Final Cut Pro X (12) Flashcards
In the project, select the clip and click the ______ pop-up menu to the right of the Enhancements menu
From the Retime pop-up, choose ______ clip
To hide the green stripe on the clip that comes with retiming it (reversing it), choose ____ ______ ______ in the Retime pop-up menu or press _______-_.
Hide Retime Editor
Select the gray handle of the sound bite storyline, and cue the playhead to the beginning of the storyline. Press ______-_ to insert the default, three-second gap clip.
To invoke the ___-__ _______ in the Viewer, click and hold either side of the edit point as if you were going to trim a clip. You’ll clearly see the continuity mismatch.
two-up display
With the ______ ____ filmstrip pointing to the right, drag right while watching the two-up display in the Viewer.
ripple trim
The marker system in FCP can keep notes for you and make them __________
Furthermore, notes attached to _____ and _______ travel with the library, so your comments can carry on to the next _____________
clips and markers
FCP has four kinds of markers:
Standard, To-Do, Completed, Chapter
The Timeline index presents three indexes:
Clips, Tags, Roles
Barring a selected clip, the highest clip “has got the ____” and receives the edit command
Press M _____ to set a standard marker and also to access the marker’s information
Press M twice to set a ________ marker and also to access the marker’s ___________
Access the ________ _____ by clicking the index button in the Timeline (button far left and down)
Timeline index
Alt button aka
Option Button
In the Timeline’s ____ __________ ______ (far right and far down), select the first clip display option.
Clip Appearance window
As the strings take over and soar above the piano at 28 seconds, place a ________ marker named takeoff on the audio clip
Remember “who’s got the ball?” You need to select a music clip to _________ the clip in the pre-flight storyline from receiving the marker
Take a moment to look at the various views of the ____ _____ while changing the filter controls. You will find the various markers you’ve created listed in the indices.
Tags Index
The Position tool is in a constant _________ state
A storyline clip, dragged with the _______ tool, erases any existing clips and gaps that it contacts, leaving a new gap clip.
The Position tool is very handy when you are ______-__-____, as in a commercial spot, and need to edit within a storyline without rippling the adjoining edits
_________ editing allows one clip to erase the contents of another clip by dragging
Select is ________ while Position is not
Dragging a clip with the Position tool “_________” over adjoining clips, leaving a new ___ clip growing gap clip in place of the existing content