Flashcard 7 Neuro
different causes Parkinsonism
- parkinsons disease (pathology in basal ganglia)
- Lewy body dementia
- drug induced
tempero-parietal dementia specific treatment
- cholinesterase inhibitors
- NMSA antagonist
abortive migraine treatment
- aspirin
- triptons
10 day/ month MAX
treatable mimics of dementia
- normal pressure hydrocephalus
- B12 deficiencies
- depression
pain radiating from buttock into thigh, calf, and occasionally foot
osteomyelitis risk factors
- IV drug abuse
- alcohol
- diabetes
- chronic renal failure
- coma
- vertigo
- N+V
- cranial nerve palsies
- ataxia
- hemiparesis
- visual field defects
posterior circulation stroke
- pyrexia
- back pain
- focal neurology
epidural abscess
investigations for coma without focal or materialising signs, meningism
- renal + hepatic function
- blood glucose
- toxicology
- electrolytes
- acid/base
- BP
- CO monitoring
Horners syndrome characteristics
- small pupil
- anhidrosis
- ptosis
on affected side
myasthenia gravis
chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease causing weakness in skeletal muscles
- pain
- weakness
- sphincter disturbance
- malignancy associated symptoms
malignant cord compression
bacterial causes meningitis
strep pneumonia
neisseria meningitides
bacterial meningitis lumbar puncture results
- high protein
- increased pressure
- increased cell count
- neutrophils
- decreased glucose
frequency and timings of paroxysmal hemicrania
- 2-40 attack/day
- no circadian rhythm
- 2-30 mins long
- rapid pain cessation