Final Cut Pro X Flashcards
Contraction of COmpressor/DECompressor; an algorithm used to convert video pixels to ones and zeros
The individual video or audio elements from a source media file within a clip. A typical clip with embedded audio has two or four audio components.
Amount of grayscale separation between the brightest and darkest pixels of an image
create archive
Assemble a nonproprietary packaged clone of the source media files
Share presets that export your project to platform-compatible formats suitable for iOS, YouTube, Tudou, and so on
doppler effect
The perceived pitch rise of an approaching sound and the pitch lowering of a departing sound
dual system recording
A recording workflow in which visuals are recorded on one device and production audio is recorded on a separate device
Decrease in volume
external media
Source media files that are symlinked within the library as they actually exist at any accessible location on any available volume
A virtual channel assignment of audio or video clips
A split edit scenario in which the audio leads the video edit
jump cut
When similar but nonsynchronized content appears to jump in space and time at an edit point
Locks a parameter’s value at a point in time. It takes a minimum of two keyframes to animate a parameter.
A split edit scenario in which the audio lages the video edit
lower third
A graphic located in the lower third of the Viewer that presents information to the audience. Typical information displayed includes the name of the on-camera person or the location or setting of the current video.
The brightness of a video pixel
managed media
Source media files that physically exist in the event inside the library
A shape used to designate areas of an image as visible or transparent
media empty
A library utilizing external source media files referenced within the library file
media full
A library utilizing source media files managed inside the library file
media handle
Source media beyond a clip’s marked range used for transitions and trimming
media management
the process of collecting, storing, organizing, copying, and moving source media files
Natural sound of a scene recorded by the camera’s microphone
Quick fade-in or face-out to ease in or ease out, respectively, a clip’s audio, thereby avoiding a noticeable cut into or out of the audio
rolling shutter
Process the video content to remove an artifact unique to CMOS sensors.
Process the video content to remove camera shake
Discrete outputs of video, audio, or graphic content
A selected range within a larger clip treated as a separate clip
Increase in volume
through edit
A clip notation that contiguous content exists at the cut point
The display of a signal’s value on a video scope
Deleting or inserting frames from or to a clip
video scopes
Three visual displays that represent the grayscale contrast and colors in an image
sample rate
The number of samples of audio carried per second, measured in Hz or kHz (one kHz being 1 000 Hz). For example, 44 100 samples per second can be expressed as either 44 100 Hz, or 44.1 kHz.
The difference between the highest and lowest frequencies carried in an audio stream.
New Smart Collection
A saved version of the Filter HUD’s search parameters.
at the top left of the browser is the…
Filter pop-up menu
at the top right of the browser is the…
search field
clicking on the magnifying glass in the search field takes you to…
the Filter HUD
what comes up in the search field are the…
search results
the section to the top left of the whole chimichanga is the…
libraries pane
to clear the field and search criteria…
click the reset button (X) in the search field
one of the great advantages of the FCPX database architecture is that…
clips my exist in as many collections of a library as you want without duplicating the source media file
the original media file
source media file
Keyword Collection icon
a key
Smart Collection icon
a gear
clips must be added ____________ to the Keyword Collection (you are the key)
when and “Audio Only” clip is imported into an event, that clip _____________ appears in the “Audio Only” ________ _____________
automatically, Smart Collection
downward arrow button to the far left, halfway down
Media Import button
control-clicking on something often brings up a…
shortcut menu
after clicking on something in the shortcut menu, you may get a…
dialog, or dialog box
the rectangular box in the middle of the screen
the percentage icon to the far left of the dashboard
the Background Tasks button
the Background Tasks button indicates
when a background task such an analysis is underway
you can click on the Background Tasks button to…
bring up the Background Tasks HUD
the three-sided icon to the left of libraries, events, clips, etc., is the…
disclosure triangle
Roles are…
an even stronger set of metadata controls
Roles may be used to modify…
Timeline playback
Roles may be used for the organization of…
similar clips within the Timeline
Roles allow you to aggregate…
items such as primary language audio into one role and secondary language audio into another role, and then in two simple clicks you are hearing one while disabling the other