WBC DISORDERS- 2 Flashcards
Lymphomas Disorders of spleen and thymus
Identify the stage of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma described below:
Two or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Stage II
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the stage of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma described below:
Involvement of lymph node regions on both sides of the diaphragm
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Stage III
Deborah Dalmeida MD
generalized exfoliative erythroderma + peripheral smear filled with cells shown in the attached image
Cells are PAS positive
Immunophenotype: CLA+ CCR4+ and CCR10+
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Sézary Syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the lesion whose light and electron microsocpic features have been depicted in the image.
What are the IHC markers that you would use to confirm your diagnosis?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- HLA-DR, S-100, and CD1a
Deborah Dalmeida MD
young adult
soft tissue mass
large anaplastic cells, horseshoe-shaped nuclei and voluminous cytoplasm
CD 30 positive
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the lymphoma described below:
- deposition of collagen in bands that divide involved lymph nodes into circumscribed nodules
- polymorphous background of T cells, eosinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages
- positive for CD15, and CD30, negative for other B-cell markers, T-cell markers, and CD45 (leukocyte common antigen)
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Nodular Sclerosis- most common form of HL
Deborah Dalmeida MD

70 year old male
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Lymph node biopsy: monotonous collection of small, round lymphocytes , scant cytoplasm, condensed chromatin mixed with prolymphocytes
Immunophenotype: CD19+,CD20+, CD 23+ and CD5+
This hematologic condition is assoc with a risk of transformation to which type?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Transformation to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - Richter syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
painless lymphadenopathy
splenic mass
Biopsy: homogeneous population of small lymphocytes, irregular to occasionally deeply clefted (cleaved) nuclear contours, condensed chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, scant cytoplasm
CD 23- Cyclin D1+ CD 19+ CD 20+
What’s the translocation assoc with this lymphoma?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

t(11;14) -overexpression of cyclin D1
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Main components of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
a. neoplastic Reed-Sternberg cells <1% of the overall tumor mass.
b. exuberant tissue response consisting of reactive lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells >90% tumor cellularity
Deborah Dalmeida MD
painless, generalized lymphadenopathy
Lymph node biopsy: replacement of normal architecture by neoplastic follicles that mimic the appearance of normal germinal centers, composed of centrocytes and centroblasts
Immunophenotyping: CD19, CD20, CD10, surface Ig, BCL 2 and BCL6 positive
1. What is the consequence of the translocation?
2. Diagnosis?
3. Risk of transformation to which type?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- overexpression of BCL2
- Follicular lymphoma
- 30-50% transform to - diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Splenic dysfunction would predispose to infections by which particular type of organisms
Deborah Dalmeida MD
encapsulated pathogens- pneumococci, meningococci, and Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List 3 chronic inflammatory/autoimmune disorders from which extranodal marginal zone lymphomas arise.
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Helicobacter gastritis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, Sjogren Syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
affects predominantly children
Multiple cutaneous lesions
round to oval, red-brown, nonscaling papules and small plaques
- Special stain to identify the main cell in this lesion?
- Immunohistochemical stain ?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

The diagnosis is urticaria pigmentosa
- toluidine blue and Giemsa stains
- mast cell tryptase and KIT.
Deborah Dalmeida MD
2 forms of localized mastocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
urticaria pigmentosa
solitary mastocytoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Clinical features of multiple myeloma
Hint= CRAB
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Calcium (elevated) – hypercalcemia
R = Renal failure
A = Anemia
B = Bone lesions (bone pain)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List the 4 subtypes of Classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Nodular sclerosis
- Mixed cellularity
- Lymphocyte-rich
- Lymphocyte depletion
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Laboratory indicators of tumpr lysis syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Atleast 2 of the following:
Deborah Dalmeida MD
generalized lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever
Lymph node biopsy: diffuse effacement
large lymphocytes that exhibit large nuclei, open chromatin, and prominent nucleoli.
high mitotic rate
CD 19+ CD20+ CD10+ BCL-6+
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
mandibular mass
subequatorial Africa
Biopsy: diffuse infiltrate of intermediate-sized lymphoid cells interspersed with nuclear remnants of apoptotic cells phagocytosed by macrophages
surface IgM+ CD19+ CD20+ CD10+ BCL6+ BCL 2-
What is the translocation assoc with this condition?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

