Final Cut Pro X (23) Flashcards
Sharing audio from one clip to an adjacent clip is called _____ _____
split edits
Sharing or splitting audio between adjacent clips starts with __________ a clip to reveal the video and audio components of the clip
In the Timeline, double-click the audio waveform of a clip. The audio expands away from the video, which allows you to trim the audio and video contents _____________ while keeping them in sync.
Drag the AUDIO start point of the clip of the low-flying helicopter pass, to the left, into the start transition of the prior clip. Extending the split audio a little into DN_9463 (the start transition) gives you time to ramp and blend the split audio with existing audio of the helicopter takeoff. Drag the start fade handle of the split audio right to blend into the audio before the midpoint of the transition.
This split edit arrangement is known as a _-cut with the audio leading the video edit from the source clip. The opposite, an _-cut, has the audio lagging the video edit point.
As an alternative to double-clicking the clip to expand video and audio, control-click the clip and choose Expand Audio/Video, or press _______-_
Control S
With View > Clip Skimming enabled, skim DN_9454 to hear off-camera audio. Expand and extend DN_9453’s audio under DN_9454 creating an L-cut. Lower DN_9454’s audio level to -∞0dB to remove it from the ___.
To type the Infinity symbol
Another word for lowering volume
Another word for raising volume
Varying volume levels within a clip involves setting _________
Keyframes are created using the ______ tool and the _____ key
A key frame in animation and filmmaking is a drawing that defines the starting and ending points of any smooth transition. The drawings are called “frames” because their position in time is measured in frames on a strip of film. A sequence of keyframes defines which movement the viewer will see, whereas the position of the keyframes on the film, video or animation defines the timing of the movement. Because only two or three keyframes over the span of a second do not create the illusion of movement, the remaining frames are filled with __________.
You can use _________ to flatten that ramp up and tame the loud helicopter at the end of the clip
In the audio waveforms of Aerials_11_02a, place the Select tool over the volume control at the midpoint of the start transition. A reading level of 3 dB appears and the mouse pointer changes to two arrowheads arranged vertically. This is where you will set the first keyframe. _____-click the level control. Your first keyframe is created, locking the volume control’s setting at that point.
Keyframes may be adjusted after they are created. You may move keyframes _________ to change their timing within a clip and/or vertically to change the volume level at the keyframe. You are attempting to adjust the helicopter sound to set a consistent level between keyframes for this clip.
Now apply a quick ____-__ by dragging the sound bite’s fade handle
Drag the left _______ of the Audio meters to the left to enlarge the meters
The distance between the highest and lowest levels of the audio mix is called the _______ _____
dynamic range
An acceptable dynamic range for cell phones and computers is 12 dB, so the average or nominal _____ of that dynamic range may be set to -6 dB. An average of -6 dB with 12 dB of range allows the loudest value to get close to 0 dB and places the softest sounds at -12 dB.
Mitch’s sound bit audio was recorded _____ _____, that is, with one channel louder, or “hot”, and the other channel set to record the SAME microphone at a softer, or “cold”, level. This is common practice when recording with a crew of one (or no) dedicated audio engineer.
split level
The idea behind using split level audio recording is that you use the “hotter” channel for editing unless the source gets “too hot.” Then the editor can switch to the “cold” channel momentarily to avoid ______________.
The “hot” signal is more desirable because it records at a better ______-__-_____ ratio than the “cold” signal (barring any other technical issue such as AC hum or background noise.)
Signal-to-noise ratio (often abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power, often expressed in decibels. A ratio higher than 1:1 (greater than 0 dB) indicates more signal than noise.
In the Timeline Index, you have several ways to select just the sound bites (depending on the accuracy and depth in applying ________ to the clips)
Search for keywords (interview) in the Tags index or search for partial titles (MVI) in the Clips index
got it
Select all the sound bites. In the Audio inspector, scroll down to the Channel Configuration section. Double-click the header to reveal the current setup. Next to the channel checkbox, click the disclosure triangle. With the current configuration set to stereo, the channel 1 and channel 2 signals are treated as a stereo pair and linked together. From the configuration pop-up menu, currently set to Stereo, choose Dual Mono. Deselect the mono 2 component to mute the channel, leaving mono 1 as the only audio source for the sound bites. Play the Timeline and notice that Mitch’s voice is played in both speakers equally. With Mitch’s voice balanced to one ______, you can move on to the audio mix.