Final Exam Review for 2100 Histology Flashcards
power house of the cell
produces ATP by breaking glycogen down to glucose
use mRNA to synthesize protein
found in the rough ER and cytoplasm
produced in the nucleolus
acidic, basophilic, stain blue
smooth ER
contiguous with the rough ER
agranular with no ribosomes
transport, lipid synthesis and storage
rough ER
contiguous with the nuclear envelope
granular with embedded ribosomes
transport and packaging of proteins
“brain” of the cell
contains DNA and the nucleolus
produces mRNA for protein synthesis
acidic, basophilic, stains blue
produces ribosomes
contained within the nucleus
acidic, basophilic, stains blue
types of epithelium
simple squamous, stratified squamous, simple cuboidal, stratified cuboidal, columnar, pseudostratified columnar, transitional
simple squamous
one layer of thin flat plates
metabolic: transport of nutrients, ions, and gasses
lines capillaries, veins, lungs, bowman’s capsule in the renal corpuscle, and lumen of the heart
stratified squamous
thin flat plates on top, more cuboidal near base
two or more layers of cells
defensive, like skin, lining of the mouth, and esophagus
simple cuboidal
single layer of cube shaped cells
found in the lining of ducts for secretion and absorption
thyroid follicles, ovary exterior, renal tubules, pancreas
stratified cuboidal
secretion and protection
sweat glands, mammary glands, salivary glands
column shaped, single layer, sometimes ciliated with nucleus near the base
line the bronchi, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and uterus
pseudostratified columnar
appear columnar with nuclei at various levels
respiratory tract, often ciliated
Fallopian tubes
collagen fibers
found in tendons and ligaments
secreted by fibroblasts
yields flexibility with high tensile strength
dense regular connective tissue
few cells, mostly fibroblasts, more collagen fibers
parallel arrangement of fibers, looks similar to muscle
tendons and ligaments
dense irregular connective tissue
few cells, mostly fibroblasts, more collagen fibers, less ground substance
random arrangement of fibers for higher strength but less flexibility
found in dermis and organ capsules
loose connective tissue
acts as a cushion
highly cellular with few fibers, areolar
flexible, well vascularized, loose irregular fibers
elastic fibers
helps restore tissue shape after stretching
found in skin, vocal cords, lungs, diaphragm, bladder, and blood vessels
Van Geisen stains fibers black
reticular fibers
synthesized during wound repair and later replaced by collagen
act as a support structure in thymus, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and bone marrow
fibers stain black with silver salts
smooth muscle
no striations
smooth muscle
no striations, looks similar to dense regular connective tissue, cells are spindle shaped, central cigar shaped single nuclei
skeletal muscle
striated, multiple peripheral nuclei, parallel fibers with no branching, sarcomere units are defined by Z lines
cardiac muscle
striated, round central single nuclei, branching parallel fibers, intercalated disks mark units
conducts impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands
may receive stimuli from other neurons
increase surface area for interacting with other neurons
transmits impulses towards the cell body
specialized for receiving information
space between an axon and another cell where electrical and chemical communication occurs
nissl substance
basophilic clusters of ribosomes and rough ER sometimes visible in the cytoplasm of neurons
cigar shaped nuclei
fixed phagocytic cells
macrophages of the central nervous system
main form of immune defense in the central nervous system
node of ranvier
gap between schwann cells
schwann cells
myelinate single axons in the peripheral nervous system
node of ranvier
gap between schwann cells (myelin sheath)
insulates axons and helps increase speed of signal transduction along the axon
white matter is highly myelinated, grey is mostly neuron bodies
Luxol fast blue stains white matter(myelin) blue
Outside for spinal column, inside for brain
Wright stain
helps differentiate blood cell types
stain peripheral blood smears and bone marrow aspirates
used for white blood cell counts
uses eosin and methylene blue
lymph nodes
bean shaped secondary lymph organ
filters the lymph fluid
produces lymphocytes and synthesizes antibodies
defense against viral and bacterial infections
similar to lymph nodes, but have crypts and various epithelia based on location
maturation of T lymphocytes
flat bi-lobed organ subdivided by trabeculae
cortex, medulla, and hassal’s corpuscles
filters blood, recycles iron
capsule, trabeculae
red pulp (red) surrounds islands of white pulp (purple)
Artery tunica intima
20% of wall thickness
simple squamous epithelium
internal elastic lamina
Vein tunica intima
very thin
simple squamous epithelium
little to no internal elastic lamina
Artery tunica media
many smooth muscle layers
thickest layer
has external elastic lamina
Vein tunica media
few smooth muscle layers
irregular lumen shape
no external elastic lamina
Artery tunica adventitia
connective tissue with elastic and collagen fibers
contains vasa vasorum and nervi vascularis
Vein tunica adventitia
connective tissue
thinner than the artery
3 layers of blood vessels
intima, media, adventitia
round smaller lumen thicker walls no valves blood is actively pumped
irregular larger lumen
thinner walls
has valves (to maintain pressure)
blood flows passively
increase surface area of the lungs for gas exchange
made of type 1 (simple squamous)
and type 2 ( simple cuboidal) pneumocytes
alveolar duct
connect bronchioles to the alveoli
branches off from the trachea into each lung
tree within the lungs further subdividing until you reach the alveoli
epithelium pattern of the respiratory system