t(8;14)-translocations of the MYC gene on chromosome 8 lead to increased MYC
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List 4 causes for massive splenomegaly
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Primary myelofibrosis
Hairy cell Leukemia
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- One important clinical feature of tumor lysis syndrome
- How do you prevent tumor lysis syndrome?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Renal failure - due to crystal-induced tissue injury
- Aggressive hydration, allopurinol, rasburicase
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List atleast 1 example of each category of causes of splenomegaly
a. Infectious
b. Congestive States Related to Portal Hypertension
c. Lymphohematogenous Disorders
d. Storage Diseases
e. Immunologic-Inflammatory Conditions
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Infections- Typhoid fever, IM, Malaria, Leishmaniasis
Congestive States Related to Portal Hypertension- Liver cirrhosis, cardiac decompensation of right side.
Lymphohematogenous Disorders – Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Storage Diseases- Gaucher, Nieman Pick, Mucopolysaccharidoses
Immunologic-Inflammatory Conditions- Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE
Deborah Dalmeida MD
70 year old male presenting with excessive thirst, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, and confusion. ESR 95mm/1st hour
PS shows rouleaux formation.
BM aspirate shows findings as seen in the attached image.
- What is the skull xray likely to show?
- What is the serum/urine electrophoresis likely to show?
- What type of protein is excreted in the urine?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- punched-out defects, 1- 4 cm in diameter
- abnormal protein “spikes” in serum or urine electrophoresis- M protein
- Free light chains aka Bence Jones proteins
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What is the next line of investigation once serum protein electrophoresis shows the presence of a monclonal M protein?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the stage of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma described below:
Multiple lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm + skletal, pleural and spleen involvement
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Stage IV
Deborah Dalmeida MD
solitary lesion of bone or soft tissue
Bone- spine, ribs etc i.e. axial skeleton
Soft tissue- lungs, oronasopharynx, or nasal sinuses
Modest elevations of M proteins
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Solitary Myeloma (Plasmacytoma).
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Pruritus and flushing
Darier sign positive
Dermatographism present
- What enzyme levels would you do to confirm diagnosis?
- Diagnosis?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Serum tryptase- Increased
- Systemic mastocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
WHat do the Howel Jolly bodies contain?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

nuclear remnants
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- What does the M component in Multiple myeloma represent?
- List two pathogenic effects of light chains
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- monoclonal Ig - usually IgG or IgA type
- The toxic effect of light chains are as follows:
a. toxic to renal epithelial cells - form precipitates and obstructive casts
b. amyloid, fibrillar deposits in renal glomeruli perivascular spaces of liver, spleen, and heart
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List 4 important events resulting in the finding depicted in the image
Deborah Dalmeida MD

a. cytokine storm
b. massive elevation of ferritin and c. sCD25
c. widespread macrophage activation
Deborah Dalmeida MD
1. Diagnosis?
serum M protein level is less than 3 gm/dL
2. What is the rate of transformation to Myeloma ?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Monoclonal Gammopathy of Uncertain Significance
- 1% per year
Deborah Dalmeida MD
generalized pruritic rash
Skin biopsy image attached
epidermis and upper dermis are infiltrated by PAS
positive cells
1. What is the name given to the aggregates of atypical lymphoctes within the epidermis?
2. Diagnosis?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Pautrier microabscesses
- Mycosis Fungoides
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Type of amyloidosis likely to be seen in amyloidosis resulting from renal failure in multiple myeloma?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
AL (k) type
Deborah Dalmeida MD
See the attached image and interpret
Deborah Dalmeida MD

