Final Cut Pro X (31) Flashcards
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.419)
Perhaps you selected the wrong event in which to import a source media file. To fix this, the Libraries pane allows you to drag a clip from one event to another event in the same library. What you may not be aware of while dragging is the complex media management FCP performs for you in the __________
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.419)
Media management is best (and most safely) performed inside FCP, not in the ______
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.419)
- In the External event, locate the Aerials_11_03a clip, and verify its referenced media status in the Info inspector’s File Information. This field is an external source media file. The Location field displays the volume from which you imported it.
- Drag Aerials_11_03_a from the External event to the Managed event. Notice that the pointer remains and arrow and does not change to a circled plus sign. This indicates a simple clip move, the default behavior of dragging clips between events within a library.
- In the Managed event, select the added Aerials_11_03_a. In Info inspector displays the external volume where the file is stored, which indicates that it remains an external source media file. If this were a managed media file, the Location field would display the library that contains the _______ media.
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.419)
An external file remains an external media file even when you copy it to another event. Let’s try dragging Aerials_11_04a to verify this behavior.
4. Option-drag Aerial_11_04a from the External event to the Managed event. The Option key instructs FCP to copy the clip to the second event. When the plus sign appears over the destination event, release the mouse button.
5. In the Managed event, select Aerials_11_04a, and verify its location in the Info inspector. The location still appears as the volume storing the external media file. This management behavior allows you to drag virtual copies of clips into multiple events within a library without creating multiple copies of the _____ media file.
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.419)
When you copy managed media, the library database keeps only one copy of the source media file. Additional instances of the clip in any event IN THE SAME LIBRARY will reference the original source media file. Whether managed or external, FCP strives to avoid storing duplicate source media files in your ________
Moving and Copying Clips Within a Library (p.421)
You may not only drag clips between events within the same library, but also between events in different libraries. this is handy when you’ve created a library that contains stock footage because you may often add and copy clips from that stock footage library. Whenever you copy or move a clip between libraries, a dialog reminds you that the external files remain external. You are also offered the option to copy any applicable optimized and _____ files with the copied source media files. As you’ve learned, using externally referenced media is the best practice, but you can still switch to a managed media library at any time.
Making a Library Portable (p.421)
FCP provides a built-in, two-step process that allows you to copy a library to wherever you have access. ***This exercise copies a project to a new library. Alternatively, you may copy a project and all its media to a portable volume, or copy individual events to an ________ hard disk.
Making a Library Portable (p.421)
1. In the Libraries pane, select the “External vs Managed” library. This is the library you want to use when remote editing. You want to leave everything on the Mac Pro system as it is, and just copy this library to your portable volume.
2. In the menu bar, choose File > New > Library. In the Save dialog, enter “On The Go”. Select the desktop, and click Save. The new library appears in the Libraries pane with an empty, default event. Leave the event’s default name because you will delete it in a moment. With the library created, you’re ready to copy the events.
3. In the Libraries pane, select the External and Managed events, and then choose File > Copy Events to Library > On the Go.
A dialog notifies you that external media will be referenced whereas managed media will be copied. Because you need to take a self-contained version of your project on-site, you need to copy all source media files to the “On the Go” library. Let’s see how to do it.
(NOTE: Ensure that you have selected to two events, and not the library)
4. Deselect the Optimized Media and Proxy Media options, and click OK. If you were able to see it, the background tasks button indicated for just a moment that some background task was activated, but it was not activated long enough to copy all the source media files. Let’s verify that not everything was copied.
5. In the Libraries pane, locate “On the Go” library, and select it’s External event. Select Aerials_11_04a.
6. In the Info inspector, verify in the File Infomation section that the event is External and a volume (such as Macintosh HD) is listed.
7. Select a couple more files, and note their individual file information details. A few files are different as regards their storage location. Because you want everything packaged up for this on-site edit, you need to apply one command to this library to copy all the source media files.
