Flashcard 10
components of process of glycosylation
- accumulation of trapped plasma proteins
2. accumulation of cross-linked basal lamina proteins
potential causes of raised ACR
- orthostatic proteinuria
- diabetic kidney disease
how does IGF-1 work
acts as an autocrine to stimulate cartilage production
medications that can cause a rapid rise in [BG]
- steroids
- antipsychotic drugs
what defines a steroid hormone
all derived from cholesterol
4 areas producing steroid hormones
- gonads
- adrenal cortex
- placenta
- kidney
acidotic breathing
diabetic ketoacidosis
how do osteoblasts work
highly active laying down extracellular matrix which they can calcify to form boooonnnneeee
excessive thyroid hormone of any cause
2 hypothalamic inhibiting hormones
growth hormone inhibiting
what effect does somatostatin have on insulin and glucagon release
strongly suppresses
excessive production of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland
how do G-protien coupled receptors work?
activates 2nd messenger system -> modification of existing protein
main function vasopressin
anti-diuretic hormone