two observations:
a. üsharp band in the patient serum is cross-linked by antisera specific for IgG heavy chain (G) and kappa light chain (κ), indicating the presence of an IgGκ M protein
b. normal immunoglobulins are suppressed
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- List 3 consequences of bone resorption in multiple myeloma
- List 3 causes for renal failure in Mutliple myeloma
- The important cytokine required for survival and proliferation of multiple myeloma cells
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- pathologic fractures, bone pain, and hypercalcemia
- precipitation of free light chains+pyelonephritis+ hypercalcemia
- IL-6
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the cell described below
Large cell, multiple nuclei or a single nucleus with multiple nuclear lobes, each with a large inclusion-like nucleolus about the size of a small lymphocyte, abundant cytoplasm
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Reed-Sternberg cell
Deborah Dalmeida MD

Clinicopathologic presentation of Langerhan cell histiocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
- Letterer-Siwe disease
- eosinophilic granuloma
- Hand-Schüller-Christian triad
- Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List the criteria for hypersplenism
Hint: Hyper Splenism Ravages Cells
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Hypercellular or normal marrow
Response to splenectomy
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Components of DiGeorge Syndrome
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Cardiac defects
Abnormal facies
Thymic hypoplasia - cellular immune deficiency: abnormal number and function of T-cells)
Cleft palate
Hypoparathyroid with hypocalcemia - tetany
22 chrom defect deletion 22q11
Deborah Dalmeida MD
generalized lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever
eosinophilia, pruritus
Lymph node biopsy: pleomorphic mixture of variably sized malignant lymphocytes in a background of eosinophils and macrophages
brisk neoangiogenesis
CD2+ CD3+ CD5+
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
middle aged male
massive splenomegaly
Peripheral smear : round, oblong, or reniform nuclei and moderate amounts of pale blue cytoplasm with threadlike or bleblike extensions
BM aspirate: dry tap
Immunophenotype: CD19 CD20, surface IgG,
CD11c+ CD25+ CD103+ annexin A1+
What stain do these cells stain positive for?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) stain
Deborah Dalmeida MD
70 year old male presenting with excessive thirst, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, and confusion. ESR 95mm/1st hour
PS shows rouleaux formation.
Skull Xray shows attached findings
1. What are you likely to see on a BM aspirate?
2. List 2 immunophenotypical markers for this condition?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- plasmablasts with vesicular nuclear chromatin and a prominent single nucleolus; bizarre, multinucleated cells; normal plasma cells
- CD138, CD56
Deborah Dalmeida MD
What conditions are thymomas associated with?
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Myasthenia gravis
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Japan, West Africa, and the Caribbean basin
generalized lymphadenopathy
peripheral blood lymphocytosis
1. What is the role of the protein encoded by the causative Virus?
2. Diagnosis?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Tax protein - potent activator of NF-κB, enhances lymphocyte growth and survival.
- Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma
The causative virus is human T-cell leukemia retrovirus type 1 (HTLV-1)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Hematologic signs of splenectomy
Deborah Dalmeida MD

nucleated RBCs (NRBCs).
Howell-Jolly (HJ) bodies
target cells (excess membrane cannot be removed
Thrombocytosis- Platelets that would have been normally sequestered in the spleen are now circulating
Deborah Dalmeida MD
70 year old male
Generalized lymphadenopathy
absolute lymphocyte count > 5000 per mm3
Peripheral smear: Image attached
CD19+,CD20+, CD 23+ and CD5+
1. What are the 2 forms of presentation of this condition?
2. This condition is assoc with increased incidence of which anemia?
Deborah Dalmeida MD

- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR small lymphocytic lymphoma
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)
Deborah Dalmeida MD
List 4 pathophysiologic factors implicated in multiple myeloma
Deborah Dalmeida MD
A. Pathogenic antibodies or antibody fragments
B. Bone resorption
C. Renal failure
D. Suppression of humoral immunity
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Identify the stage of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma described below:
Involvement of a single lymph node region
Deborah Dalmeida MD
Stage I
Deborah Dalmeida MD