FINAL EXAM - Dementia Flashcards
group of conditions that all gradually destroy brain cells and lead to progressive decline in mental function
Progressive disorders impact (6)
- memory
- learning
- reasoning
- judgement
- communication
- which all impact completion of daily activities
Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
primary degenerative dementia assessment tool what is broken down into 7 stages that occur over an 8-10yr period #1 is Normal, #7 Very severe
Allen Cognitive Model
dementia assessment tool that has a hierarchy of 6 cognitive levels that focus on how information if processed during normal life activities #6 Planned activities (highest), #1 Automatic actions (lowest; baby like stage)
GDS - Stage 1: No Cognitive Decline (2)
no memory deficit on clinical interview
cognitive processing drives the bus for treatment planning
GDS - Stage 2: Very Mild Cognitive Decline (6)
- Subj. complaints of memory deficits, though no deficit on clinical interview
- appropriate concern with respect to symptomatology
- no deficits in ADL, social, or employment situations
- Start doubting self
- masking the dementia
- forgetting medication
GDS Stage 3- Mild Cognitive Decline (8)
- observe deficits with concentration with clinical testing, and memory only with intensive interview
- denial begins; mild anxiety
- lost traveling to unfamiliar locations
- functional issues with demanding work and social situations - banking, bus routes are issues
- Word and name finding deficits (masking)
- Still driving
- Family starts noticing deficits
- errorless learning - put them in a situation where they will be successful.
GDS Stage 3 - Caregiver approach (4)
- Simplify - do complex things together or for them
- help to see the whole picture - pros and cons
- monitor, limit or restrict hazards
- plan for progressive disability - Can still learn new info to carry on before level 4
GDS Stage 4 - Moderate Cognitive Decline - Memory/ General Symptoms (4)
- Duration approx. two years
- thinking like that of an 8 yr old to an adolescent
- clear cut deficits on clinical interview - concentration, decreased knowledge of current/recent events, personal history
- Personal Hx is meaningful to them
GDS Stage 4 - Moderate Cognitive Decline - Behavior (5)
- Denial - you are the problem
- Flattened expression - feel hopeless
- very focused
- anxious, angry, and wants autonomy - told cant’ drive anymore
- Depression
GDS Stage 4 - Mild Cognitive Decline - ADL Status (7)
- rigid with daily routine
- requires daily contact an support
- able to complete self care ADLs
- Understands Beginning/Middle/End of activity
- Able to complete 4-5 familiar steps to an activity
- Needs help with higher level tasks - money
- Difficulty with traveling to familiar locations
GDS Stage 4 Mild Cognitive Decline - Communication (3)
- able to make needs known but difficulty naming things being looked for
- communication may be self centered
- limited reading comprehension - medications
GDS Stage 4 - Mild Cognitive Decline - Motor Skills (7)
- able to walk and fn when standing and during ambulation
- able to visually scan environment
- recognizes highly visible cues in environment
- beginning safety issues
- compensation for attention and or physical deficits
- may require us of adaptive equipment
- Minimal Stimulation during Fn. tasks
GDS - Stage 4 - Mild Cognitive Decline - Caregiver Approaches (4)
- Provide highly visible external cues for orientation
- Encourage to ask for assistance with solving problems
- participates best in highly valued activities
- able to follow calendar/schedule
- Assess for safety issues/ restrict hazards
- establish structured schedule and ADL routine - supplies set-up or removed
- Cue for Word finding deficits
- Expect misinterpretation - avoid reasoning and reassure
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - Memory - General Symptoms (9)
- can’t survive without assistance
- duration approx 1.5yrs
- unable to recall aspects of current lives
- still knows spouse’s and children’s names
- frequent disorientation to time or place
- difficulty counting backwards from 40 to 4
- Can follow some directions but does not retain out of context
- lives in the immediate situation
- Everyday is a new day
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - Behavior (8)
- delusion is their perception of reality
- perceive that they are 20-40 yrs old
- will search a way out; on a mission
- impatient, paranoid, suspicious
- afraid to be alone
- sexual acting out - don’t get angry
- depression
- Music of time brings awareness
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - ADL (10)
- assist with toileting
- structure to bathe or change clothes
- can do routine tasks, folding laundry, simple meal task, simple board game or puzzle
- able to learn 2 or 3 procedures with concrete results
- performs best with activities that are error proof or support social skills
- difficulty with common objects
- senses completion of tasks/activity
- unable to notice mistakes or solve problems
- does not anticipate safety hazards
- may begin to reverse day and night
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - Communication (4)
- difficulty being understood; often repeats self
- complex language is hard to understand
- not able to answer detailed questions
- able to name familiar objects
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - motor skills (3)
- tunnel vision 14” in front (carry through last stage )
- uses hands to manipulate objects - different grasps for different objects
- sustains actions for at least a minute
