Field Research Methods Flashcards
What are the 6 methods of Field Research?
Personal Interviews
Telephone Surveys
Postal Surveys
Online surveys
Focus Groups/Consumer Panels
Social Networking Websites
What is Personal Interviews?
A face-to-face discussion between a trained interviewer and a respondent which can take place in the street or at home.
What are 3 advantages of Personal Interviews?
Allows two-way communication so any points can be clarified.
The researcher can encourage the respondent to answer certain questions.
Body language and facial expressions can be observed.
What are 2 disadvantages of Personal Interviews?
It is a costly method of research as interviewers need to be trained.
It is very time consuming as only one respondent can be interviewed at any one time.
What are Telephone Surveys?
People are contacted by telephone and asked to answer a range of questions.
What are 2 advantages of Telephone Surveys?
Information is obtained immediately.
Any points can be clarified by the researcher.
What is 1 disadvantage of Telephone Surveys?
Many people will not want to speak to a researcher over the phone and so many calls will need to be made to get a larger number of responses.
What is Postal Surveys?
A list of questions is sent to people through the post. They will complete the survey and send it back to the business.
What are 2 advantages of Postal Surveys?
Cost effective way of sending a survey to a large number of people over a wide Geographic Location.
People can complete their survey at their own pace when it suits them.
What are 2 disadvantages of Postal Surveys?
The response rate may be very low.
There is no opportunity for the respondent to clarify anything they don’t understand.
What is Online Surveys?
People answer a number of questions that are displayed on a website. Respondents may have to click an appropriate answer and/or type in comments.
What are 2 advantages of Online Surveys?
A link to a website can be sent to a large number of people all over the world.
Computer software can automatically collate and display results in real time.
What are 2 disadvantages of Online Surveys?
Relies on respondents having access to the internet.
No personal context with business to clarify any misunderstandings.
What is Focus Groups/Consumer Panels?
A selected group of people is selected to take part in a discussion about a product. Their opinions are obtained on the design, colour, shape etc and what they like/dislike about the product.
What are 2 advantages of Focus Groups/Consumer Panels?
Opinions, feelings and attitudes can be gained.
Follow up questions can be asked and points can be clarified.
What are 2 disadvantages of Focus Groups/Consumer Panels?
The sample of people used may not represent the views of the whole population.
Financial incentives may be needed to encourage people to take part.
What is Social Networking Websites?
Businesses can set up social media accounts (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) in order to interact with customer around the world to find out their reactions and opinions on different issues.
What are 3 advantages of Social Networking Websites?
Two-way communication chat occur between the business and the customer.
Larger number of people can be reached.
Questions can be answered very quickly.
What are 2 disadvantages of Social Networking Websites?
Customers may not want to join Social Networking Websites.
Information is not usually private so can be viewed by anyone.