starts with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, columnar epithelium shortens and flattens out to nearly cuboidal and then squamous and cuboidal in the alveoli
respiration, gas exchange
25cm long, moves food from mouth to stomach
mucosa: stratified squamous
submucosa: blood vessels, glands, connective tissue
muscularis externa: upper third is skeletal, lower third is smooth, middle is a mix
adventitia: connective tissue that adheres to surrounding organs
large, highly vascular, 4 lobes
exocrine and endocrine activity
filters digestive blood, detoxifies, produces clotting proteins, produces bile
functional unit is the hepatocyte
kupffer cells are macrophages of the liver
sinusoids are spindles between hepatocytes
gall bladder
pear shaped, 3 layers (unlike the rest of the digestive tract)
mucosa, muscularis, adventitia
simple columnar epithelium
stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver
worm shaped tube
large number of lymph nodules in the mucosa and submucosa
4 layers
simple columnar epithelium
cardia, fundus, body, pylorus
parietal cells, chief cells, enteroendocrine cells
4 layers
small intestine
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
simple columnar epithelium
4 layers
large intestine
simple columnar epithelium
ileocecal junction, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum anus
4 layers
25cm long, moves food from mouth to stomach
mucosa: stratified squamous
submucosa: blood vessels, glands, connective tissue
muscularis externa: upper third is skeletal, lower third is smooth, middle is a mix
adventitia: connective tissue that adheres to surrounding organs
4 layers
space of mall
forms lymph in the liver
space of disse
between sinusoids and hepatocytes
exchange of noncellular substances between the liver and blood
compact bone (cortical)
rigid outer shell that resists deformation
unit is the osteon; the haversian canal is surrounded by concentrically arranged osteocytes, and filament-like canaliculi
spongy bone (trabecular)
softer, weaker, more flexible
lamellar in appearance with embedded osteocytes but no haversian canals
hyaline cartilage
nose, respiratory tract, ends of ribs, articular surfaces of bones
chondrocytes in lacunae arranged in isogenous groups
outer surface is covered in dense connective tissue called perichondrium
elastic cartilage
external ear, epiglottis, larynx
less defined isogenous groups of lacunae
has perichondrium and elastic fibers
intervertebral discs, knee joint, where tendons attach to bone
difficult to see the chondrocytes in lacunae
no perichondrium
secretes thyroxin and calcitonin (C cells)
two lateral lobes joined by an isthmus
thin collagenous capsule subdivided into irregular lobes by septa
arises from tongue root endoderm
located within the thyroid inside a thin tissue capsule
fatty, stains purple
secretes parathyroid hormone to regulate calcium levels in the blood
adrenal gland
sit on top of the kidneys
medulla secretes fight or flight hormones
cortex produces steroid hormones
regions of the posterior pituitary
neuronal processes and glia (pituicytes)
neural lobe (pars nervosa)
pituitary stalk (infundibular stem)
part of the digestive system
secretes insulin, hormones, and enzymes that aid digestion
has both endocrine and exocrine functions
3 zones of the adrenal cortex
zona glomerulosa
zona fasciculata
zona reticularis
types and location of epithelium in the urinary system
bowman’s capsule is simple squamous
tubules are simple cuboidal, brush border for proximal
loop of henle starts and ends with cuboidal and has simple squamous in the middle
ureters, bladder, and urethra are transitional epithelium
filters and cleanses the blood
bean shaped organ has a cortex and medulla
medulla is composed of pyramids which contain the nephrons
nephrons are the functional units
renal corpuscle is the initial site of filtration
ureter and vessels enter through the hilum
function of germ cells
components for embryogenesis (spermatozoa and oocytes)
4 types of ovarian follicles
primordial follicle: primary oocyte in outer cortex, simple squamous epithelium primary follicle (maturing): squamous becoming cuboidal secondary follicle (maturing) Graafian follicle (mature)
female reproductive epitheliums
Fallopian tubes are cilliated pseudostratified columnar, endocervix is tall columnar, ectocervix is stratified squamous, uterus is simple columnar epithelium, vagina is stratified squamous
male reproductive epitheliums
simple columnar (sertoli cells) in testes, pseudostratified columnar epithelium in prostate, epididymis, pseudostratified cilliated columnar in vas deferens
function of leydig cells
produce androgens, like testosterone
4 types of ovarian follicles
primordial follicle: primary oocyte in outer cortex, simple squamous epithelium primary follicle (maturing): squamous becoming cuboidal secondary follicle (maturing) Graafian follicle (mature)
Thin skin
majority of the skin
hair follicles and sebaceous glands
Thick skin
only on soles of feet and palms of hands
no hair follicles or sebaceous glands
no apocrine sweat glands
has stratum lucidum
apocrine vs eccrine glands
apocrine: nipples, external genitalia, axila: simple cuboidal, large lumen
eccrine: cover most of the body and control thermoregulation
2 layers of dark cuboidal cells
mammary gland
lobes with ducts lined by cuboidal or columnar epithelium
lots of adipose, fibrocollagenous support tissue
highly modified apocrine sweat glands
modified stratus corneum
cuticle is a superficial layer of epidermis
nail plate made of keratin
paronychium are folds on sides of nail
hyponychium is the nail bed under the nail plate
lunula is the white crescent of the nail bed
pilosebaceous unit
produces hair and sebum (oil) for lubrication
made of: hair, hair follicle, hair shaft, sebaceous glands, and arrector pili (smooth muscle)