GDS - Stage 5 - Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline - Caregiver approaches (12)
- environmental assessment for hazards and safety
- determine interventions and cueing to maximize ADL function
- Additional time to perform tasks - maintain fn ability
- expect inattention to quality
- interpret behaviors with daily routine
- adapt activities for poor attention and direction following
- Avoid correcting
- simplify communication - Yes/No or no more than 2 choices
- structure hydration and approaches for meal intake
- determine strategies for memory loss
- facilitate group interaction - maintain social skills
- Determine activities that match interest and cognitive skills - provide objects, repetitive activity
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline - Memory/General Symptoms (7)
- duration 2-2.5yrs
- abilities mimic that of a 2 to 5 yr old
- almost always knows own name, though may forget name of spouse
- sketchy knowledge of past life
- largely unaware of current events
- able to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar persons in their environment
- tunnel vision
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline -Behavior (8)
- personality and emotional changes
- 20-50%have delusions and hallucinations
- obsessive symptoms, anxiety, agitation, violent episodes, loss of will power
- resists unfamiliar, searches out familiar
- lost sense of self
- wanders: no boundaries - everything is mine
- being cold or experiencing discomfort can facilitate hostility
- get into their reality
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline - ADL (7)
- may become incontinent
- performs mechanics of toileting with structure
- days and nights mixed up
- difficulty sitting for meals
- unable to recognize everyday objects
- unable to sequence dressing or do fine manipulation
- May disrobe, poor tolerance of bras, dentures, hearing aids, eyeglasses, socks, shoes
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline -Communication (5)
- connects with others through touching, verbalizations, and shadowing - body language and tone of voice is key
- responds only to those directly in front; loss of peripheral vision
- aphasic (word salad)
- needs assist to interpret issues of pain, anxiety illness hunger thirst
- Sings with sense of intonation
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline -Motor Skills (6)
- Able to sit and stand against gravity
- shuffling gait
- tends to bend forward or lean backward: may lean to one side
- able to use grab bars
- risk for falls
- responds to music and repetitive rhythmical movements
GDS - Stage 6 - Severe Cognitive Decline -Caregiver approaches (12)
- anticipate all needs
- assure consistent caregivers
- understand childhood or traumatic events
- team up with stage 5 “buddy”
- determine sleeping patterns
- find effective ways to redirect
- Focus safety issues with mobility, fall prevention
- positioning needs - in/out of bed
- closely monitor weight and watch for dysphagia issues
- provide props that support identity, items with high tactile stimulation
- establish ADL routine (self care and Meal)
- Establish best method of communication
GDS - stage 7 - very severe cognitive decline (10)
- automatic action level
- dependent on other to survive
- no functional ability to verbalize or manage physical needs
- May you respond with facial change, oral motor change, some repetitive words and; many expressed self with yelling or grunting
- May respond to stimulus of high contrast may turn had too track; may pinch or hit
- incontinent
- dependent in all adl, including self feeding
- dependent in functional mobility: may have some trunk movement in bed (rolling) and/or may be able to raise body parts against gravity
- dysphagia issues
- risk for skin breakdown, contractures, and loss of swallowing fn.
GDS - stage 7 - very severe cognitive decline - Caregiver approaches (4)
- requires total care-comfort
- provide sensory stimulation
- diligent about falls prevention, skin management, positioning, contractures
- monitor swallowing fn and weight/hydration
OT and Dementia (6)
- compensatory strategies - early stages
- environmental modifications
- strengthening and balance - Level 3 and 4 build reserve so they have in later stages
- adaptive equipment and assistive devices
- behavior management
- caregiver education
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Progressive impairment of memory, executive fn., attention, language, visual processing, and praxis; behavioral disturbances are common
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
clinical state of individuals who are memory impaired but are functioning well and do not meet the criteria for dementia
MCI includes 5 criteria
- complains of memory problems
- memory loss is abnormal for the person’s age
- ADLs are NOT affected
- Other cognitive abilities are intact
- There is no dementia
Early Stage of AD
Usually lasts 2-3 years
Cognitive changes in memory, language, and visuospatial
Early stage of AD Memory changes (5)
- Short-Term memory impaired
- Long-term memory begins to be impaired
- Procedural memory remains intact
- personal episodic memory (where and when they ate breakfast) begins to show deficits
- semantic memory (remembering name of general object) begins showing deficits
Early stage of AD Language Changes (4)
- aphasia appears
- paraphasia begins (substitute wrong word or word that sounds familiar)
- Anomia (saying thing a ma jing or gives up searching for word)
- Circumlocution - tries t express an idea by talking around the intended word
