Female repro anatomy ligaments Flashcards
Suspensory ligament of the ovaries
Connect: ovaries to lateral pelvic wall
Contains: ovarian vessel
Note:ureter at risk during ligation of ovarian vessels in oopherectomy
SusPensory liganpends susPends ovaries to Pelvic wall
Cardinal ligament
Connect: cervix to side wall of pelvis
Contains: uterine vessel
Note: ureter at risk during ligation of uterine vessels in hysterectomy
Round ligament of the uterus
Connect: uterine fundus to labia majora
Contains: artery of Sampson
Note: derivative of gubernaculum,
travels through round ligament canal
Broad ligament
Connect: uterus, fallopian tube, and ovaries to pelvic wall
Contains: ovaries, fallopian tube, round ligament of uterus
Note: mesosalpinx, mesometrium, mesovarium
Ligament of the ovary
Connect: medial pole of ovary to lateral uterus
Contains: none
Note: Ligament of the ovary Lateral ovary to Lateral uterus;
derivative of the guvernaculum