WBC DISORDERS - 1 Flashcards
Acute leukemias, Myeloproliferative neoplasms, Myelodysplastic syndrome
Why do you get plethora in PV?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Increased RBC mass causes distension of venous side of circulation
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What is this called?
Known case of CML now presenting with increasing anemia and thrombocytopenia, increased resistance to therapy, falling platelet counts, and increasing numbers of basophils and blasts.
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Accelerated phase of CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Thrombotic manifestations of Polycythemia Vera
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Hepatic veins- Budd Chiari Syndrome
Mesenteric and portal- Bowel infarction
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What is this phase called?
Known case of CML , now presenting with severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, peripheral blood smear showing numerous blast cells not containing Auer rods
Deborah Dalmeida MD
blast crisis of CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- What risk of transformation do all the Myeloproliferative neoplasms carry?
- List all the Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Acute myeloid leukemia(AML)
- a.CML
b. PV
c. ET
d. Primary myelofibrosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What’s the special name for the derivative chromosme 22 wherein there is Reciprocoal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 producing an ABR-BCL fusion gene ?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Philadelphia chromosome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Relative/ absolute polycythemia?
normal plasma volume
increased RBC mass
normal SaO2
Increased EPO
- List 2 conditions where this scenario may be encountered
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Absolute- inappropriate
- Renal cell carcinoma/ Hepatocellular carcinoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
prior history of radiation therapy
ringed sideroblasts on bone marrow
image finding (see attached)
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Look at clues provided and the image- diagnosis?
persistently elevated platelet count>450,000/microliter
JAK 2 mutation
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Essential Thrombocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Underlying mutation in Polycythemia Vera
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Erythropoietin levels in Polycythemia Vera - High/Low?
- Why?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Low
- Mutation of JAK 2 causes the transformed progenitor cells to have decreased requirement for EPO.
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Underlying mutation in primary myelofibrosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
JAK 2 -50-60%
MPL - 5-10%
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Known case of Polycythemia Vera, now presenting with splenomegaly.
What findings do you expect on BM biopsy?
- What is this phase of Polycythemia Vera called?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Fibrosis which obliterates the bone marrow. As a result of fibrosis, there is extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis leading to splenomegaly
- Spent phase
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Pan T cell lineage markers
Deborah Dalmeida MD
CD 3, CD 5
Deborah Dalmeida MD
minimum percentage of blasts in the bone marrow to term it a leukemia
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
fever, sore throat, gray white membrane on tonsils, posterior auricular lymphadenopathy
Monospot test positive
2. Causative organism?
3. Peripheral smear finding?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Epstein Barr Virus
- Lymphocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What is the cause for the appearance of the splenectomy specimen seen in this image?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Extramedullary hematopoiesis
It expands the red pulp of the spleen, effaces the white pulp producing a ‘beefy red’ appearance.
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What do the inclusions seen in the cytoplasm of this cell represent?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

needle like azurophilic granules - Auer rods
Deborah Dalmeida MD
10 year old
thymic mass
PS: tumor cells larger than small lymphocyte, fine, delicate to stippled chromatin, inconpicuous nucleoli, scant agranular basophilic cytoplasm
CD2, CD 3, CD5, CD7, Tdt positive
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
The test you do to distinguish between Leukemoid reaction and chronic myeloid leukemia?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase level (LAP score)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the condition
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Deborah Dalmeida MD
List 4 risk factors for AML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Fanconi anemia, Bloom syndrome
preexisting myeloproliferative neoplasm or a myelodysplastic syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Pan B cell lineage markers
Deborah Dalmeida MD
CD 10, 19, 20
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Lymphoblast/ myeloblast?
tumor population composed of cells exhibiting delicate nuclear chromatin, two to four nucleoli, and more voluminous cytoplasm , containing fine, peroxidase-positive azurophilic granules.
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Deborah Dalmeida MD
dragging sensation in left upper quadrant
Neutrophils, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, band forms
eosinophilia, basophilia
hypercellular marrow
Deborah Dalmeida MD

CML(Chronic myeloid leukemia)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
1. Diagnosis?
45 year old weakness and fatigue
WBC 75,000cells/mm3
BM 40% blasts
CD 33, CD 13 and CD 117 positive
2. Special histochemical stain?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- MPO(myeloperoxidase) , Sudan Black
Deborah Dalmeida MD
most common acute leukemia of adults
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Translocation in CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Which subtype of AML is associated with a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17 producing a PML-RAR alpha fusion gene?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Acute promyelocytoc leukemia (APML)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
3 year old child
WBC count 100,000 cell/mm3
anemia, thrombocytopenia
image findings (attached image)
CD 19, CD 20 and Tdt positive
Deborah Dalmeida MD

B cell- ALL
Deborah Dalmeida MD
1. Diagnosis?
Very high leukocyte count
schistocytes, teardrop cells on blood smear
nucleated RBCs on blood smear
2. List 2 conditions where this reaction is seen
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Leukoerythroblastic reaction
- a. Myelopthisis- bone marrow infiltration by tumor, granulomas etc
b. Primary Myelofibrosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Most common hematologic malignancy of children
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoblastic lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Hb 14-28mg/dl
low EPO
Hypercellular marrow
PS- erythrocytosis, granulocytosis, thrombocytosis, basophilia
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Polycythemia vera
Deborah Dalmeida MD
1. Diagnosis?
progressive anemia, massive splenomegaly
PS- teardrop cells, nucleated RBCs
Markedly elevated WBC count
- Special stain?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Primary myelofibrosis
- Reticulin , Masson’s trichrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
most common cause for agranulocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Drug toxicity
- alkylating agents
- antimetabolites
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- One important complication of APML?
- Translocation assoc with APML?
- Treatment?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- t(15;17)
- All trans retinoic acid
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Absolute/ relative polycythemia?
decreased plasma volume
normal RBC mass
normal SaO2
Normal EPO
- List 2 conditions where this finding may be encountered
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Relative polycythemia
- Dehydration, diuretic use
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What is the consequence of formation of the BCR-ABL fusion gene?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
constitutive activation of the ABL kinase
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Relative/ absolute polycythemia?
normal plasma volume
increased rbc mass
decreased SaO2
increased EPO
- List 2 conditions where this may be encountered
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Absolute polycythemia - appropriate type
- chronic bronchitis, cyanotic congenital heart disease, high altitude
Deborah Dalmeida MD
LAP score in Leukemoid reaction versus LAP score in CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Leukemoid reaction- elevated LAP
CML- depressed/ low in CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
1. Diagnosis?
Extreme elevation of leukocyte count (>50,000/μL) composed of mature and/or immature neutrophils.
No blasts
History of a serious infection
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Leukemoid reaction
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Underlying mutation in CML
Deborah Dalmeida MD
BCR-ABL fusion gene
Deborah Dalmeida MD
One complication of Infectious mononucleosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Splenic rupture
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Why do you get acquagenic pruritus in Polycythemia vera?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Histamine release
Deborah Dalmeida MD
lymphoblast/ myeloblast?
cell larger than small lymphocyte, fine, delicate to stippled chromatin, inconpicuous nucleoli, scant agranular basophilic cytoplasm
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Mechanism of erythromelalgia (burning sensation of hands and feet) in Polycythemia vera?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Microvascular occlusion and platelet activation
Deborah Dalmeida MD