Early stage of AD Visuospatial Skills decline (3)
- lost in a familiar area
- Does not recognize familiar places (intersection)
- disorientation within the home
Early stage of AD Executive Fn (5)
- difficulty with IADLs (bills)
- More rigid and irritable
- Problems with planning organizing and sequencing
- Depression
- Confusion and anxiety lead to withdrawal from social activity
Middle Stage of AD
- last for 2-10 years
- continued decline in memory, visuospatial skills, & language
- all areas of performance skills begin to show deficits
- psychiatric symptoms increase
- behavior disturbances arise
Middle Stage of AD Memory (7)
- Remote memory worsens (think in early stages of life and focus on worries of that time)
- No longer bothered by memory loss
- disorientation to time and place
- may not recognize own face
- New information not retained for more than a few moments
- Difficulty organizing thoughts and thinking logically
- thinking is concrete
Middle Stage of AD Language (5)
- Aphasia worsens
- limited to concerns of the moments or reminiscing about the past
- diminished verbal responsiveness
- difficulty understanding simple questions or instructions
- lose of rational planning and problem solving
Middle Stage of AD Visuospatial Skills (6)
- visual inattention begins to seriously limit fn
- lost in familiar environment and can’t orient self to new environments
- constructional skill are compromised (arms and legs on clothing)
- loss of ability to judge depth and distance
- leads to falls
- judging direction and distance is problematic
Middle Stage of AD Psychiatric Symptoms (5)
- Depression and anxiety worsen
- Depression is associated with increased mortality
- loses control over emotions - outburst of fear and anger
- visual/auditory hallucinations
- Sleep pattern is off - increased naps, wakeful at night
Middle Stage of AD Behavior Disturbances (5)
- Increased likelihood of nursing home placement
- Wandering and agitation
- paces w/o goal or destination
- loss of impulse control
- loss of filter
Late Stage of AD (4)
lasts for 8-12 years
fully dependent
motor skills affected
immobile and incontinent
Late Stage of AD Memory (4)
- no ability to create new memories
- little recognition of close family members
- processing skills are seriously impaired
- purposeful goal-directed occupation is lost
Late Stage of AD Motor Skills (12)
- bed bound with eventual loss of postural control
- hyperflexia
- apraxic gait
- frontal release signs
- paratonia (involuntary resistance)
- Seizures may occur
- Contractures -
- Pressure Ulcers - all due to immobility
- UTI -
- pneumonia -
- incontinence
- appetite decrease and eventual dysphagia
Late Stage of AD Psychiatric Symptoms (2)
- Sleep cycle is disturbed, spend 60% of day sleeping
2. Hallucinations persist
General treatment approach for AD
- Supportive care for the patient
- Supportive care for the caregiver/family
- disease treatment
- symptom treatment, including cognitive, mental, and behavioral symptoms
Early Stage of AD Impact on Client factors (14)
- ADLs remain intact
- IADLs are impacted due to memory loss, disorientation, and inability to make money transactions
- Have driving retested periodically
- Memory loss impacts education
- Memory loss impacts leisure
- Social participation is not longer easy or enjoyable
- Performance Skills are unaffected
- Process skills of temporal organization are impacted
- Forget to continue, sequence, and properly terminate tasks
- communication is impaired - can’t articulate thoughts and needs
- attempts to compensate for memory loss
- Neglect habits and routines
- Roles change
- Cultural and spiritual context remain, participation declines
Early Stage of AD Mental Fns. impacted (
- memory
- orientation
- perception
- higher-level cognition
- mental fn of language
- calculation
Middle Stage of AD impacted client factors (17)
- impairment in all areas of occupations - can not live alone
- IADLs are neglected or performed w/o proper sequence or completion
- safety is an issue
- No ability to perform in work or education
- Leisure participation is limited to activities that do not require problem solving or decision making
- Friends and family needed for any social participation b/c of difficulty initiating or organizing social interaction outside of his or her immediate environment.
7 Decline in visuospatial skills - positioning, reaching, poor judgment of distance - All process skills impacted
- Communication limited due to aphasia and memory loss
- performance patterns severely limited
- Roles are lost
- Cultural context begins to diminish
- personal and temporal context are confused
- Orientation to person place and time is affected
- Disinhibition
- progressive impairment in all cognitive fn
17 emotions are not well regulated.
Late Stage of AD impacted client factors (
- All areas of occupations diminish and are lost
- Fully dependent
- All performance skills and patterns are impaired
- Eventually loses all Fn capacity
- Speech is reduced to a few words and then lost entirely
- No awareness or understanding of culture, social or spiritual contexts
- Mental fn completely impaired
- neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related fn are seriously impacted
- Muscle strength and tone, and voluntary movement are limited due to nerve cell damage
- Ability to swallow lost
Once the ability to swallow is lost in the late stage of AD, the family must decide if they want to 2)
- provide artificial life support OR
2. all the natural course of the illness to proceed to death