Final Cut Pro X (27) Flashcards
Video is an ________ color system
Add all the video colors together at their maximum chroma values and you get _____, whereas the absence of all chroma values results in _____
The Vectorscope represents the ____ of color in the 360-degree scope display
A hue’s saturation is represented by a _____ for that color extending from the center to a target point. The farther the target point is from the center, the more saturated the hue
The Color Board represents a color wheel, much like a 2D world map represents a globe. The Color Board presents the 360 degrees of the wheel’s hues as left to right and the __________ of a hue as upward from the center.
So, without having to know color theory, one can look at the Color Board and correctly guess that dragging a puck upward in the +Blue area would subtract blue from the image - that is, FCP will add yellow (the complimentary hue to blue) to reduce a blue ____ in the image.
Using the Vectorscope, to remove the blue cast, drag the ______ control to -Blue
Let’s try that again. In the Color Board, click the hooked-arrow _____ button
Drag the Shadows puck to the -Blue to remove the blue cast from the _____ areas of the helicopter. Be careful you don’t add too much yellow. Continue fine-tuning by dragging the Midtones and Highlights pucks. Changing one will most likely require the changing of another. Experiment.
Sharing a consistent appearance from one clip to another establishes continuity of time and space among clips. FCP helps you realize the visual consistency using _____ _____
Match Color
_____ _____ allows you to copy the visual parameters of another Timeline clip, a Browser clip, or a still image to one or more clips to achieve a consistent appearance.
Match Color
To Match Color, first option-click (select with playhead) the ___________ clip you want to modify.
To Match Color, after having selected the destination clip, click the ______ button in the Color section of the Video inspector
To Match Color, after having selected the destination clip, click the Choose button in the Color section of the Video inspector, the Viewer becomes a two-up display that shows the selected source clip on the left and the destination clip on the right. Using the two-up display, you can skim over a Browser clip or another Timeline clip to preview a source clip. You can click on that previewed clip (or specific frame of clip) to see how it would change the Destination clip. If you like the look, click on the _____ _____ button under the Destination clip in the Browser.
Apply Match
What happens when you double-click a title in a project?
The title is selected, the playhead cues to a frame where the text elements are visible, and the first line of text is automatically selected, ready for text entry.
What key should be pressed to exit text entry in the Viewer?
Press the Escape key to exit text entry
What type of audio clip may be trimmed at the subframe level?
An audio-only, connected clip or an audio/video expanded clip may be trimmed at the subframe level
What modifier key used with the Select tool will create audio keyframes?
What command creates a split edit without creating an accidental sync offset in the Timeline?
Expand Audio/Video
What function turns the skimmer into an “audio solo” skimmer?
Clip Skimming
Where can you switch a clip’s audio channels from stereo to dual mono?
With the clip selected, the Channel Configuration section of the Audio inspector
Your timeline looks like the following figure and not all the audio clips are audible. What should you do to hear and “see” all of the clips?
Look in the Timeline Index for roles that have been minimized and deselected (disabled)
What tools prepares a section of an audio clip to receive four keyframes?
Range Selection
Compare the difference between a color balance based on Not Analyzed and Analyzed status
Color balancing a Not Analyzed clip will create the color balance calculation based on the frame under the playhead. With an Analyzed clip, the color balance correction is based on the average color cast in the entire clip
Which video scope measures brightness (luma) based on the grayscale of the entire image?
Looking at a clip’s image in the Viewer, the brightest parts of the image have a slight blue tint. How do you remove the tint?
In the Color Board, drag the Highlights puck toward positive yellow, or drag the Highlights puck down toward negative blue