 fingers
I: posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extends medial 4 fingers
What is the origin of extensor digitorum
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of extensor digitorum
Extensor expansions of medial 4 fingers
What is the innervation of extensor digitorum?
posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor digitorum?
Extension of medial 4 fingers
Describe extensor digiti minimi
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: extensor expansion of the 5th finger
I: posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extension of the pinky finger
What is the origin of extensor digiti minimi
lateral epicondyle of the humerus
What is the attachment of extensor digiti minimi
extensor expansion of the5th finger
What is the innervation of extensor digiti minimi
posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor digiti minimi
extension of the 5th finger
Describe extensor carpi ulnaris
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: dorsal aspect of the base of 5th metacarpal
I: posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extends and adducts hand at the wrist
What is the origin of extensor carpi ulnaris
medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of extensor carpi ulnaris
dorsal aspect of the base of the 5th metacarpal
What is the innervation of extensor carpi ulnaris
posterior interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor carpi ulnaris
Extension and adduction of hand
What are the muscles in the superficial layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
Extensor carpi radialis longus + brevis brachoradialis Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum Extensor digit minimi
What are the muscles in the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
Supinator abductor pollicis longus extensor pollicis longus extensor pollicis brevis extensor indicis
Describe supinator
O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
A: prox 1/3 of the radius
I: deep branch of the radial nerve (C7)
Fn: supination
What is the origin of supinator
lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of supinator
prox 1/3 of the radius
What is the innervation of supinator
deep branch of the radial nerve (C7)
Describe abductor pollicis longus
O: posterior surface of prox 1/2 of ulna, radius and interosseous membrane
A: base of 1st metacarpal
I: post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) continuation of deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: abducts 1st finger
What is the origin of abductor pollicis longus
post surface of prox 1/2 of ulna, radius and interosseous membrane
What is the attachment of abductor pollicis longus
base of 1st metacarpal
What is the innervation of abductor pollicis longus
post interosseous nerve (C7,8) continuation of deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of abductor pollicis longus
abduction of thumb
Describe extensor pollicis longus
O: post surface of middle 1/3 of ulna and interosseous membrane
A: dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb
I: post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extension of the thumb
What is the origin of extensor pollicis longus
post surface of middle 1/3 of ulna and interosseous membrane
What is the attachment of extensor pollicis longus
dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb
What is the innervation of extensor pollicis longus
post interosseous membrane (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor pollicis longus?
extension of the thumb
Describe extensor pollicis brevis?
O: post surface of distal 1/3 of radius and interosseous membrane
A: dorsal aspect of base of prox phalanx of thumb
I: post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extension of thumb
What is the origin of extensor pollicis brevis?
post surface of distal 1/3 of radius and interosseous membrane
What is the attachment of extensor pollicis brevis?
dorsal surface of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
What is the innervation of extensor pollicis brevis?
post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor pollicis brevis
extension of thumb
Describe extensor indicis
O: post surface of distal 1/3 of ulna + interosseous membrane
A: extensor expansion of index finger
I: post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
Fn: extends index finger
What is the origin of extensor indicis
post surface of distal 1/3 of the ulna and interosseous membrane
What is the attachment of extensor indicis
extension expansion of index finger
What is the innervation of extensor indicis
post. interosseous nerve (C7,8) a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve
What is the function of extensor indicis
extension of index finger
What lines the anatomical snuff box
extensor pollicis longus and brevis
How does the radial nerve in the arm?
Anteriorly in the arm until the elbow (where it runs past the funny bone) and then is posteriorly and laterally
What muscles make up the superficial layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm?
Pronator teres flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum superficialis
Describe pronator teres
O: (ulnar head) coronoid process of ulna
(humeral head) medial epicondyle of humerus
A: middle convexity of lateral surface of radius
I: median nerve (C6,7)
Fn: pronates and flexes forearm
What is the origin of pronator teres?
ulnar head: coronoid process of ulna
humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of pronator teres ?
middle convexity of lateral surface of radius
What is the innervation of pronator teres?
median nerve (C6,7)
What is the function of pronator teres?
pronates + flexes forearms
Describe flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
A: base of 2nd metacarpal
I: median nerve (C6,7)
Fn: flexes and abducts hand
What is the origin of flexor carpi radialis
medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of flexor carpi radialis
base of 2nd metacarpal
What is the innervation of flexor carpi radialis
median nerve (C6,7)
What is the function of flexor carpi radialis
flexes and abducts hand
Describe palmaris longus
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
A: palmar aponeurosis
I: median nerve (C7,8)
Fn: flexes head + tenses aponeurosis
What is the origin of palmaris longus?
medical epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of palmaris longus
palmar aponeurosis
What is the innervation of palmaris longus
median nerve (C7,8)
What is the function palmaris longus?
flexes head + tenses aponeurosis
Describe flexor carpi ulnaris
O: olecranon
A: 5th metacarpal
I: ulnar nerve (C7,8)
Fn: flexes + adducts hand
What is the origin of flexor carpi ulnaris?
What is the attachment of flexor carpi ulnaris
5th metacarpal
What is the innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
median nerve (C7,8)
What is the function of flexor carpi ulnaris?
flexes and adducts hand
Describe flexor digitorum superficialis
O: (humero-ulnar head) medial epicondyle of humerus (radial head) oblique line of radius A: middle phalanges of medial 4 digits I: median nerve (C7,8 T1) Fn: flexes digits
What is the origin flexor digitorum superficialis
(humero-ulnar head) medial epicondyle of humerus
(radial head) oblique line of radius
What is the attachment of flexor digitorum superficialis
middle phalanges of medial 4 digits
What is the innervation of flexor digitorum superficialis
median nerve (C7,8 T1)
What is the function of flexor digitorum superficialis
flexes digits
What muscles make up the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm?
Flexor digitorum profundus
flexor pollicis longus
pronator quadratus
Describe flexor digitorum profundus
O: prox. 3/4 of medial and ant surfaces of ulna interosseous membrane
A: bases of distal phalanges of medial 4 digits
I: index and middle = median nerve; ring and pinky = ulnar nerve
Fn: flexor of digits + assists w/ wrist flexion
What is the origin of flexor digitorum profundus
prox. 3/4 of medial and ant. surfaces of ulna interosseous
What is the attachment of flexor digitorum profundus
bases of distal phalanges of medial 4 digits
What is the innervation of flexor digitorum profundus
index + middle = median nerve; ring + pinky = ulnar nerve
What is the function of flexor digitorum profundus
flexor of digits + assists w/wrist flexion
Describe flexor pollicis longus
O: ant surface of radius
A: base of distal phalanx of thumb
I: ant interosseous nerve (from median nerve)
Fn: flexes thumb
What is the origin of flexor pollicis longus
ant surface of radius
What is the attachment of flexor pollicis longus
base of distal phalanx of thumb
What is the innervation of the flexor pollicis longus
ant interosseous nerve, from the median nerve
What is the function of flexor pollicis longus
flexes thumb
Describe pronator quadratus
O: distal 1/4 of ant surface of ulna
A: distal 1/4 of ant surface of radius
I: ant interosseous nerve, from median nerve
Fn: pronates forearm
What is the origin of pronator quadratus
distal 1/4 of ant surface of ulna
What is the attachment of pronator quatratus
distal 1/4 of ant surface of radius
What is the innervation of pronator quadratus
ant interosseous nerve, from median nerve
What structure limits the abduction of the wrist
styloid process of the radius