Occurs in women with intrauterine exposure to DES
Cells have distinct cell membranes,
moderate to abundant clear cytoplasm
cuboidal and sometimes hobnail type with nuclei protruding into the lumen
Nuclei are round to irregular, hyperchromatic with conspicuous nucleoli

Clear cell adenocarcinoma
Proliferative/ secretory endometrium?
Gland architecture: straight, tubular
- Gland lining: regular, tall, pseudostratified columnar
- Secretory activity: no evidence of mucus secretion or vacuolation.
- Compact stroma

Proliferative Endometrium
- Diagnosis?
vaginal bleeding, adnexal pain, adnexal mass
- List 2 complications
- Confirmatory test

- Ectopic pregnancy
- a. Hypovolemic shock
- b. Hematosalpinx
- Vaginal USG
Type of cellular adaptation seen in the image

Squamous Metaplasia
- See attached image and name the Tumor marker
- What category of ovarian tumors does it belong to?

- Inhibin
- Sex cord stromal tumors
Morphology of HSV 2 on Tzanck smear

squamous cells containing eosinophilic to basophilic viral inclusions with ground glass appearance.
Bilateral ovarian masses
Microscopy of the ovarian masses show findings seen in the attached image.
Most likely primary?

Krukenberg tumor- bilateral metastases
Gastric origin
second most common malignant tumor of germ cell origin
See attached image
What tumor is this?

Yolk Sac
Alpha-feto protein
Ovarian neoplasm assoc with the syndrome described below:
Widely spaced nipples, webbed neck, lack of secondary sex charcateristics
Dysgerminoma assoc with Turner Syndrome
1. See the image provided and the clues below and formulate a diagnosis
38 year old female
painful defecation at the time of menstruation
2. What findings would you expect to see in the ovary?

- Endometriosis
- large cystic masses filled with brown fluid
1. Pre eclampsia / eclampsia?
New onset hypertension+ proteinuria + seizures in a primipara in the last trimester
- 2 complications of this condition
- Eclampsia
- HELLP Syndrome; DIC
Know the expansion of HELLP:
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
right upper quadrant pain following the transabdominal spread of infection from pelvic inflammatory disease
violin string adhesions of anterior liver capsule to anterior abdominal wall or diaphragm
liver capsular infection without affecting hepatic parenchyma

Fitz Hugh Curtis Syndrome
painful vaginal bleeding, abdominal or back pain, and fetal compromise
Premature separation of the placenta caused by formation of a retroplacental clot
Greatest risk factor?
- Abruptio placenta
- Maternal hypertension
1. Gestational(Placental) /Non gestational(Ovarian) choriocarcinoma?
- Øunresponsive to chemotherapy
Øoften fatal
- Øexists in combination with other germ cell tumors
2. Marker for choriocarcinomas?
- Non gestational choriocarcinoma
- human chorionic gonadotropin
mcc of death in patients with advanced cervical carcinoma
local invasion of ureter, pyelonephritis and renal failure
large, flagellated ovoid protozoan
transmitted by sexual contact
yellow, frothy vaginal discharge
Colposcopy finding: strawberry cervix

Trichomonas vaginalis
Microscopy findings in ovarian dysgerminoma

- large vesicular cells, clear cytoplasm, well-defined cell boundaries, central regular nuclei.
- grow in sheets or cords
- scant fibrous stroma , infiltrated by mature lymphocytes
What’s your diagnosis?
56 year old female with post coital vaginal bleeding assoc with malodorous discharge
Colposcopy shows a fungating mass
Microscopy shown in the attached image.

Cervical Squamous cell carcinoma
Mechanism of carcinogenesis by HPV E6 AND E7?
Learn this till you go blue in the face!

- Describe the microscopic findings seen in this benin condition caused by HPV 6 and 11.
- What’s the diagnosis?

- Papillary, exophytic, treelike cores of stroma covered by thickened squamous epithelium with koilocytic atypia
- Condyloma acuminatum
- Painless vaginal bleeding 2nd or 3rd trimester
- Uterus soft/nontender
- No fetal distress
Øplacenta implants in the lower uterine segment or cervix
Placenta praevia
1. Diagnosis?
32 year old woman
•Enlarged globular uterus, c/s trabeculated appearance
2. What finding do you see on microscopy?

- Adenomyosis
- presence of endometrial tissue within the uterine wall (myometrium)

Bartholin Cyst
- Presenting symptoms of an ovarian mass
- mc site for seeding of malignant surface derived ovarian tumors
- Lower Abdominal pain and distention
- Omentum
placental villi adhere to the myometrium as a result of a partial or complete absence of the decidua basalis
§Placenta accreta
1. What is this condition termed as?
Bilateral ovarian masses
Extensive mucinous ascites
2. Most likely primary tumor of origin?

