Covers Acute Inflammation -PowerPoints part 1 and 2
Identify the mediator responsible for all of the following actions
intense vasoconstriction,bronchospasm (important in asthma), increased permeability of venules.
LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4
Major cytokine responsible for induction of the acute phase response
Identify the substance , based on its function described and the WBC that produces it
cytotoxic to helminths
Substance: Major Basic protein
Produced by: Eosinophils
Identify the substance , based on its function described and the WBC that produces it
binds iron that is necessary for normal bacterial growth and reproduction
Substance: Lactoferrin
Produced by: Neutrophil granules
What’s the most likely underlying mechanism for the fluid having characteristics described below?
protein rich
specific gravity >1.020
The fluid exhibits characteristic features of an exudate. Mechanism: increase in the normal permeability of small blood vessels in an area of injury
Identify the condition described and its basis
- Increased susceptibility to catalase positive organisms - ( S.aureus, E.coli, Aspergillus)
- Negative nitroblue tetrazolium dye reduction test
- Abnormal dihydrorhodamine (flow cytometry) test (reduced green fluorescence).
- Decrease ROS and absent respiratory burst
Condition: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Basis: Lack of NADPH oxidase
family of proteins that mediate initial rolling interactions
Exudate or transudate?
protein rich
specific gravity >1.020
How do you distinguish between Chronic granulomatous disease due to NADPH oxidase deficiency from MPO deficiency?

Exudate or transudate?
- Effusion protein/serum protein ratio lesser than 0.5
- Effusion lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)/serum LDH ratio lesser than 0.6
- Effusion LDH level lesser than two-thirds the upper limit of the laboratory’s reference range of serum LDH
Identify the mediator
stimulates the contraction of uterine and bronchial smooth muscle and small arterioles
List 2 examples of transudate occuring due to decreased oncotic pressure
Nephrotic Syndrome
Which cell adhesion molecule mediates the process depicted in the attached image?

PECAM 1 (aka CD31 ie. cluster of differentiation 31)
List 4 conditions characterized by exudate formation
Collagen vascular disease
3 mechanisms of increased vascular permeability
a. Contraction of endothelial cells resulting in increased interendothelial spaces
b. Endothelial injury, resulting in endothelial cell necrosis and detachment.
c. Transcytosis
absence of sialyl-Lewis X
Give one word that best fits the description:
- Painful, enlarged lymph nodes
- Inflammed lymphatic channnels visible as red streaks over skin
- Lymphadenitis
- Lymphangitis
Exudate or transudate?
protein poor
specific gravity <1.012
Type of leukocyte most likley to predominate in :
a. 6-24 hours
b. 24-48 hours
a. Neutrophils
b. Monocytes
Exudate or transudate?
- Effusion protein/serum protein ratio greater than 0.5
- Effusion lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)/serum LDH ratio greater than 0.6
- Effusion LDH level greater than two-thirds the upper limit of the laboratory’s reference range of serum LDH
List examples of the morphologic pattern of inflammation depicted in the attached image

Pattern: Ulcer
Examples: Duodenal Ulcer, Peptic ulcer
class of adhesion molecules that mediate firm adhesion
List examples of the morphologic pattern of inflammation depicted in the attached image

Pattern: Suppurative/Purulent Inflammation
Examples: Lung abscess, acute appendicitis
Where is P- selectin expressed?
a. Wiebel-Palade bodies on the surface of platelets
b. Endothelial cells
Which process is characterized by the following sequence of steps?
- recognition and attachment of the particle to be ingested by the leukocyte
- its engulfment, with subsequent formation of a phagocytic vacuole
- killing or degradation of the ingested material
List the 3 events occuring within the lumen during the process of extravasation
margination, rolling, and adhesion to endothelium
List 1 example of a transudate occuring due to increased hydrostatic pressure
Congestive heart failure
Identify the condition and its basis
- Progressive neurodegeneration
- Lymphohistiocytosis
- Albinism (partial)
- peripheral Neuropathy
- recurrent pyogenic Infections by Staph and Strep
- Giant granules seen in platelets

Condition: Chediak Higashi Syndrome
**_Basis:_** Defect in lysosomal trafficking regulator gene (LYST).
microtubule dysfunction in phagosome-lysosome fusion
List examples of the morphologic pattern of inflammation depicted in the attached image

Pattern: Fibrinous Inflammation
Example: Fibrinous pericarditis
List 4 endogenous chemoatrractants
Mnemonic : CILK
C - C5a
I - IL-8
L - Leukotriene B4
K - Kallikrein
Give 1 word that best fits the description provided:
Purulent exudate
Mediators of vasodilatation
Histamine, Nitric oxide
Identify the mediator
potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation
PGI2 (prostacyclin)
Ligands for P-selectin and E-selectin?
(Sialyl-Lewis-X) sialylated oligosaccharides bound to mucin like glycoprotein backbones.
Identify the mediator
potent platelet-aggregating agent
TxA2 (thromboxane A2)
Give one word that best fits the description provided:
process of leukocyte redistribution in inflammation wherein white cells assume a peripheral position along the endothelial surface due to stasis and decrease in wall shear stress
Type of leukocyte likely to predominate in :
a. Viral Infections
b. Hypersensitivity reactions
a. Lymphocytes
b. Eosinophils
Identify the mediator responsible for all of the following actions:
- Causes fever, acute inflammation.
- Activates endothelium to express adhesion molecules.
- Induces chemokine secretion to recruit WBCs
Give one word that best fits this description
The process wherein leukocytes emigrate in tissues toward the site of injury along a chemical gradient
Give 1 word that best fits the description provided:
escape of fluid, proteins, and blood cells from the vascular system into the interstitial tissue or body cavities
Name the mediator that increases vascular permeability and causes contraction of smooth muscle, dilation of blood vessels, and pain when injected into the skin.
Identify the mediator responsible for all of the following actions:
a. Endothelial activation
b. Together with IL-1 and Il-6, induces systemic acute phase response
c. Activation of leukocytes
Tumor necrosis factor-α
Exudate or transudate?
- Effusion protein/serum protein ratio lesser than 0.5
- Effusion lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)/serum LDH ratio greater than 0.6
- Effusion LDH level greater than two-thirds the upper limit of the laboratory’s reference range of serum LDH
3 outcomes of acute inflammation
- Complete resolution
- Organization
- Chronic Inflammation
Components of complement that stimulate histamine release from mast cells
C3a and C5a
aka anaphylatoxins
List examples of the morphologic pattern of inflammation depicted in the attached image

Pattern: Pseudomebranous
Examples: Pseudomembranous colitis
List examples of the morphologic pattern of inflammation depicted in the attached image

Pattern: Serous Inflammation
Examples: blisters in second-degree burns; viral pleuritis
What’s the most likely underlying mechanism for the fluid having characteristics described below?
protein poor
specific gravity <1.012
The fluid exhibits characteristic features of an transudate. Mechanism: osmotic or hydrostatic imbalance across the vessel wall without an increase in vascular permeability
Ligand for the following integrins?
a. LFA-1, MAC-1 (Beta 2 integrins)
b. VLA-4 (Beta 1 integrins)
a. ICAM-1
b. VCAM-1
defect in the biosynthesis of the β2 chain shared by the LFA-1 and Mac-1 integrins
Delayed detachment of the umbilical cord
Neutrophilic leukocytosis