Families and households- Family diversity Flashcards
What is family diversity?
Different types of families and households types that exist
Who propsoed the ceral packet family?
Ann Oakley
What is the ceral packet family?
-Media,Marketing and advertising often tries to sell products often tries to sell products to what it sees as a typical family
-Advertising portrays the conventional family as nuclear familys
-These familys are composed of legally married couples, volenterily choosing the parenthood of one of more children (but not to many children)
Which two other authors see this stereotype as mnisleading?
Is the ceral packet family portrayed as the norm?
What does family diversity suggest?
-That no particular type of family is dominant and can be considered the norm
What do the Rappoports point out about the nuclear family?
-They are becoming a minority in britain
What are the different types of family diversity? (CLOGS)
-Cultural diversity
-LIfe stage
-Organisational diversity
-Generational diversity
-Social class
What groups are more likely to live with their (classic) extended family?
-Working class
-South Asian
Which groups are more likely to have larger familys?
How do modified extended familys keep intouch?
-Social media
Chinese households have a high percenbtage of single people but a low percentage of ?
Lone parents
What are some norms for carribean households?
-Low marrige rate (viewed as unimportant)
-HIgh levels of lone parenthood
-Mixed partnerships
-High rates of unemployment and low salries means it is difficult for men to support their familys
-Only 1/4 of black children live with 2 black parents
-More matrifocal
What are some norms in South Asian households?
-Births within marrige,family loyalty=strong, tight knit families, respect for elders
-Arranged marriges
-Hisbands authority over wives, womens roles are in the house
-Large number dof children
-Marrige at a young age 3/4 by 25
-Women do housework instead of paid employment
-Lower divorce rate
-Against cohabitation and lone parent families
-High marrige rate due to religious belifs
Give some examples of regional diversity
-Working class=extended family
-Middle class=nuclear family
Give some reasons why the growth of family diversity hasv llead to a decline in the nuclear family?
-Steady decline in marrige since 1970
-Increase in smae sex couples
-Increased divorce rate
-Shift in attitudes towrads having children
-Decreased birth rate
-Lone parent families
-Increased LAT relationships
-Economic factors (rising cost of living)
-Reconstitued families
-Single person households
-Cultural diversity
-Life stage diversity
-Organisational diversity
-Rappoport (1982)
Give some reasons why the growth of family diversity has not lead to a decline in the nuclear family?
-Ceral packet families
What do functionalists believe about family diversity?
-Positive and desireable as the family is adapting to the needs of society
-Fletcher= increase in diversity is a sign that people have higher expectations in relationships
What do new right believe about family diversity?
-Nuclear family is the best for a functioning society
-Worreis about expressive and instrumental roles
-Problematic espically for boys as who need aqequate role models to learn from
What do marxists believe about family diversity?
-The family adapts to the idea of captitalisim
-Children becoem docile workers and adults work for the ruling class
-Marxists are outdated as Engels and marx wrote before the changes happend
What do femminists believe about family diversity?
-Women now have more choices and alternatives to the nuclear family and patriarchal roles
What do interpretivists believe about family diversity?
-Want to understnad why these cahnges in family strcuture and relationships are happening
What do postmodernists believe about family diversity?
-See it as part of a bigger movemt in terms of more indivual choice becaus eof more choices
-Beck= greater risk to society
What does chester (1985) argue?
-The nuclear family is still overwhelmingly the dominant form
-Neo conventional family-two parents and a small number of children, becuase of the wifes economically active role
What is organisational diversity?
-variations in how familys are structured
What is cultural diversity?
-Different cultures, ethnic and religious groups may have different family structures
Social class diversity?
-Differences between middle and working classin the ways adults have relationships and children are socialised
What is life stage diversity?
-Different family structures often are result of what stage people are in their lives
- Example: newly married couples may have no children
What is generational diversity?
-Different generations will have different life experiences and attitudes
-Older generations may view things such as divorce morally wrong
Why is affluence a reason for an increase in family diversity?
-Corallation between poverty and family size
-Poorer families tend to have more children
Why is divorce a reason for an increase in family diversity?
-Changes to divorve laws have lead to in an increase in lone parebnt and reconstituted families
-Less stigma
Why is medicine a reason for an increase in family diversity?
-Avalibilty of contraception and abortion
Why is sexuality a reason for an increase in family diversity?
-Increased tolerance
Why is a decline religion a reason for an increase in family diversity?
-Increase in cohabbitation
-Decline in the importance of marrige
-Increase in divorce
-Avalibilty of marrige
-Less sacred and not seen as a sin to have children outside of marrige