2 causes for hemorrhagic cystitis
Which developmental anomaly presents with urinary discharge from the umbilicus?
Urachal Cyst remnant
Risk factors for urothelial (transitional cell) tumors
Mnemonic : Pee SAC
- Schistosoma haematobium
- Analgesics, anniline dyes
- Cigarette smoking (most imp influence), Cyclophosphamide
Low Grade/ High rade papillary urothelial carcinoma?

Low Grade
Name the lesion characterised by protrusion of the bladder wall into the vagina
- Identify the condition shown in the image; name the special stain used
- Name the structure indicated by the arrow.
- Within which cells are the Michaelis gutman bodies located?

- Malakoplakia; PAS stain
- Michaelis- Gutman bodies
- Macrophages
Low grade/ High grade papillary urothelial carcinoma?

High Grade papillary urothelial carcinoma
a. Loss of polarity
b. Large hyperchromatic nuclei
c. Bizarre mitotic figures
d. Anaplasia
Name 2 conditions predisposing to adenocarcinoma of the bladder
- Exstrophy
- Urachal Cyst remnant
Name the risk factors for transitional cell carcinoma (urothelial carcinoma) of the bladder
Mnemonic: Pee SAC
Smoking, Schistosoma hematobium
Analgesics, aryl amines
- What is the lesion resulting from developmental failure of the anterior wall of the abdomen and bladder?

Identify the lesion described
Older woman,
small, red, painful mass about the external urethral meatus
ulcerate and bleed with the slightest trauma
consists of inflamed granulation tissue
Urethral caruncle
Identify the condition described
urinary tract symptoms of more than six weeks duration
urine culture negative
more frequent in women
Cystoscopy- mucosal fissures and punctate hemorrhage
Biopsy - Hunner’s ulcer
Interstitial cystitis (chronic pelvic pain syndrome)
See attached image of Hunner’s ulcer
Bladder morphology following outlet obstruction due to prostatic hyperplasia
detrusor smooth muscle hypertrophy
Underlying defect in urge incontinence
Detrusor hyperactivity [eg: aging, local irritation of the bladder as with infection]
Underlying defect in stress incontinence
weakness of the pelvic floor musculature - Obesity, pregnancy, vaginal delivery
intrinsic weakness of the urethral sphincter - surgery, radiation, trauma
Underlying defect in overflow incontinence
Outlet obstruction -BPH
Detrusor hypoactivity- Neurogenic bladder in diabetes, multiple sclerosis
Type of incontinence described
Restricted mobility or the inability to physically get to the bathroom in time to avoid incontinence
Functional Incontinence
Type of incontinence described
loss of urine associated with increases in intraabdominal pressure - coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising
Stress Incontinence
Precursors to invasive urothelial carcinoma
Noninvasive papillary tumors
Flat noninvasive urothelial carcinoma in situ (CIS)
Most important prognostic factor for invasive urothelial carcinoma
depth of invasion
For example, invasion of the lamina propria (Stage T2) leads to a 30% 5-year mortality rate
most common presenting symptom of urothelial carcinoma
painless hematuria
Name one risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder
Worm eggs in bladder wall→ Chronic irritation → squamous metaplasia → dysplasia → SCC