Female Reproductive Flashcards
ovary structure
- germinal epi = simple squamous or cuboidal
- tunica albuginea = dense irreg collagen CT
- cortex = outer portion of CT, has stroma where follicles made/mature
- medulla = loose CT, neurovascular tissue
polycystic ovary syndrome
super thick tunica albuginea so follicles can’t erupt/release so no ovulation or hormones
oocytes become trapped and degenerate > fluid filled cysts
treat hormone therapy but infertility harder
lack normal femine characteristics
fallopian/uterine tube parts
- infundibulum with fimbria, lots mucosa + little muscularis, largest diameter portion
- ampulla for fertilization
- isthmus with mid muscularis + smaller mucosa
- interstitial part with lots of muscularis + little mucosa
muscle moves oocyte via peristaltic contractions
mucosal folds of uterine tube
simple columnar epi
+ cilia to move oocyte to uterus
+ non ciliated peg cells to secrete nutrients and glycoproteins for egg and sperm
tubal ectopic pregnancy
if embryo grows in tube then can rupture > death
inc risk if scar tissue blocking lumen of tube
-purposeful surgery for infertility
-removal of uterine tube in ectopic preg
embryos cannot be transplanted to uterus
implantation sites
normally: posterior uterine wall
most common: in tube closer to fibriae
least common: in the ovary itself
also: in body cavity but less danger since spacious
uterus layers
- perimetrium: serosa + adventitia
- myometrium: outer longitudinal + middle circular + inner longitudinal
- endometrium: blood vessels, basal layer + functional layer + surface epi
functional layer sheds in menses
uterine cervix
junction b/t endocervical epi (simple columnar, mucous) and vaginal epi (stratified squamous, nonkeratin)
elastic fibers + mostly dense CT + some SM
cervical glands
branched, lined with mucous secreting columnar epi
vagina has NO GLANDS all from cervix or greater vestibular gland if aroused
pap smears
check for cancer (froim HPV)
abnormal will show large nuclei + little cytoplasm + many neutrophils\
VS pycnotic nuclei + abundant cyto + RBC + few neutrophils for normal
menstrual cycle phases
- menstrual phase: flow, days 1-4
- proliferative/follicular/estrogenic: follicle prepping for ovulation of oocye, estrogen stims prolif of tissues in functional layer, 5-14
secretory/luteal/progestational: corpus luteum forms, progesterone stims syn/secrete of glycoproteins by uterine glands, 15-28
-corpus lutem stop function at 14 if no implant, progesterone/estrogen drop
phase histology
- proliferative: straight tube glands
- secretory: coiled glands of columnar epi + glycogen for implantation
- late secretory: extremely coiled
- menstrual: spasmodic contractions stop blood flow so necrosis of functional layer, bleeding from blood vessels breaking off
- post menopausal: thin atrophic endo with only basal layer, glands inactive or form cysts
fibroids/uterine leiomyoma
benign tumors from whorls of SM cells and collagen
-rounded @ embedded in myometrium OR subserosal/submucosal (inside uterus) layers
heavy menstrual flow or pain if inside uterus, if outside then can infringe on other things/nerves
breast tissue structure
dense irreg collagen CT around lobules + branched ducts if non preg
-if preg then acini form for lactation
secretions go from lobe>lactiferous duct>nipple
hormone pathway
- hypothalamus with neurosecretory cells
- syn neurosecretory hormones
- syn gonadotropin releasing hormone
- gonadotropes are target cells to release FSH and LH
- FSH and LH transported to ovary to stim follices to mature/release
ovarian dimples
where follicles explode out of
never heal so will inc dimples w/ age, post menopause women lots of dimples
chromosome numbers
haploid (1n) = 23 chromos, sex cells
diploid (2n) = 46 chromos, 23 pairs aka one each parent, somatic cells
DNA numbers
1d = 23 single chromatid
2d = 23 double chromatid, normal humans
4d = 46 double chromatid during cell div
process primordial germ cells differentiate into mature ova
-begins before birth in female fetuses
-2 meiotic divs = single mature ovum + 2 polar bodies
polar bodies degenerate
oogenesis steps
- prenatally primordial germ cells arise in umbilical vesical/yolk sac as 2n, 2d
- germ cells div via mitosis as migrate to ovaries
- DNA duplicates during interphase to 2n, 4d, 46 double chromos
- meiosis begins after mitosis in months 3-7, stops at prophase 1
- primary oocytes are 2n, 4d double chromos at birth
- remain dormant until puberty starts completion of meiosis 1 to make secondary
- meiosis 2 stops at metaphase 2
- completed only if fertilized
ovarian follicle
develop start at puberty and continues through menopause
oocyte + follicle or granulosa cells
follicle development
- primordial: form pre-birth, one primary oocyte surrounded by follicle cells held by desmosomes
- secondary: fluid filled spaces b/t granulosa cells + zona pellucida + theca interna + theca externa
- mature/graafian: has antrum, corona radiata, cumulus oophorus
layers of growing follicle
- granulosa cells: communicate via gap jxns, extend to oocyte
- zona pellucida: carb gel membrane with glycans
- theca interna: layer of glandular cells, endocrine
- theca externa: collagen CT
layers of mature follicle
- antrum: filled with plasma, aminoglycans, protein, hormones
- corona radiata: 1st layer of granulosa cells
- cumulus oophorus: pedestal of cells from the granulosa
- FSH and LH trigger release
- oocyte detaches from cumulus oophorus
- stigma sticks out into stroma
- protease degenerates stroma
- follicle ruptures and antrum fluid squirts
- corpus luteum develops
- granulosa and thecal cells > temp endocrine gland for progesterone/estrogen
hormone levels
first 1/2 cycle = estrogen stims prolif of endometrial tissue, progesterone stims glands to release secretions for blastocyst
-will spike after ovulation
-released by follicle granulosa and theca interna
hCG from syncytiotrophoblast facilitates endometrium maintenance
FSH/LH control follicle growth and egg release
corpus luteum
theca interna cells > theca lutein cells that secrete androgen
granulosa cells > granulosa lutein cells to secrete progesterone, convert androgens from theca into estrogen
-contain lipid droplets, smooth ER, mito