NEOPLASIA-1 Flashcards
Covers powerpoints 1-4 1. Nomenclature 2. Benign v/s malignant 3. Molecular Basis of Cancer
- The most common tumors in women in terms of incidence
- The most common tumors in women in terms of mortality
- breast, lung, and colon/rectum
- lung, breast, and colorectal
Malignant tumor arising in bone

1. Identify the condition using the clues provided
◦increased risk at an early age for developing skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma
◦UV radiation causes cross-linking of pyrimidine residues, preventing normal DNA replication.
2. How is this damage repaired in normal individuals?
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Nucleotide excision repair
Malignant tumor arising in cartilaginous tissue
- Primary/ Metastatic?
- Why?

- Metastatic
- two important features - Multiple, central umbilication with necrosis .
Umbilication refers to the nodular appearance and necrosis occurs as the tumor deposits outgrow their blood supply
a benign tumor arising in fibrous tisssue
a neoplasm, benign or malignant, that produces a macroscopically visible projection above a mucosal surface and projects into a lumen

heterotopic rest of cells appearing as a congenital anomaly

- Tumor containing recognizable mature or immature cells or tissues representative of more than one germ cell layer
- most common site?

- Teratoma
- Ovaries
How does p53 accomplish the following?
a. cell cycle arrest
b. apoptosis
a. acts through p21 to cause cell cycle arrest
b. induces BAX to cause apoptosis
Identify the inherited condition predisposing to cancer assoc with mutation of the following gene
Li Fraumeni Syndrome
- disorganized but benign-appearing masses composed of cells indigenous to the particular site
- List 2 examples
- Hamartoma
- Pulmonary hamartoma
Peutz Jegher polyp
When dysplastic changes are marked and involve the entire thickness of the epithelium but the lesion remains confined by the basement membrane
carcinoma in situ
- List 3 conditions assoc with Defects in DNA Repair by Homologous Recombination
2. What enzyme does the defective gene in Bloom Syndrome normally encode?
- a. Bloom Syndrome (hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation) b. Ataxia telangiectasia c. Fanconi’s anemia (hypersensitivity to DNA cross linking agents)
- helicase
Identify the material and cancer assoc with this occupation
Refrigerant/ adhesive for plastics
Vinyl chloride- Hepatic angiosarcoma
1.Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following tumor suppressor gene
- What is the normal function of this gene?
- Familial retinoblastoma syndrome (retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma and other sarcomas)
- Inhibitor of G1/S cell cycle transition
a benign cartilaginous tumor
Even in the presence of ample oxygen, cancer cells shift their glucose metabolism away from the oxygen hungry, but efficient, mitochondria to glycolysis
Warburg effect
Malignant tumor arising in fibrous tissue
- The most common tumors in men in terms of incidence
- The most common tumors in men in terms of mortality
- prostate, lung, and colon/rectum
- lung, prostate, and colorectal
- Identify the familial tumor assoc with mutation of the following tumor suppressor gene
E- cadherin
- What are the 2 sporadic cancers assoc with mutation of E-cadherin?
- Familial gastric carcinoma
- Lobular carcinoma - breast
Gastric carcinoma
- Self-sufficiency in growth signals
- Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals
- Evasion of apoptosis
- Limitless replicative potential
- Sustained angiogenesis
- Ability to invade and metastasize
- Defects in DNA repair
- divergent differentiation of a single neoplastic clone along two lineages
- example?
- Mixed tumor
- Pleomorphic adenoma
Malignant tumor arising from skeletal muscle cells
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
Adenocarcinoma of lung
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
- Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following tumor suppressor gene
- How will you identify this syndrome on clinical presentation?
- Li- Fraumeni syndrome
- You will see a family history of different lineage tumors- sarcomas, breast cancer, leukemias, brain tumors, and carcinomas of the adrenal cortex
(sarcomas, carcinomas and hematopoietic tumors)
lack of differentiation
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following tumor suppressor gene
Juvenile polyposis
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
Identify the inherited condition predisposing to cancer assoc with mutation of the following gene
Cowden Syndrome
Identify the inherited condition predisposing to cancer assoc with mutation of the following gene
Familial adenomatous polyposis
tumor composed of benign fat cells with empty spaces.
benign epithelial neoplasm derived from glands
What is the mode of activation of tumor following mutation of N-myc and L-myc in neuroblastoma and small cell cancer of lung?
- Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
- What is the normal function of this gene?
- Neurofibromatosis (mutliple neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors)
- Inhibitor of RAS/MAPK signaling
Identify the material and cancer assoc with this occupation
Principla component of light oil, printing industry
Benzene- Acute myeloid leukemias
Identify the inherited condition predisposing to cancer assoc with mutation of the following gene
HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome
Malignant tumor arising in mesenchymal tissue
benign smooth muscle tumor

Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
1. Identify the following condition using the clues provided
- familial carcinomas of the colon affecting predominantly the cecum and proximal colon
- Assoc with mutation of the MSH2 , MLH1 genes
- What is the primary role of these genes?
- What is one hallmark of patients with these gee defects?
- HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome
- DNA mismatch repair
- microsatellite instability
Benign epithelial neoplasms producing microscopically or macroscopically visible finger-like or warty projections from epithelial surfaces
Malignant tumor arising from smooth muscle cells

the first node in a regional lymphatic basin that receives lymph flow from the primary tumor
Sentinel lymph node
Identify this tumor and grade it

Squamous cell carcinoma; well-differentiated
Identify the material and cancer assoc with this occupation
Shipbuilding yard, roofing industry, insulation
Asbestos- mesothelioma, bronchogenic adenocarcinoma
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
Lung, colon,pancreatic tumors
Tumors that produce papillary patterns and protrude into cystic spaces
papillary cystadenomas.
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following proto-oncogene
Breast carcinoma
Identify the tumor assoc with mutation of the following tumor suppressor gene
Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome
(renal cell carcinoma, cerebellar hemangioblastoma, retinal angioma)
Identify the material and cancer assoc with this occupation
Mining of uranium in underground mines
Radon- lung carcinomas
What is the below mentioned entity an example of?
gastric tissue located in distal ileum in Meckel diverticulum

90% of malignancies of the head and neck region belong to which subtype?
Squamous cell carcinomas