Facial Muscles, Mastication, and Tongue Flashcards
Which muscle compresses the cheek?
Which muscle creates suction? Eg a straw
What actions does the buccinator help perform?
Suction, whistling, playing the trumpet
What is the difference between the buccinator and the risorius?
Is differentiated from risorius because the buccinator is a bigger muscle
Which muscle wrinkles the skin of the chin?
Which muscle is used to pout?
What shape are mentalis muscles?
“V” shaped
What muscle raises the upper lip?
Lavator labii superioris
Which muscle causes a sneer or snarl?
Levator labii superioris
Which muscle flares just the nostril/nare?
And spell
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Which levator labii muscle is longer?
The lavator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Which two muscles raise the upper lip?
Levator labii superioris
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Which muscle lowers the lower lip?
Depressor labii inferioris
Which facial expression does the depressor labii inferioris create?
What muscle closes the lips?
Orbicularis oris
Which muscle aids is speech?
Orbicularis oris
This muscle protrudes lips as in kissing.
Orbicularis oris
Which muscle depresses the corners of the mouth?
Depressor anguli oris
Which facial expression does the depressor anguli oris create?
What is the antagonist of the depressor anguli oris?
Levator anguli oris
Which muscle brings up the corners of the mouth?
Levator anguli oris
Which muscle expresses smiles and laughter?
Levator anguli oris
What muscle is synergistic with the elevator anguli oris?
Zygomaticus major
What does the nasalis muscle do?
Widens the whole nostril during inhalation
Which muscle creates horizontal wrinkles between the eyes?
Which muscles are responsible for the creases between the eyes?
Procerus- horizontal
Corrugator supercilli- vertical
Which muscle draws down the medial angle of the eyebrows?
The procures provides ______ help with eye frown.
Which muscle elevates the mandible for forceful biting?
Which muscles elevate the mandible?
Medial pterygoid
What is the origin and insertion of the master?
Origin: Zygomatic arch
Insertion: Lateral (outside) surface of mandibular ramus and angle
The masseter is ________ to the buccinator.
Shallow/ on top of
Which muscle elevates and protrudes the mandible?
Medial pterygoid
Which muscles are responsible for lateral and medial excursion of the mandible?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Where does the medial pterygoid insert?
Inserts on medial mandible (inside)
Which two muscles insert on opposite aspects of the mandible?
Masseter: Lateral (outside)
Medial Pterygoid: Medial (inside)
Which muscles depresses the mandible?
Lateral pterygoid
Which muscle opens the mouth?
Lateral pterygoid
The intrinsic muscles of the tongue are _______ the tongue.
What do the intrinsic muscles of the tongue do?
Mainly concerned in altering the shape of the tongue and talking
What is the fan-shaped muscle that forms the bulk of the interior tongue?
To stick your tongue out the _______ is used, and to pull it back in, the _______ is used.
What is sticking out the tongue called?
Protrude the apex
What does the genioglossus do the medial tongue?
It creates a groove that helps push food back
Why doesn’t the tongue block the airway?
Because the genioglossus is attached and keeps the tongue from falling back
Which muscle depresses the sides of the tongue?
What bone is the hyoglossus attached to?
Which muscle elevates and retracts the tongue?
What bone is the styoglossus attached to?
Styloid process of the temporal bone
Which muscle elevates the sides of the posterior tongue?
This muscle elevates the sides of the tongue, while this muscle depresses the sides of the tongue.
Which muscle pulls the sides of the soft palate down to the tongue?
What does the palatoglossus form at the back of the oral cavity?
Palatoglossal arch
Which muscle elevates the hyoid?
What is the function of the stylohyoid?
Retracts the hyoid, pulls it up and back
Which muscle elongates the mouth during swallowig?
Which two muscles attach to the hyoid?
What does the temporalis muscle do?
Elevates the mandible for biting/chewing
The temporalis muscle ________ the mandible. (movement)
What is the origin of the temporalis?
Temporal lines of the parietal and frontal bones
What is the insertion of the temporalis?
Coronoid process of the mandible
What is the function of the temporalis?
Biting, chewing, retraction of mandible
Which muscle protrudes the lower lip?