8. With the “On the Go” library selected, choose File > Consolidate Library Files. A dialog asks where you would like to collect the source media files. You have the option to create a new external folder and copy all the source media files to it. you also have the option to consolidate the source media files into a managed library. Let’s choose the managed option to see it in actioni.
9. From the dialog’s pop-up menu, choose the “On the Go” library, and click OK. The background tasks progress indicator takes a few moments longer this time. Let’s verify that the source files are now in the library.
10. In the “On the Go” library Browser, select each clip and verify its file information. All the clips are now located in the “On the Go” library with some clips in the Managed event and others in the External event. You are ready to close the library and remove it from the Libraries pane.
11. Control-click the “On the Go” library and from the shortcut menu, choose Close Library “On the Go.” By choosing to consolidate the media, your source files are packaged as managed media within the library or as externally referenced media in the location of your choice. This one FCP feature avoids many frustrating hours of hunting down stray media files to package up a complete project.
NOTE: To open an existing library, choose File > Open Library and select from the list of recently opened libraries, or select _____ to select an unlisted library.
Archiving a Library (p. 425)
Archiving a library basically follows the “portable library” creation process you just completed. When archiving, as when preparing a project “to go,” you want to consolidate media after making the copy. If you don’t, your archive library may be missing some crucial source media files required to play back the library’s projects. Also, some items that don’t need archiving - such as render files, proxies, or optimized media - should be deleted to conserve volume space. Here are a few steps and tips to follow when _________:
Archiving a Library (p. 425)
- With the library’s events for archiving selected, choose File > Delete Event Render Files. Choose All in the dialog that appears, and click OK to delete all the events’ render files.
- As you did in the previous exercise, you should make the archive library a managed media library to simplify the final archived item to a single library file.
- Do not archive optimized or proxy media if you retained all the original source media files or their camera archive sources.
- In the Libraries pane, delete extraneous events. After quitting the application, you may delete the library from which you made the archive. You may also then move the archived library to a different location, if desired.
- Don’t forget to empty the FCP internal trash can by quitting and relaunching the application.
- In the Finder, locate the ______ archives separately, and store them in the same location as the archived library file.
Other Library Features (p. 426)
The robust library architecture of FCP allows for performing powerful media management functions in just a few clicks. Here are a few additional notes on libraries and events:
- Automatic backups of the library’s metadata are made every 20 minutes. If you need to revert a library, select a library in the Libraries pane, then select File > Open Library > From Backup. A dialog appears with the date/time stamp list of available backups.
- Rather than watching the mouse pointer to indicate a move or copy function, you may move or copy events between libraries with the explicit Copy Events to Library and Move Events to Library commands in the File menu.
- You may combine events to reorganize your library using File > Merge Events command
- If your original source media files were deleted for some reason, you may recover any camera source media files of which you still have the camera media (SD card, magazine, and so on) or that you chose to make a camera archive during import. Select the _______ clips in the event, then choose File > Import > Reimport from Camera/Archive
Lesson Review - Managing Libraries (p. 426)
1. Define and compare managed media and external media
Managed media files give FCP the responsibility of storing your source media files inside the library you designate. Storing media externally saddles you with the responsibility of watching over the source media files. In either case, you determine where the media files are physically stored. The difference is who is responsible for tracking that media: FCP or you.
Lesson Review - Managing Libraries (p. 426)
2. How is external media referenced in a project event?
External media is referenced inside an event through the use of symlinks.
Lesson Review - Managing Libraries (p. 426)
3. What media storage selection do you choose to define media as external?
The first answer is “Leave files in place”; however, “Copy files into” can designate an external folder outside a library, which would also result in external media.
Lesson Review - Managing Libraries (p. 426)
4. How can you find the File Information section shown in the following figure?
With the event selected in the Libraries pane, you will find File Information in the Info inspector.
Lesson Review - Managing Libraries (p. 426)
5. When archiving or prepping a library for transport, describe a few tasks you should complete.
Consolidate the library as managed media, delete render files, and do not include optimized or proxy media.