Elbow and radioulnar joints Flashcards
What muscles are flexors of the elbow?
Biceps brachii
What muscles are extensors of the elbow
Triceps brachii
What muscles control supination?
Supinator and biceps brachii
Describe supinator
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: proximal 1/3 of radius
I: deep branch of radial nerve C7, 8
What is the origin of supinator?
lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of supinator?
proximal 1/3 of radius
What is the innervation of supinator?
deep branch of radial nerve C7, 8
Describe pronator teres
O: ulnar head - coronoid process of ulna humeral head - medial epicondyle of humerus A: lateral surface of radius I: median nerve C6,7 Fn: pronation
What is the origin of pronator teres?
ulnar head - coronoid process of ulna
humeral head - medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of pronator teres?
lateral surface of radius
What is the innervation of pronator teres?
median nerve C6,7
What is the function of pronator teres?
Describe anconeus
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
A: lateral surface of olecranon + superior part of post surface of ulna
I: radial nerve C7, 8, T1
Fn: assists in extension of the elbow
What is the origin of anconeus
lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the attachment of anconeus
lateral surface of olecranon + superior part of post surface of ulna
What is the innervation of anconeus
radial nerve C7,8 T1
What is the function of anconeus?
assist in extension of the elbow