Families and households- Femminism Flashcards
Liberal: What do liberal feminists recognise?
-Women’s position in the family can have adverse effects on their power
-Major responsibilities of childcare and housework impact their careers and health
Liberal: What do liberal feminists think is the best way to improve the position of women?
-Reform measures
-Remove all forms of discrimination
-To establish equality of opportunities for women
-Should be able to make free choices between motherhood, career or both
Liberal: What would these reform measures include?
-Changing socialization and parenting to avoid gender stereotyping
-Establishing and asserting the legal rights of women
-Establish equal pay for women (Equal Pay Act 1970)
-Stop sex discrimination (1975)
-Equality Act (2010)
-Equality in maternity and paternity leave so both mother and father have the same legal rights to time of f work when children are born and parenting is seen as the responsibility of both parents
-Better and more affordable childcare so women and men can combine childcare with successful careers in paid employment
-More sharing of housework and childcare with men
-Stronger action against domestic violence
Radical: What do they focus on?
-Focus on the problem of patriarchy in society and in the family as the main obstacle to women’s equality
-See the family as a patriarchal institution
_family benefits men and oppresses women
Radical: Why do they see the family as a patriarchal institution?
_family benefits men and oppresses women
-Men exercise this power with physical or sexual violence (DV)
Radical: What is the solution to this?
-Polictical lesbianism
-Reject relationships with men
Radical: Why are lesbian relationships advantageous?
-Child abuse is common in heterosexual relationships
-Less likely in a homosexual relationship
Radical: What are the economic arrangements?
-Domestic arrangemangements- Women
-Financial decisions- Men
Radical: what are the 2 main causes of inequality? Why?
-Pregnancy and childrearing
-Makes women more vulnerable
Marxist: What do these feminists emphasize?
-The way women are doubly exploited
-(work a double shift)
-Both as workers in an unequal, exploitative, capitalist society and as a mother
Marxist: What does the family contribute to?
-The maitennece of capitailisim
Marxist: how does the family contribute to the maintenance of capitalism?
Women produce the labour force- unpaid domestic labour
-socialise the next generation of workers into accepting society
Women absorb the anger- they accept the exploitation
The reserve army of cheap labour- when they aren’t needed they are let go of
Difference: What do they recognise?
-That family diversity is increasing
Difference: Why is increasing family diversity a good thing?
-Women may not be exploited in all family types
Example: lone parents cannot be exploited by a cohabiting man
Difference: What can we not generalise about?
Women’s experiences
Evaluate the feminists overal
-The family may benefit some members such as adult males
-Highlights the existence of violence, abuse and exploitation within the family
-Research has been carried out in areas of family life that have not been studied before such as motherhood, pregnancy, childbirth and childcare
-Analyses the contribution of housework to the economy
Give some strengths of liberal feminists
-Offer practical and realistic solutions compared to radical feminists
-Influential in changing attitudes towards family life about domestic arrangements
Give some limitations of liberal feminists
-While they make proposals that might improve the position of women within the existing society they do not tackle the fundamental inequalities that women face because of capitalism and patriarchy
Give an author for liberal? What does she say?
-Proposals to improve modest policy reforms rather than revolutionary change
Give some criticisms of Marxist and radical feminists
-Women’s roles are not the same in all families, some families have dual incomes
-Assume that women are passive victims in the family and do not have any choices
-More women have independent incomes which means that they have more power than feminists imply
-2/3 of divorces are initiated by women, which shows they can escape from oppressive relationships
Marxist: Give an author
-Ansley (1972)
What does Ansley say?
-Women are like sponges, they soak up the frustration due to the exploitation they experience
Radical: Give 2 Authors
What does Greer argue?
-The creation of all female households as an alternative to the heterosexual family
What does Millet argue?
-Family is male-dominated by men using their physical power to assert their control which can often lead to DV
Difference: What does Nicholson argue?
-Women are often better outside traditional families and all types of families and households should be socially accepted because they suit women in different circumstances