1. pseudomyxoma peritonei
2. Appendix
Unilateral ovarian mass
No palpable thyroid
Thyroid function tests suggestive of hyperthyroidism

Struma Ovarii
45 year old female
H/O pruritus, dyspareunia
M/E pf vulval area shows marked thinning of epidermis, sclerotic changes in the dermis with hyalinization and bandlike lymphocytic infiltrate

Lichen sclerosus
Origin of this tumor?
<5 years of age
Gross: polypoid, round, bulky grapelike masses

Origin of the tumor is from Skeletal muscle cells
The tumor is embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Gross appearance: sharply circumscribed, discrete, round, firm, gray-white
characteristic whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles on cut section
Microscopic appearance: see attached image
What’s your diagnosis?

1. DIagnosis?
20 year old female
unilocular cyst
cyst wall lined by stratified squamous epithelium
Microscopy : Image attached
2. mc type of carcinoma that may rarely develop from this benign tumor?

- Mature teratoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
52 year old female
abdominal distension
unilateral ovarian mass
Gross: Larger cystic masses,Multiloculated,sticky, gelatinous fluid
What would you see on microscopy?
Tall columnar cells with apical mucin
(Mucinous tumor)
1. Diagnosis?
52 year old female , distended abdomen and low back ache
elevated CA-125
gross and microscopic images attached
2. Which type of calcification would you expect to see?

- Malignant surface epithelial tumor- papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma
- Dystrophic calcification in psammoma bodies
List 6 morphologic lesions seen in the tubes and ovaries following PID
1. Diagnosis?
- ovarian counterpart of testicular seminoma
- MC malignant germ cell tumor
- soft and fleshy
- see attached microscopic image
2. Markers?

- Dysgerminoma
- serum LDH
- hcG
- OCT-3, OCT4, and NANOG
irregular vaginal spotting of a bloody, brown fluid
rising titer of hCG after a molar pregnancy, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy.
Xray findings attached
What is the origin of these tumor cells?

trophoblastic cells
Differences between a partial mole and a complete mole

1. Diagnosis?
Pruritic, red, crusted , maplike area over the labia majora
lateral spread of cells in singles/clusters within epidermis, the cell are large rthan normal keratinocytes
pale cytoplasm conatining mucopolysaccharide
2. Special stain?
- Extramammary Paget Disease
- PAS/Alcian Blue/Mucicarmine

Functional ovarian tumors
- Estrogen secreting
- Androgen secreting
- Granulosa cell, thecomas
- Sertoli Leydig cell tumor
- Name the most frequent precursor to endometrial carcinoma
2. Which syndrome is this?
Clustering of endometrial, colorectal and ovarian carcinomas in a family
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Lynch Syndrome
20 year old female
Bulky, solid; Hair, sebaceous material, cartilage, bone, and calcification may be present, along with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage
Microsocpy image attached

Immature teratoma
Proliferative endometrium / secretory endometrium?
- Gland architecture: tortuous, serrated or “saw-toothed
- Gland lining: shows subnuclear secretory basal vacuoles that move progressively to the apex
- Secretory activity: prominent
- Loose stroma

secretory endometrium
60 year old female
bulky, fleshy masses that invade the uterine wall
Tumor cells- irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei, Atypical mitoses and Foci of necrosis

last trimester
new-onset hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic or ≥90 mm Hg diastolic) accompanied by proteinuria (>300 mg in 24-hr urine collection or 30 mg/dL [1+ dipstick])
Give one word that best describes this image:
Atypical, enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with wrinkled, raisinoid appearance with perinucelar halo

Koilocytic atypia
- mc cause of ectopic pregnancy
- mc site of ectopic pregnancy in the ft?
- Scarring from previous PID
- broad ampullary portion below the fimbriae
Lab findings in PCOD

LH/FSH ratio >3
Increase in serum FT and androstenedione
Decrease in serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
Normal to decreased serum FSH
Increased insulin
most common mechanism of formation of this subtype of benign mole

The image shows a complete mole - mc mechansim is fertilization of an empty ovum by a single sperm that undergoes duplication of its chromosomes.
Estrogen secreting tumor
adult female
M/E: small, cuboidal to polygonal cells may grow in anastomosing cords, sheets, or strands; with small, distinctive, glandlike structures filled with an acidophilic material
Granulosa cell tumor